One Coventry
One Coventry is the narrative that describes the Council’s objectives, key strategies, and approaches. It includes the Council’s vision and priorities; new ways of working; and core areas of activity. One Coventry will help improve the city and improve people’s lives; deliver the Council Plan; better use resources to deliver better outcomes for people; and help the Council meet the challenges of increasing demand and reduction in funding.
- One Coventry Plan
- Council Plan
The One Coventry Plan sets out our vision and priorities for the city:
Globally connected
Promote the growth of a sustainable Coventry economy by:
• supporting businesses to grow;
• developing the city centre;
• creating infrastructure for the city to thrive; and
• raising the profile of Coventry.
And ensure that residents share in the benefits by:
• helping local people into jobs;
• increasing the supply, choice, and quality of housing;
• reducing the impact of poverty; and
• increasing access to arts, sports, and cultural opportunities
Locally committed
Improve the quality of life for Coventry people by:
• creating an attractive, cleaner, and greener city;
• improving educational outcomes;
• making communities safer; and
• improving health and wellbeing.
Especially for our most vulnerable residents by:
• protecting our most vulnerable people; and
• reducing health inequalities
Delivering our priorities with fewer resources
Make the most of our assets and work closer with partners and residents
About the performance report
This annual performance report sets out the progress made towards the One Coventry Plan. For each objective, this report sets out the trends, actions taken, and performance metrics, to provide an objective assessment of the progress made against previous years and with other places.
The Council uses indicators to show progress made towards its priorities. This is supported by a wider basket of measures such as equality and perception measures that help explain the trends and story behind the headlines. Indicators are selected from key strategies and aligned to directorate priorities.
Open data
Infographics, open data, maps and a publication schedule are available at www.coventry.gov.uk/infoandstats/. The Citywide Intelligence Hub, a one-stop data platform providing a “single source of truth” of data and evidence about Coventry is also available at www.coventry.gov.uk/citywideintelhub/citywideintelhub
Abbreviations and symbols used
A note on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
The final weeks of 2019/20 were affected dramatically in the UK and worldwide by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is fair to say that no single event has had such a profound effect on the lives of people in this country since the Second World War.
The pandemic will have a substantial impact on the city – on the city’s economic performance, tourism, adult social care, city centre regeneration, poverty reduction, access to culture and sport, reducing health inequalities – indeed every aspect of the work of the Council and the life of Coventry’s residents, communities, businesses and organisations. Covering the period April 2019 to March 2020, this year’s annual report reflects the comparative calm and coveted stability pre-pandemic and cannot begin to reflect the significant changes that have happened. Our intention is for this report to serve as a baseline against which the ramifications of the global pandemic for Coventry will be compared. While the full ramifications of the pandemic are still to be fully known – and will fall in the 2020/21 financial year, some of the most impactful developments for Coventry in 2019/20 included:
• the halting of universal schooling but with the maintenance of school opening for vulnerable children and those of workers in key sectors;
• the need to ensure food and other support for vulnerable groups;
• the ordering of large amounts of personal protective equipment (PPE);
• arrangements providing for a temporary sub-regional mortuary facility;
• responding to changes in the demand for and nature of adult and children’s social care and homelessness provision;
• financial support for suppliers of goods and services to the Council;
• processing of cash grants and rate reliefs to business ratepayers and managing reliefs for Council Tax payers;
• ceasing many direct face-to-face services to the public; and
• the wide-scale relocation of several thousand officers from office-based activity to working from home
COVID-19 health impact assessment
Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and NHS organisations in the area have completed a joint Coventry and Warwickshire Covid-19 Health Impact Assessment.
Using metrics and indicators, plus evidence from partners and communities, the assessment considers the impact on:
• the wider determinants of health;
• our health behaviour and lifestyles;
• the integrated health and care system; and
• the places and communities we live in, and with.
The assessment can be read alongside this One Coventry Plan annual performance report to understand the impact that the pandemic is beginning to have in our sub-region. The assessment can be read at: www.smarturl.it/covid-19-assessment