Searching with reference, address or other text
The main search page has a very comprehensive set of options to search for an application. You can use any or a combination of these. Some are free text, some are drop-down lists, and some are date ranges.
The easiest way to find a specific application is to put in the reference in the top left box, but it has to be the FULL reference ie RMM/2019/3059
The other text boxes are ‘wildcard’ searches, they’re not case sensitive there is no need for capital letters. You can use these boxes to find a particular word in a proposal or address or applicant name, no wildcard symbol is needed. Press Enter or click ‘Search’ to search using the options you have selected.
If anything is found, the search results list is displayed at the bottom of the page, you will need to scroll down to see this. The list is in order of application reference, the most recent at the top.
If there are too many results, you can narrow down your search by using more of the options, for instance, a decision date from/to, or a ward, or an application type. Search again to see the results.
To find a specific address such as a house on a street, search the Street Name (and any other options to narrow down your search), then in the list of results, you can use your browser's built-in text search (usually Ctrl+F). You might also want to try the map search option.
Tip: there is also the Weekly Lists option in the left-hand menu, to see a list of applications received, or decided, in a specific week.
Click the ‘View’ button to open up the application, in a new browser tab. Click here to skip to the next section in this guide.
You should see the top section of the screen is the application details, with the application type, address, proposal details, applicant, the decision if it has been made, the relevant dates, and the Planning Officer dealing with it.
Underneath that you will normally see a map of the area as a snapshot image – the proposal area has a blue border.