
Coventry City Council adopted its Local Plan and accompanying Area Action Plan for the City Centre in December 2017. These documents set out how much and what kind of development is needed up until the year 2031, where it should go, and what policies should be applied in order to help the Council decide whether planning applications are acceptable or not. They are known as Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and are prepared in line with a strict legal process.

The Government currently requires that the policies of the adopted Local Plan should be reviewed every five years to see if they are up to date or whether they need changing or even rewriting to reflect changes to national policy or other matters.

This is what we are now doing. We are carrying out a full review which means that we are reviewing every policy to see what needs changing and why, and whether there are any new policies we should be introducing.

In particular we need to be considering the review of the plan in the light of changes to national government planning policy, and the Council’s priorities including the One Coventry Plan and the emerging Climate Change strategy.

Local Plans need to plan at least 15 years ahead, so we are now looking to the year 2041 in terms of what we need.

The adopted Local Plan (and therefore the area subject to review) covers the entire administrative area of Coventry City Council, as shown on the blue line on the map below. The grey area is that covered by the city centre Area Action Plan.

A map showing Coventry and its borders