
On referral, ‘Jane’ completed a Strengths and Needs Assessment (SANA) with the Pod, as a way of looking at all aspects of her life and considering what she wanted to change. This was completed over the phone as she didn’t feel able to leave the house at this time.  The main things ‘Jane’ wanted to change were to get out of the house, feel useful and feel some joy in something again.  She also wanted to negotiate a clear plan of action in terms of prescribed medication and therapy options with health professionals.

After many phone calls and talking about ideas, ’Jane’ agreed to travel by bus from home to the Pod with her Development Worker, where they chatted and had tea.  Over time, she became more comfortable with the bus journey and agreed to travel alone for future meetings. 

'Jane’ established that she would like to look at volunteering at a school, supporting children to read - something she used to enjoy.  Her Development Worker supported her to contact schools and eventually attend an interview.  ‘Jane’ volunteers regularly and is greatly valued by the school.

‘Jane’s’ Development Worker also sourced and attended a taster yoga session with her, which was enjoyable, but she decided was not right for her in the end.  She fancied trying a local singing group and after researching with her Development Worker, found a class that ran in the city centre.  When the course finished, she wanted something a bit more upbeat and challenging.  Jane and her Development Worker researched again and found a bigger, established national choir organisation and went together for the first couple of sessions.  ‘Jane’ attends regularly and travels independently when she feels well enough to do so.

If ‘Jane’ has difficulty contacting health professionals, her Development Worker is there to support her to contact the right person and make sure her views and sometimes the views of her family are heard.  ‘Jane’ also asked her Development Worker to support with a Blue Badge application, which was successful.

‘Jane’ experiences changes in her mental health which can feel debilitating and deflating.   She talks through these changes with her Development Worker.  Both recognise that no one person’s recovery or life is linear; they adapt and work together to look at ways of approaching things and sourcing the right professional support if needed.