The Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood scheme has been guided first and foremost by the priorities identified by residents that align to the core aims of the project. However, we have used traffic data and traffic modelling to contextualise what people have told us, and to understand the impacts on the wider traffic network. 

The data collected and analysed falls into five categories:

  • Historic data – under the conditions laid down by the Planning Enquiry for the Friargate development, we are obliged to collect annual traffic counts in a number of streets in the area around Coventry station. This includes streets in Earlsdon.
  • Pre-project data – information we gathered at a very early stage, before we knew the full extent of local concerns and priorities, but based on problems previously communicated to us by the community
  • Responsive data – data that we gathered after the first round of community engagement (December 2022 to March 2023), which was used to provide a deeper understanding and context to some of the issues raised up to that point
  • Modelling data – in determining and refining the proposals, we undertook traffic modelling to understand the wider impact on the road network of the potential changes. This included ruling out options that were never taken to public consultation, on the basis of the significant impact on traffic.  
  • Ongoing monitoring data – this is the most recent data, and as yet has not been analysed as it is intended to provide a baseline for monitoring and evaluating the effects of the scheme.