School Street consultation and monitoring

School Streets are normally introduced on a trial basis using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, during the trial the scheme is monitored, and any issues reviewed before a decision is taken whether to make a scheme permanent. Residents, local businesses, and the school are consulted before a scheme is introduced and once a scheme goes live, further feedback is used to help inform the final decision as to whether to make the scheme permanent.

Once a scheme is live, a statutory 6 month objection period starts. During this period, we collect any feedback from residents, parents, school staff and the wider community which is used to decide if any amendments are required. Updates and information on how you can comment on a scheme will be made available on this School Streets website once the scheme goes live.

Scheme monitoring

We will undertake a range of measures to monitor and assess the School Street, which includes:

  • monitoring cameras to access the level of compliance with the restriction
  • traffic and pedestrian data to understand how the scheme is impacting travel behaviour and choices
  • consultation feedback from residents, parents, and other stakeholders
  • site observations
  • school survey data in partnership with Living Streets.

A successful scheme should mean that the road is visibly quieter, safer, and cleaner during the times this is in place. We will collect data and capture feedback to identify if this has been achieved during the trial period.

Traffic Management Team

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street