Telling us about harm or mistreatment if you are a provider or professional

If you are a provider (residential home, nursing home, day care, care agency, housing with care establishment) or a professional or council worker, please complete the online Adult Social Care referral form.  

Any updates on concerns already raised should be discussed with the allocated social worker, if you are unsure who that is contact Adult Social Care Direct: 024 7683 3003 or email

If you have reported a concern about abuse or neglect and you are dissatisfied with the decision not to investigate, please view our Escalation Policy.

Also see:

Making Safeguarding referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

If you dismiss or remove a person from regulated activity (or may have done so had they not left) because they have harmed or posed a risk of harm to a child or vulnerable adult, then you have a legal duty to refer the person to the DBS.

The DBS's role is to make barring decisions about people who are referred to it (usually following an employer's disciplinary process), with the possible consequence of the person being barred from working or volunteering with children and/or vulnerable adults. The DBS uses a fair, thorough and consistent process that ensures that the decision it reaches is both proportionate and appropriate to the risk the person poses to children or vulnerable adults.

The DBS website provides a range of materials to help you to consider or make a referral. This includes a Referral Form, Referral Guidance, FAQs and a series of factsheets.

You may also contact the DBS Helpline on 03000 200 190 for information or advice about making a referral.

Disciplinaries, suspensions or redeployment? Do you know your referral duty?

Do you know that when you have cause to move or remove an employee (or may have done had they not resigned) because they have harmed a child or vulnerable adult - or there was a risk of harm you have a legal duty to refer the person to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)?

We know that many 'regulated activity' employers make referrals, but we believe that some employers might need more information to support them when safeguarding allegations arise.

Also see: People in Position of Trust (PoT)