If you have been invited to attend an event Safety Advisory Group (SAG), this may be the first time and you may not know what to expect. This advice sheet aims to answer some of the questions you may have.
What is Coventry City Council’s event SAG?
The role of Coventry City Council’s event Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is to provide specialist advice to event organisers. It is the group’s main objective that all events held in Coventry uphold the highest standards of public safety and wellbeing of the public, operatives, participants etc.
Who will be at the SAG
The SAG is hosted by a Chair and an Executive Support Officer. The following teams have people who are core members of the SAG:
- Coventry City Council
- Events
- Licensing
- Environmental Health (health and safety & food safety)
- Environmental Protection (noise)
- Highways
- Parks
- Emergency Planning
- Public Health
- West Midlands Fire Service
- West Midlands Ambulance Service
- West Midlands Police
Depending on the size, location and nature of the event there may also be additional people.
Why have I been asked to attend a SAG?
You may have been invited to a SAG for various reasons, such as it being a condition of your licence or booking, or it may be due to the size or nature of your event.
Will I get permission for the event?
No. SAG members will give advice but cannot give approval for your event. The event organiser is responsible for the health and safety of those involved in the event including members of the public, stewards and volunteers.
Is it very formal?
SAG members are aware it can appear daunting, so we try to keep proceedings informal and friendly. SAG members will need to ask some questions about your plans so come prepared. You will be asked to give a brief presentation to the group of your event and then the members of the SAG will be invited to make comments and ask questions. You will also be able to ask any questions of the SAG members and get advice from them. It may be that you will be put in contact with a SAG member to discuss more detailed plans outside of the meeting.
Do I need to provide any information in advance?
The type and detail in your paperwork will vary and will be dependent on the size and nature of your event. You will be asked to provide any relevant information, for example event safety management plans, risk assessments and methods statements before attending SAG. It is useful for SAG members to have this before the meeting so they can read it and identify any areas they may want to discuss further and provide advice on. Depending on the timing of your event these may be early drafts, but it will be understood by SAG members that these will be documents which will be amended as plans continue to be made and changed.
Can I bring someone along?
Yes. Depending on the nature of your event you should consider if it may be relevant or helpful to bring others along who may have more detailed knowledge of certain areas e.g. a nominated safety advisor, security company, representative of pyrotechnics company etc. If your event is small scale and you are nervous about attending, you can bring someone along for moral support.
How long will I be there?
This will depend on various factors such as size and complexity of the event. For some smaller events the SAG members may only ask about one aspect of the event, however for large, more complex events you may be invited to more than one SAG.
Will I have to attend in person?
SAG appreciates that event organisers, or additional people that you want to bring to SAG, may not always be local to Coventry. It may also be that due to other commitments at busier times, attending the SAG in person may be difficult. In these cases there will be an option to attend the meeting virtually rather than in person.
What will I be asked about at SAG?
You will be asked to give an overview of the event when you attend SAG, and you will be asked questions. Examples of areas you may be asked about include:
- Description of the event
- Audience profile and expected numbers
- Dates and times
- Overview of site plan
- Security and stewarding
- First aid provision
- Fire safety
- Toilet provision
- Food vendors
- Use of special effects
- Use of temporary structures
- Car parking provision
- Traffic management and any road closures
- Access for emergency vehicles
- Emergency evacuation procedures
- Crowd safety
- Site build and clearance
- Noise considerations
- Licensing requirements
- Health and safety of site throughout event
- Production / availability of risk assessments
- Production of an Event Safety Management Plan
What happens after SAG
After the SAG you will be sent a copy of the minutes which were relevant to your event. One of the members of SAG may also contact you to discuss matters in further detail and give advice. Depending on the size and nature of the event you may also be invited back to SAG at a later date to give a debrief.
What if I have any further questions?
If you have any further questions please email CCCSafetyAdvisoryGroup@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:CCCSafetyAdvisoryGroup@coventry.gov.uk]