How primary school places were allocated for September 2024

Local Authority Community Schools, Voluntary Controlled Schools and Academy Schools

The Admissions Policy of the City Council in the event of over-subscription for Local Authority Community, Voluntary Controlled Primary and some Academy Schools for 2024 entry is:

All children with an Education, Health and Care Plan that name the school will be admitted before all other applicants.

  • Criteria 1: Children who, at the time of admission, are in the care of a local authority or are provided with accommodation by the authority (looked after children). Also children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted, or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order. This also includes those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.  A looked after child is defined in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989.
  • Criteria 2: To children who live in the catchment area served by the school, who have a brother or sister attending the school provided that the brother or sister will continue to attend that school the following year;
  • Criteria 3: To other children who live in the catchment area served by the school;
  • Criteria 4: To children who live outside the catchment area with a brother or sister who currently attends the school provided that the brother or sister will continue to attend that school the following year;
  • Criteria 5: To children of Staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application for the school place; or recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage;
  • Criteria 6: To all other children

If it was not possible to meet all the requests in any one of the categories described above, the City Council has prioritised the requests based on the distance to the school.  A straight-line measurement has been made from the child's home address to the centre of the preferred school site. The address used must be the child's permanent home address. The shortest measurement has highest priority.

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

ACE provides independent advice to parents/carers of children in state-funded schools on admissions and appeals. Visit their website:

Allocation of Coventry primary school places for September 2024 as of National Offer day 16 April 2024

On 16 April 2024 we have been able to offer places at requested schools to most applicants, and the majority of primary schools still have some places available. In the table below we have listed the 32 schools that are full. It was not possible to offer places to all who requested them and places at these oversubscribed schools were allocated using the criteria in each school admissions policy.

The table shows the number of places offered to all those who applied on time (by 15 January 2024) and where the school was oversubscribed, we include details of the last place offered. 

In the section on last places offered we list the criteria that the offer was made under eg catchment area. If you click on the name of the school this will take you to their admissions policy for 2024 for further details. We also show the distance from the school to the home address of the last child given a place.


Primary school place allocation


Places offered

Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made



All Saints’ CE Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.233 of a mile



All Souls Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 4 (other baptised children with a sibling) some offered up to a distance of 1.07 miles



Broad Heath Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.943 of a mile



Christ the King

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 9 (non-catholic children in area) some up to a distance of 0.102 of a mile



Courthouse Green

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 1.655 miles



Ernesford Grange Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 1.029 miles



Good Shepherd Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some up to a distance of 0.49 of a mile



Gosford Park Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.583 of a mile



Grangehurst Primary

Places offered


Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made

Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.652 of a mile



Holy Family Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some up to a distance of 0.365 of a mile



Howes Primary

Places offered


Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made

Criteria 3 (Catchment) all requests under this criterion offered



John Shelton Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.428 of a mile



Longford Park Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests allocated



Manor Park Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.83 of a mile



Park Hill Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests allocated



Sacred Heart Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 0.192 of a mile



Sidney Stringer Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 4 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.369 of a mile



Southfields Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests allocated



St Anne’s Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some up to a distance of 0.529 of a mile



St Augustine's Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some up to a distance of 0.502 of a mile



St Elizabeth's Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some up to a distance of 0.270 of a mile



St Gregory's Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests allocated



St John Vianney Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children with a sibling) all requests allocated to a distance of 1.678 miles



St Mary & St Benedict Catholic

Places offered


Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made

Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 0.348 of a mile



St Osburg's Catholic

Places offered


Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made

Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 0.53 of a mile



St Patrick’s Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 0.33 of a mile



St Thomas More Catholic

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 8 (non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 0.376 of a mile



Stivichall Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 2.115 miles



Stoke Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests agreed



Whittle Academy

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 0.426 of a mile



Willenhall Community

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


All requests allocated



Wyken Croft Primary

Places offered



Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made


Criteria 6 (distance) some offered up to a distance of 1.233 miles

If your child has been allocated a place at a school you did not request (rank 8) this is because Coventry have been unable to accommodate your preferences, as a result a place has been reserved for your child at the nearest school with a place available.

If you have been refused a Coventry school place you have the right to appeal against the decision. Register your appeal.

Places at schools in another authority

If your child has been offered a place at a school in another Authority please see details below regarding accepting/refusing the school place.

If you fail to accept the offer of a place it could result in the place being withdrawn.

Warwickshire Admissions Service

01926 414143

Only inform Warwickshire if you wish to refuse the school place offered; Email:

Solihull School Admissions

0121 704 6693

Only inform Solihull if you wish to refuse the school place offered; Email:

Birmingham School Admissions

0121 303 1888

Only inform Birmingham if you wish to refuse the school place offered.  Email

Admissions team - Primary

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm, Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm Telephone line available 10am - 3.30pm.

Telephone: 024 7697 5445