Please find below the documents confirming the process to be followed by the local authority:

If it has not been possible to offer your child a place at your preferred school, the City Council will write to you to explain the reasons why it was not possible to offer you a place at your preferred school and the process for appealing against this decision. More information on timescales and ways to register an appeal.

The School Appeals Team is responsible for administering the arrangements for appeals for Community Schools and ensuring that they are heard by an Independent Appeal Panel made up of people who have no connection at all with the original decision.

The responsibility for appeals for Academy, Trust and Voluntary Aided Schools rests with the individual schools. Parents who are refused places will be advised of the arrangements for making an appeal or should contact the school.

The following schools make arrangements for their own appeals and you should contact the school for details:

  • All Catholic Primary and Secondary Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies (except Christ the King Catholic Primary School and St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School)
  • Blue Coat Church of England School and Music College,
  • Caludon Castle School
  • Charter Academy
  • Eden Girls School, Coventry
  • Ernesford Grange Community Academy
  • Finham Park School
  • Finham Park 2 School
  • Foxford Community School
  • Leigh Church of England Primary School
  • Meadow Park School
  • Sidney Stringer Academy
  • St Bartholomew’s Church of England primary School
  • St John's Church of England Primary School
  • St Laurence’s Church of England Primary School
  • Stretton Church of England Academy
  • The Westwood Academy

Please note: If your appeal for a school is unsuccessful, you may not appeal for the same school within an academic year unless there has been a material or significant change to your circumstances.

To register an appeal for other authority schools

If you wish to register an appeal for other authority schools, please contact them directly.

Birmingham City Council

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Warwickshire County Council

School appeals

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 2647