The Data Team work with a broad spectrum of schools and education data.

Team members focus on specialist areas, but collaborate closely to provide an all-round, customer focused service, supporting schools and colleagues across the City and beyond in using data to drive decision making.

Team leads


Job title


Helen Masefield

Education Standards, Performance and Governance Lead

024 7697 7762

Kevin Coughlan

Performance Manager

024 7697 1737

Ray Arber

Systems Development Consultant

024 7697 1743



Job title

Area of specific expertise


David Woodhouse

Lead Performance Analyst

Youth Justice Service (YJS)

Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4

024 7697 1744

Barbara Noronha

Lead Performance Analyst

Family Hubs

Reporting and data extraction

024 7697 1739

Lee Carvell

Lead Performance Analyst

Early Years

Family Hubs


024 7697 1742

Rayna Begum


School Census

School Workforce Census

YJS Support

024 7697 2076

Emine McCartney


School Records of Visits

024 7697 2022

Sayanth Rathnendranath Analyst

West Midlands Regional Analysis

School Census Support

Rakshit Agrawal Analyst

Key Statistics

YJS Support

Najam Sheikh Business Systems and User Development Lead

Capita One 

Central system support


What do we do?

We provide timely, high-quality information and systems to support school staff and Early Years Providers.

We work with other services within the Authority to link datasets together to provide a 360o view of everything that might impact the life chances of students or their families.

By making use of technology to develop new systems, we can offer a professional support service to help schools in managing data effectively. This in turn will enable schools to make decisions based on accurate performance and demographic information in addition to helping to meet statutory obligations for statistical returns to central government.

Our services to you

  • Guidance and support on submission of statutory statistical returns including the School and Workforce Census and the annual Key Stage Statutory Assessment Returns.
  • Telephone and on-site customer support and guidance in the effective use of programs and systems, for example:
  • FFT Aspire
  • NCER Perspective Lite
  • Bespoke support for additional data analysis and, where applicable, software systems needed for self-evaluation and school improvement.
  • A rapid response to data needs during OFSTED inspections in partnership with colleagues across the Education and Improvement and Standards service.

We can also provide school-specific analyses across a range of data sets including:

Attainment: Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1-4 and Post-16

  • School, city and national attainment statistics and trend analysis.
  • Progress between key stages
  • Sub-group analysis by school and city (e.g. pupil premium and SEND)

School level demographic statistics:

  • Pupil numbers on roll trends
  • Pupil plotting maps
  • Free school meals
  • Pre-school (ages 0-4) numbers in school catchment areas
  • In-year transience and attendance trends
  • Exclusion trends
  • Tracing UPN’s for students new to school via the DfE’s Get Information About Pupils (GIAP) service
  • B2B (business-to-business) validation of pupils' records to maintain accurate pupil data to support statutory returns and key central services

We facilitate data sharing within school collaboratives/networks for planning and review including setting up and maintaining groups on FFT ASPIRE.

Guidance, training and support in the use of national software:

  • National Consortium for Exam Results (NCER)
  • Provide secondary schools with KS4 and KS5 data and analysis via Perspective Lite/NOVA software.
  • Provide primary schools with EYFS, KS1 & KS2 data and analysis via Perspective Lite/NOVA software.
  • ASP (Analyse School Performance) DfE
  • Enable schools to use and interpret ASP effectively
  • Provide schools with access to FFT ASPIRE to enable schools to update the online database to reflect their current pupil cohort

Data Team

Telephone: 024 7697 1737 [tel:02476971737]

Coventry Education Key Statistics

This report has been produced by the Data Team, who work closely with Coventry schools to collect, process and analyse their school and pupil information.

The Data Team also maintains a comprehensive suite of up-to-date reports and dashboards for central service teams. In addition data is uploaded to our LA partner website NEXUS Perspective Lite covering attainment, progress and key demographic trends giving schools a focused view of their information with national comparison.

Please contact the Data Team on [] to discuss any specific requirements.