What can families do to help?

  • Reduce background noise as much as possible
  • If you can, speak with them in a quiet, distraction-free space.
  • Make sure they are looking at you when you are speaking.
  • Use short simple sentences if they are finding it hard to follow.
  • Speak at a slightly slower rate and at an increased volume.
  • Pause frequently if you are speaking to them for a longer time.
  • Reinforce instructions. Difficulty with following instructions is possibly the single most common need. Ask your child/ young person to repeat the instructions back to you aloud and to keep repeating them aloud (or to themselves) until the instructions are completed. Make certain they understand the instructions and are not just repeating your words. For instructions that are to be completed at a later time, writing notes, wearing a watch and maintaining a predictable routine in your household can also help.
  • Help your child/ young person to be organised, at home and at school. • When possible, use pictures/ visual support (such as a visual timetable for school). Put these up where they can see them.
  • Simplify your language if your child/ young person doesn’t understand you.
  • Give them your full attention when communicating and listen carefully.
  • Avoid speaking to your child/ young person from a different room
  • Allow them extra time to process what has been said, and then to think of their answer.
  • Try not to talk for or pre-empt your child (such as finishing sentences or filling in gaps for them)
  • If they are upset, frustrated or overwhelmed communicate with as few words as possible. At this point, they will be finding it even harder to process what you are saying.

SEMH and Learning Team

Address: PO Box 15, Coventry, CV1 5RR

Telephone: 024 7678 8400