Information and resources to support your child's communication development

Children putting hands up in class

Expected Ages and Stages

Over 1.9 million children currently struggle with talking and understanding words, if you would like to see how far your child has developed with their talking, please see the Progress Tracker.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) provides assessment, advice and intervention for children who have difficulties communicating (understanding and/or expressing their needs) or have eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties.

Parents/carers are invited to all assessment and intervention sessions. The speech and language therapists set their speech and language therapy targets along with the child / young person and their families. 

Some children have very specific needs which require our input urgently. This includes children with swallowing difficulties or those who have recently had a major head injury or surgery, leading to sudden onset speech, language, or communication difficulties. These children tend to be referred directly to us via their doctor. 

Who should I contact if I have concerns?

You can also get free help and advice from Speech and Language UK 

How do I know if my child has a difficulty with speech, language, or communication? 

Children typically develop certain skills at certain age ranges. However, it is worth noting that all children are different and that there is a very wide range of ‘typical’ development.  You may be concerned if your child has:

  • unclear speech
  • a stutter/stammer
  • difficulty understanding you
  • difficulty using the right words or making sentences
  • an unusual voice quality
  • difficulty talking in certain social situations or environments

Pathways for Professionals

For guidance and support for referrals for children to speak to a speech and language therapist please see the Speech, Language and Communication Referral Pathway