
The Strategic Energy Partnership is a partnership between E.ON and Coventry City Council. 

The initiative will see E.ON become the city’s new Strategic Energy Partner, forming an alliance that will build a cleaner and more sustainable city and drive a new green economy that will bring jobs and skills for generations to come.

As a result of the partnership, we will work together to develop ideas and projects for the benefit of Coventry residents and develop a strategic plan aligned to all five priorities of our One Coventry Plan [].

Watch Cllr Jim O'Boyle, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change, and Chris Norbury, CEO of E.ON UK, explain the partnership below. 

Working with E.ON

E.ON UK has been based in Coventry for 30 years and shares the Council's desire to see the city thrive in a sustainable way.

As part of the international E.ON group, E.ON UK will be brining its  expertise, knowledge and skills to the partnership.

By working with E.ON, taking advantage of their support and experience,  the Council hopes to be able to undertake and realise a number of projects that would otherwise have been difficult for the Council to undertake. 

Working together to tackle climate change

As a City Council, we're committed to protecting the environment and reaching our sustainability goals. 

Our draft Climate Change Strategy [/draftclimatechangestrategy] sets out our plans to ensure that Coventry is sustainable and prosperous. 

However, Climate Change represents a major challenge for Coventry that we cannot tackle on our own. Only by working with committed partners like E.ON can we achieve our goal to create a better future for Coventry. 

The four themes driving the partnership

1. Clean local energy  

This theme is about making sure that Coventry residents have access to clean, locally generated energy. Projects working under this theme will focus on increasing local renewable energy generation and heat decarbonisation.

2. Jobs and skills

This theme is about making sure that our work provides employment and learning opportunities for Coventry residents from all backgrounds. This will be achieved through partnerships with educational institutions as well as providing hands-on experience for the next generation. Central to this theme is a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

3. Innovation and scale

This theme is about using innovative solutions to tackle issues. Coventry has a history of innovation and a reputation as being at the forefront of the green industrial revolution. Projects working under this theme will aim to build on that reputation.

4. Community benefits

This theme is about ensuring that all communities and residents benefit from our work. As part of the partnership we will engage with vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities to provide them with energy support and advice.