Principle C: Defining outcomes in terms of sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits
1. Defining outcomes
The Council defines its outcomes in the One Coventry Plan – this is our strategic, corporate plan. The One Coventry Plan is focussed on the needs and aspirations of our communities. It also contains the One Coventry Performance Framework which contains the targets we will be working to deliver. Members and senior officers regularly monitor how well the Council is delivering work towards meetings the targets. The Cabinet take a report every six months on progress toward target. These reports are published and are discussed publicly.
2. Sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits
The One Coventry Plan focusses on economic, social and environmental benefits. The Plan is underpinned by a number of strategies which help us to deliver the plan. This includes the Medium Term Financial Strategy (which helps us to plan our spending over a three year period), the Climate Change Strategy and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Every decision making report contains information on how the decision will impact on people and the environment. For significant policy changes full Equality Impact Assessments are undertaken.
The Council has a Social Value and Sustainability Policy. This means that we look at maximising the wider benefit for our city through meeting our needs when we purchase goods and services in a way that achieves value for money for the life of the contract. This means that whilst the cost of the contract is important we also look at what else can be gained – for example, apprenticeship opportunities or environmentally friendly working practices.