Some of these links will take you to external websites, which are not managed or endorsed by Coventry City Council.
- ePEP (electronic Personal Education Plan) []
- The Role of the Designated Teacher []
- Promoting the Education of Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children []
- Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) []
- The Sutton Trust Teaching & Learning Toolkit []
- Coventry School Admissions []
- Policies and Guidance []
- Care leavers: Through Care [/throughcare]
- School placement moves policy []
- Mentoring Service referral form []
- Activity Feedback Form []
Training resources
- Developing Reading Skills in Key Stage 3 []
- What is meant by a 'broad & balanced curriculum in KS3 &KS4'? []
- Attachment and Trauma Training for Schools []
- Communication, Attachment and Looked After Children []
- A Trauma Informed School - What does this mean on a day to day basis? []
- A Trauma Informed Primary School - What does this look like on a day to day basis? []
Virtual School
Our telephone is not monitored permanently during office hours. If your query is of an urgent nature please email us.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
ePEP - (electronic Personal Education Plan)
Coventry Virtual School introduced a new electronic PEP system in September 2016, replacing the original "Paper PEP" format.
ePEP allows linked professionals to access and enter education details using a secure online portal.
Once a PEP meeting is initiated, the system generates invitations via e-mail, and allows information to be viewed online by associated professionals.
It also tracks individual students' attainment and progress, thus allowing users to monitor how well a young person is doing in school whilst in care.
Log into ePEP []
To request that a new user be created or for guidance on logging into ePEP please contact the Virtual School []
Video training material [] is available online.
Please contact eGovDigital [] for a password to access these materials.
Virtual School
Our telephone is not monitored permanently during office hours. If your query is of an urgent nature please email us.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097