Guidance on who to contact for various types of flooding.

Flooding from public sewers

Severn Trent Water Ltd own and manage the network of public foul and surface water sewers in Coventry.

To report an overflowing public sewer, you should contact Severn Trent Water Ltd. They can be contacted on 0800 783 4444. In order to follow up any sewer enquiries, please take note of the reference number provided by Severn Trent Water Ltd.

Further advice on sewer flooding is available at [].

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Flooding from a burst water main

Severn Trent Water Ltd is responsible for its supply up to, and including, the water stopcock. In the event of a burst water main, please contact Severn Trent Water Ltd on 0800 783 4444 or using the Severn Trent website [].

Flooding from the Public Highway

Report flooding coming from a drain in the road or footway [/reportdrainsfloodingandrivers]

You can also report blocked road drain gratings. 

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Flooding from private sewers or drains

Waste water pipes that are located within the boundary of your property - beneath your house, garden or driveway which take away the waste water flows from only your property, to the point where they connect to pipes serving another property - are your responsibility.

>Severn Trent Water Ltd are responsible for the large sewers that are normally under the road or pavement. Due to a change in law, in October 2011, the sections of sewers and pipe that you share with neighbours and pipes outside your property boundary, which connect to the existing sewers, are now the responsibility of Severn Trent Water Ltd.

If you are uncertain if any blockage is in a public or private sewer, Severn Trent Water Ltd should be able to determine this. They can be contacted on 0800 783 4444, or through the Severn Trent website []. In order to follow up any sewer enquiries, please take note of the reference number provided by Severn Trent Water Ltd. Please also be aware that if the water company undertake any work on the private sewer, the cost of the works will be charged to you.

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Flooding from a water service pipe or internal pipework

This is the responsibility of the homeowner or landlord and would need the attention of a plumber (see "Yellow Pages" or similar directories).

If you are uncertain if any pipework is private, Severn Trent Water Ltd should be able to determine this. They can be contacted on 0800 783 4444, or through the Severn Trent Water website [].

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Flooding from a main river

The Environment Agency (EA) has enforcement powers on a number of bodies of water defined as "Main River" in Coventry. These include:

  • River Sherbourne
  • River Sowe
  • Brookstray
  • Canley Brook
  • Withy Brook

Individual landowners are responsible for making sure rivers are not obstructed on their land, and the EA has legal powers to make landowners remove watercourse obstructions within 8 metres of the top of the bank. In addition, owners must not carry out works affecting a river without the consent of the Agency. The Environment Agency's information on living next to a watercourse "Living on the Edge" is available to download []. For further information, please see the Environment Agency's website [].

The Agency provide a "Floodline", which is a free 24-hour advice and information service for floods and flood warnings on 0345 988 1188.

To report an environmental incident please call the Environment Agency incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service).

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Flooding from non-main river watercourses

All watercourses are the maintenance of riparian owners. You are a riparian owner if your property or land is on, or very near, a watercourse.

Riparian owners are legally bound to keep the watercourse clear of any obstruction to flow. Coventry City Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, can serve legal notices on riparian owners to clear obstructions. In addition, owners must not carry out works affecting a non-Main River watercourse without the approval of the Lead Local Flooding Authority by making an application [].

For further information about the responsibilities of riparian owners, the Environment Agency's information on living next to a watercourse "Living on the Edge" is available to download []

Report flooding incidents or any activity which you feel could lead to flooding [/reportdrainsfloodingandrivers]

Please see the Sandbag Policy [] for information about flood protection.

Past flooding

Local knowledge of past flooding is an important source of information for us. It can tell us about any flooding incidents which were not reported and can help us see how accurate the flood mapping we hold is.

Report information about any past flooding events [/reportdrainsfloodingandrivers]

If you have experienced flooding to your property, please complete the online flood survey []. Alternatively download the Flood Survey [] and return it to the address on the form.

Flood Risk Management Officer

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: 259 London Road
Whitley Depot

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]