Prepare for flooding

Coventry is not in a main flood risk area, as defined by the Environment Agency (E.A.). However, the volume of rain that fell on the city during 2007 produced problems and difficulties very similar to those experienced in E.A. defined main flood areas. Whilst you cannot always stop flooding, with the right preparations in advance, and by responding swiftly to warnings when they are issued, there is a great deal you can do to reduce the impact of a flood.

Don't wait until flooding looks likely as you won't have time to buy or put the measures in place. The key is to act now so you're prepared if there's a flood in your area.

Ensure that you have adequate buildings and contents insurance cover. Advise your insurance company if you live in a flood risk area. FloodRe makes insurance available and affordable to homes that are affected by flooding. 

Making your property resilient to floodwater will limit the distress and damage caused by flooding, which means less costly repairs and less time out of your home or business premises.

The Environment Agency has produced flood awareness guides that give practical advice about how to protect your property from flooding and what to do before, during and after a flood incident.

Download a copy of the What should I do when it floods? guide.

The Blue Pages Directory is an independent directory of flood protection products and services. It has been put together by the National Flood Forum to advise and inform the public about what's available to protect your home or business against flooding.

Flood Risk Management Officer

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: 259 London Road
Whitley Depot

Telephone: 08085 834333