Riparian landowner rights and responsibilities

Your rights as a riparian landowner are to:

  • Own up to the centre of the watercourse, unless ownership is otherwise stated
  • Receive water flows in its natural state, without interference to quality or quantity
  • Protect property from flooding and erosion
  • Fish with the legal methods and licenses
  • Extract up to 20 cubic meters of water per day for domestic purposes

Your responsibilities as a riparian landowner are to:

  • Accept water flow quality and quantity and to transfer this downstream along with drainage from your property
  • Accept water ponding within your property, even if this is caused by inadequate channel capacity further downstream
  • Keep watercourses clear of debris including animal carcasses, trash, trees and shrubs
  • Any structures on your land must be kept clear of debris at your own expense, including trash screens, culverts and weirs.
  • Carry out necessary watercourse maintenance at your own expense to the satisfaction of the relevant authority
  • Allow water to flow unobstructed, free from pollution and diversion
  • Allow the free passage of fish
  • Not add any garden waste or litter from your property to the channel
  • Ensure that protected species and their habitats are not harmed and that wildlife is preserved

Flood Risk Management Officer

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: 259 London Road
Whitley Depot

Telephone: 08085 834333