Service Level Agreement and Coventry School Access

Coventry Alternative Provision

Coventry Education Partnership Brochure 

Overall access

  • Access to all tiers through a single SLA (Tiers 1, 2, 3)
  • CAP quality assurance & compliance framework
  • Support with remaining compliant when accessing Alternative Provision and preparing for Ofsted readiness
  • Advanced SEND/Behaviour specialist training courses and sessions (in development)
  • Access to CAP Multi-Agency Panel for quality assurance of referrals to Tiers 2 and 3 and oversight of the model.
  • Exclusions / Behaviour Lead Officer – Oversight of data and support for schools

Tier 1: Universal Support

  • Open access to Tier 1 Work Based Learning, Curriculum and Employability courses, qualifications and awards
  • CAP co-ordination and monitoring via dedicated personalised learning and outreach officers.
  • Includes access to 15 paid for QA Placements at Tier 1 & unlimited at Tier 2 as part of the SLA (course fees still apply)
  • Applications can be made at any time
  • No CAP Multi-Agency Panel referral required

Tier 2: Targeted Support

  • Priority access to Tier 2 Insight and Flourish Placements, i.e. priority over schools who have not bought in (course fees still apply)
  • CAP co-ordination and monitoring via dedicated personalised learning and outreach officers.
  • Access to funded External Provider Mentoring at Tier 2 via the Youth Justice Service (YJS)

Tier 3: Time-Limited Support

  • Exclusive access to Supported Transfer Panel (Providing holistic approach and oversight, enables access to other services such as Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers)
  • Exclusive access to Tier 3 Time- Refocus Placements at the Coventry Academy (CELC) x 75 placements over the year (Pilot)
  • Access to funded Prevention & Diversion Project at Tier 3 via the YJS
  • Access to an Early Help Supporting Families Worker at Tier 3 (if appropriate)
  • Coventry Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers

Tier 4: Transitional Placements

  • All placements made by the Local Authority
  • Coventry Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers