Welcome pack

Welcoming the class of 2024/25

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP) have produced a starter pack which will support all staff when accessing CAP throughout the forthcoming year. Please find the Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP) starter pack below;

Quality documents

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)

Address: Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 2062 [tel:02476972062]

Application response

All referrals to Coventry Alternative Provision will be confirmed via an 'Application Response' from the relevant Training Provider.

This process will provide a detailed account of whether a placement has been accepted or declined (based on Need, or Risk).

Submit Application Response [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/application_response___cap]

Note to Training Providers- Application Response forms should only be completed once all paperwork has been received and an interview has taken place.

Provisions will not be processed until this is received.

Withdrawal process

Submit a withdrawal form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/CAP_Tier_1_student_withdrawal]

  1. Step 1 - School or Training Provider has identified a provision/student that they wish to withdraw from CAP.  
  2. Step 2 - School or Training Provider must consider the impact of this withdrawal on student achievement, health and well-being. 
  3. Step 3 - If it is the Training Provider who is requesting the withdrawal a meeting must be arranged with CAP and the school to discuss prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.  
  4.  If the School is requesting the withdrawal, we encourage a discussion with our Monitoring Officers prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.  
  5. Step 4 - School or Training Provider representative completes the online withdrawal form via the service website.  
  6. Step 5 - Withdrawal form is received by CAP.
  7. Step 6 - CAP admin access the Withdrawal form and identify whether the request has come from a School or Training Provider. 
  8. Admin also checks if the student is being withdrawn from all provisions/days specific to that course and then proceeds with the withdrawal on CLM and Capita.  
  9. Step 7 - Withdrawal form is sent to the Training Provider or School, dependant on who has requested the withdrawal.  

To withdraw a provision, the referring School or Training Provider must submit a withdrawal form and allow 5 working days for this to be processed. 

Change of day request

On occasion, there may be a requirement to change a students day at a Training Provider. 

This must be agreed by both the Training Provider and the School.

Change of day request form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/CAP_change_of_day_request] 

  • Step 1 - School/Training Provider have identified a need for a student to change the day of their provision, this may be due to a number of reasons. 
  • Step 2 - School and Training Provider must consider the impact of this change of day on student achievement, health and well-being
  • Step 3 - Both School and Training Provider to agree to the change of day.
  • Step 4 - School representative completes the online change of day form via the service website.
  • Step 5 - Change of day form is received by CAP.
  • Step 6 - CAP admin access the change of day form and input details to CLM and Capita.
  • Step 7 - Change of day form is sent to the Training Provider and School to confirm the change of date for student 

Please allow two working days for this to be processed.

Our Safeguarding Team

Coventry Alternative Provision recognise the importance of keeping our students safe whilst in our care. We do this by having a highly dedicated team of professionals who are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy Safeguarding Leads, who provide advice and guidance to the Training Providers.

As CAP lead on the delivery of Alternative Provision with Schools and Training Providers, it is important to maintain clear communication with the safeguarding teams within these organisations.

CAP Safeguarding Team

  • Faye Parklen
  • Donna Wood 
  • Jemma Walton 
  • Lynette Whitehouse

Reporting a concern

If you have concerns regarding any of your students or if you want to discuss any other safeguarding concerns, please contact one of our DSLs (details below).

Designated Safeguarding Leads




Faye Parker

faye.parker@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Faye.parker@coventry.gov.uk]

024 7697 8343

Donna Wood

donna.wood@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Donna.Wood@coventry.gov.uk]

024 76972 062
Jemma Walton

jemma.walton@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:jemma.walton@coventry.gov.uk]

024 76976 808
Lynette Whitehouse

lynette.whitehouse@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Lynette.Whitehouse@coventry.gov.uk]

024 76971 399

Please record all incidents of safeguarding on the safeguarding form  

Effective safeguarding

It is important to remember that safeguarding and child protection are not the same.
Safeguarding is what we do for all children and young people to keep them safe whilst in our care. Child protection describes the policy and procedures specifically for those young people who are at risk of serious harm or have been seriously harmed.

As we are a collaborative service working in partnership with many organisations, schools and agencies, it is imperative that our young people are safeguarded and that all safeguarding concerns are reported in the correct way.

All providers have demonstrated how their organisation adheres to all safeguarding requirements and confirmation is received each academic year that staff have completed safeguarding training.

If a safeguarding concern or disclosure arises, CPOMs must be completed and relevant individuals alerted to incident.

These forms must be completed with accurate, detailed information.

The DSL of the provider should have made contact with the School DSL to advise them of any concern as soon as possible and information will be available on CPOMs

If a referral to MASH [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/31/children_and_families/2186/coventrys_multi_agency_safeguarding_hub_mash/2] or any other agency is required as a result of the concern or disclosure, provider staff must do this if they are the organisation raising the concern or receiving the disclosure.

We have provided a Helpline Directory [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6285/helpline_directory] which was produced by Andrew Hall - Safeguarding Specialist for your reference if you are unsure of what support to offer.


Reports are made when an adult who works with children has alleged to have abused their position of trust within their setting, this includes both employment or in a voluntary capacity.

If you have concerns around another professional's conduct in regards to the safety of young people or children, this should be reported to CAP Service Lead who will investigate and gather information initially. For more information please refer to our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) web page [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/206/coventry_safeguarding_children_partnership/2628/local_authority_designated_officer_lado].

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

The aim of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/mash] is to bring together key professionals from across the city to facilitate early, high-quality information sharing, analysis and decision-making to deliver quality outcomes for children, young people and families.

As a result, decisions will be made quicker and support targeted towards the most urgent cases. Indeed, more effective co-ordination between agencies will also lead to an improved service for children and their families, as well as allowing agencies to enhance risk management and mitigation.

Any concerns regarding the safety and welfare of young people must be reported to the MASH service.

Child Exploitation Indicator Tool

As professionals working with young people it is important that we are aware of signs of child exploitation and abuse. A full breakdown of different types of exploitation [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/37/childrens_social_care/2415/child_exploitation/3].

Coventry City Council's Social Care has put together lots of information on how to recognise the signs and what to do if you have concerns.

If at any time you do have concerns around a young person in regards to exploitation, you must complete the Child Exploitation Indicator Tool [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6695/child_exploitation_indicator_tool].

Once this form has been completed please see below where to send it;

Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) form

If you have any intel, it may be vital to the police with ongoing investigations.

All concerns/knowledge must be reported via completion of this Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) form [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6694/force_intelligence_bureau_fib_form].

Please provide as much information as you can, only provide what you know or have heard, do not elaborate or second guess. If needed you can submit more than one form.

Your details will not be shared with the police team investigating the intel. Once completed this must be sent to West Midlands Police at fib@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk [mailto:fib@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk]


If you have concerns that an individual of any age could be being radicalised; is becoming involved/supporting extremism or terrorism, then these concerns should be shared to ensure appropriate support can be provided to safeguard the individual.

You can check your concerns with your Safeguarding Lead or Prevent team.

Referrals should be submitted using the Prevent referral form [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6406/prevent_referral_form].

If you require any advice or support with completing the form, you can contact the Prevent team - prevent@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:prevent@coventry.gov.uk]

More information about this process on the Prevent Website [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/prevent-3/prevent-referrals-1].

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)

Address: Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 2062 [tel:02476972062]

Quality assurance

Coventry Alternative Provision has been a well-established service within Coventry Local Authority for many years. With that, the service has developed a high-quality framework that is continuously reviewed and improved. In order to uphold a collaborative service of a broad network of educational organisations, with success, Coventry Alternative Provision must maintain a structure.

This structure must be consistent across the collaboration to avoid confusion and ultimately poor quality. One of the ways that Coventry Alternative Provision maintain this structure is by producing a bank of Policies for all Procured training providers and Schools/Academies to access and adhere to. To become a procured training provider, organisations must already have specific policies in place. However, once procured the bank of policies provided by Coventry Alternative Provision must be adapted by organisations.

As a minimum requirement all organisations working in the Coventry Alternative Provision Collaboration must have an understanding and adhere to the policies supplied.

Organisations may choose to produce their own policies which is accepted however these must reflect the practices outlined in CAP policies. The development of the Quality Assurance process has been established with the purpose of;

  • Ensuring that student welfare remains at the heart of the service daily.
  • Maintaining a High-Quality delivery
  • Promoting high standards in teaching and learning
  • Upholding a successful collaborative partnership between schools/academies, CAP, training providers and students
  • Supplying positive service which is good value for money.
  • Providing a safe alternative to school education

It is the responsibility of procured training providers to implement and meet all the quality measures outlined by Coventry Alternative Provision.


See how the Quality is reviewed in the Quality review structure flowchart [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7625/cap-flowchart---quality-process].

All procured training providers delivering provision through the Coventry Alternative Provision service will be subject to:

  • Review 1 – This is an online Quality Review, requiring providers to demonstrate that they meet all contractual requirements and provide evidence.
  • Review 2 – This is an onsite visit where any actions will be revisited, and further Teaching and Learning will be reviewed.
  • A follow-up monitoring visit during the summer term if necessary to ensure all previous actions have been met. This may be an onsite visit or a virtual meeting.
  • These reviews will be based on the original quality that was evidenced in the successful tender submitted through Coventry City Council Procurement process, by training providers to work with Coventry Alternative Provision.

Feedback will be issued after the compliance visit. The feedback may include ‘Actions to be completed’, as appropriate. All ‘Actions to be completed’ will take account of the training provider’s existing Action Plans (which may form a part of the provider’s SAR or the SEF), so that there is not a duplication of effort.

Where there are any concerns that require action, full details will be given to the training provider and support will be offered to ensure all actions meet deadlines.

The Quality Monitoring Officer carries out the following tasks, together with the training provider, to ensure that the collaborative provision is of a high quality:

  • Annually review the quality of delivery within the organisation (Quality Reviews)
  • Review the quality measures that were evidenced through procurement upon original tender.
  • Ensure support is given for any areas where improvement is required.
  • Measure Key Performance Indicators

Quality Review 1

Submit your Quality Review 1 [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/CAP_Quality_Review_1]

Termly Quality Confirmations

To confirm that you are working in line with CAP guidance, please submit your Termly Quality Confirmation [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/Termly_Ofsted_review]

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Coventry Alternative Provision now holds a service Single Central Record in addition to the organisation's own record. We gather DSB details at the Quality Review 1. If any of the details have changed, been updated or your organisation has new staff please Share DBS details [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/DBS_update] with CAP.

View CAP Policies [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7933/policies]


Please take some time to complete the Coventry Alternative Provision survey [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/provider_questionnaire]

The feedback from this survey will be used to shape further improvements of our service and the data will be used in future quality reports.

Photo/video consent

Sometimes we ask professionals if we can take photographs and videos for marketing purposes. If you are happy for your image to be used please complete the consent form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/work_related_learning___image_consent].

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)

Address: Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 2062 [tel:02476972062]

Attendance and behaviour monitoring

Behaviour incidents 

When a behaviour incident occurs, please submit the incident via the behaviour form.

Student meetings

When a concern has been raised regarding a student's Attendance and Behaviour the correct process needs to be followed as per CAP policies. 

To ensure all actions and developments are recorded correctly the forms below must be completed by CAP Monitoring Officer during the meeting. This meeting should be held with a representative from the Training Provider, School, CAP (where possible) and student with parent/carer. 

If there is not a Monitoring Officer present, it is the Training Providers responsibility to complete this form. 

The information on these forms will be submitted to CAP, where MO's will record and monitor. A copy will also be shared with the other professionals present in the meeting. 

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)

Address: Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 2062 [tel:02476972062]

Procurement and tendering

Interested in joining the collaboration?

If your organisation would like to find out more about working in partnership with Coventry Coventry Alternative Provision, you can find our tender document on CSWJets [http://www.csw-jets.co.uk/] under 'Coventry Alternative Provision' or 'CAP'.

Recently tendered?

To support your recent tender for the CAP DPS please submit your course content details. [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/Coventry_Alternative_Provision_course_confirmation]

Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)

Address: Broadgate House,

Telephone: 024 7697 2062 [tel:02476972062]