What is a direct payment and who can have one?

What is a direct payment?

A direct payment is the sum of money that Coventry City Council will pay directly to you, so you can buy and arrange your own care and support, instead of the Council arranging it for you.

Direct payments are part of the Government's Personalisation agenda, which puts you central to the support you receive, helping you live as independently as possible and giving you more choice and control. Read our direct payments policy.

Who can have a direct payment?

Adults, children, parents of disabled children, young people and carers of any age who have had an assessment and have been told they are eligible for support from the Council with their social care needs.

ASC direct payments: Claire's story

ASC direct payments: Sean's story

Direct Payments information in other languages

We are aware that uptake of Direct Payments is high with people from different ethnic groups, so as a result we have translated our main direct payment leaflet explaining what a direct payment is:

Independent Living Team

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7527 0960