Assessment updates for 2023-2024

Outline of updates on Primary Statutory Assessment 2023-2024


  • Helen Masefield – Strategic Lead
  • KS2 Moderation Manager: Julia Etheridge

For queries regarding end key stage assessments please contact:


National Curriculum Assessments helpline
0300 303 3013 or e-mail


Recently published

Science sampling

Ministers have decided not to undertake any further science sampling tests at KS2, and consequently, we do not have any plans to undertake science sampling tests in 2022/23 or subsequent years. In 2022/23, schools will still submit teacher assessment data for science at both KS1 and KS2

The engagement model

The engagement model replaces P scales 1-4 and is a new assessment tool for pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum and not engaged in subject-specific study. It should be used to assess pupils’ learning regularly throughout the year.

Schools must report to STA which pupils have been assessed using the engagement model.

Read more information about the engagement model.

Assessment termly updates 2023-2024

Assessment Updates Summer Term 2024

End of KS2 briefing

Primary Assessment Gateway

The Primary Assessment Gateway is a secure website that supports primary schools, LAs and MATs with the administration of key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum assessments.

Schools can:

  • place test orders
  • submit holiday dates to help inform the delivery of test materials
  • download phonics screening check and KS1 test materials
  • register pupils for KS2 tests
  • apply for KS2 access arrangements
  • submit the headteacher’s declaration forms
  • view the teacher assessment (TA) standardisation exercise and training materials
  • submit KS2 TA data
  • view the KS2 results and marked test script
  • download KS1 and KS2 standardisation materials to support moderation and training

Assessment Codes for KS1 and KS2

Code Explanation
GDS Working at greater depth
EXS/WTS Working at expected standard
HNM Has not met the expected standard
EM Working below the level of the national curriculum and not yet engaged in subject specific study
A Absent for long periods, recently arrived, or not enough information to provide a TA judgement
L Pupil has left school
F Pupil will reach the end of the programme of study and complete the key stage in a future year
P Pupil completed the key stage in a previous year and a TA judgement has already been submitted.

Key stage 2 (KS1 from PK4-PK1)

Code Explanation
PK6 Pre key stage standard 6
PK5 Pre key stage standard 5
PK4 Pre key stage standard 4
PK3 Pre key stage standard 3
PK2 Pre key stage standard 2
PK1 Pre key stage standard 1