Primary Assessment briefings and Moderation meetings 2024 - 2025

Please note cancellations made after 3pm the day before briefings will incur a charge of £35 and a £75 charge for cancellations made on the day.




Audience and Venue



Book your place

9am - 4pm Understanding standards in writing at end KS2  - Using the most up-to-date STA materials, this full day CPD explores the different standards in writing – WTS, EXS and GDS. This training is suitable for Year 6 teachers, English Leaders and Senior Leaders who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of expectations in writing to ensure accurate judgements.

Year 6 teachers, English Leaders and Senior Leaders Friargate Rooms M1.4 and M1.5

Trainer - Janet Fisher



9.30am - 3.30pm Training for LA Moderators (Experienced Moderators) LA moderators will receive an invitation to this session

LA Moderators

Trainer - Janet Fisher & Julia Etheridge


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2.30pm - 4.30pm

End KS2 statutory assessment briefing for Year 6 teachers and assessment leads. Assessment cycle 2024/2025

Assessment leads, KS2 leads and Year 6 teachers. Microsoft Teams (Lead by Helen Masefield)


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9.15am - 12noon

Understanding standards in writing - greater depth

This half day CPD will include sessions on - 

  • GDS vs EXS - what is the difference?
  • Characteristics of a GDS writer
  • Standardisation - GDS - Articulating the standard
  • Providing opportunities for GDS writers
  • Understanding needs of your GDS pupils

Year 6 teachers Friargate Rooms M1.3 & M1.4

Trainer - Janet Fisher



Book your place

9.30am - 4pm Developing effective in-school moderation – writing  - This course will provide English Leaders, Assessment Managers and Senior Leaders to review current practice and develop effective systems for moderation of writing across the school

Year 6 teachers, English Leaders, Assessment Managers and Senior Leaders Coventry Rugby Club, Butts Park Arena

Trainer - Janet Fisher

  1. 11/12/24 Book your place
  2. 03/03/25 Book your place
  3. 30/04/25 Book your place


  1. 9.30am- 3.30pm
  2. 9.30am-3.30pm
  3. 9.15am - 12noon

Assessment and Moderation Network – Year 6 writing CPD and support for your end of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment in writing. An essential training package for all teachers, consisting of 3 focused CPD sessions, along with an opportunity to review children’s learning, evaluate planning and make assessments.

  1. Session 1 – Standardisation using STA training materials and unpicking the TAF statements – CPD session. Review of NC statements and learning so far and then planning for spring.
  2. Session 2 – Further Standardisation/key messages – CPD session. DfE updates and statutory guidance – Assessment Update Identifying gaps in learning /are pupils on track? Development of the professional discussion for moderation and the presentation model.
  3. Session 3 – Making final judgements/review of evidence. Professional discussion and group moderation Preparing for In-School and external moderation

Year 6 teachers

  1. Coventry Rugby Club, Butts Park Arena
  2. Friargate M1.3, M1.4 & M1.5
  3. Friargate M1.3, M1.4 & M1.5

  Trainer - Janet Fisher 



9am - 5pm Spring training (new moderators)  LA moderators will receive an invitation to this session

LA Moderators

Trainer - Janet Fisher & Julia Etheridge



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8.30am - 12noon Teaching and assessment in Year 6  follow up session to teachers new to Year 6

The Lodge Sacred Heart School

Trainer(s) - Will Allen & Julia Etheridge

11/03/25 9am - 4pm Moderator CPD - Moderators will receive an invite to this session

LA Moderators

Trainer - Julia Etheridge


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Book your place

1pm - 4pm


1pm - 4pm


KS2 Standardisation and moderation meeting (schools only need to attend one session)

An invaluable session for Y6 teachers led by the KS2 Moderation Manager: STA updates and good practice with regard external moderation shared, as well as the use of standardisation materials. Teachers are also asked to bring collections of pupils’ work for discussion alongside Coventry moderators. The ideal way to prepare for making final TA judgements

Friargate Rooms M1.4 & M1.5

Trainer - Julia Etheridge



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1.30pm - 2.30pm Test administration briefing Teachers and Governors Microsoft Teams (Lead by Helen Masefield)



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9am - 12noon

Preparing for Year 6 moderation. This half day CPD will support Year 6 teachers to be confident in making judgements in writing.

The session will include - · 

  • Review of KS2 Teacher Assessment Frameworks for Writing (TAF's)
  • Planning for assessment opportunities/ensuring a range of evidence
  • Making accurate judgements
  • Collection of Evidence
  • Preparing for Moderation - Internal/External

Year 6 Teachers Friargate Rooms M1.3 & M1.4

Trainer - Janet Fisher



Book your place

3.30pm - 5pm Administering the phonics screening check

 Spon Gate Primary School

Trainer - Lynne Burns

21/05/25 1pm - 2.30pm Moderator CPD - Moderators will receive an invite to this session  LA Moderators - Trainer Julia Etheridge
21/05/25 3.30pm - 5pm Meet the moderator  - schools will receive an invite to this session Friargate Rooms M1.3, M1.4 & M1.5 - Julia Etheridge
02/07/25 1.30pm - 3.30pm Moderation review - Moderators will receive an invite to this session  LA Moderators