The local authority (LA) proactively supports all schools in working together to avoid permanent exclusion. The Supported Transfer Protocol in Coventry seeks to improve existing practice and recognises that early intervention and support can bring the longer term benefits of maintaining school placements or act as an early indicator for more specialist provision.

In some cases, a supported transfer may be deemed appropriate for a pupil for whom there are continuing issues with their behaviour that could put them at risk of permanent exclusion. A school initiates the transfer for a pupil at the point of permanent exclusion. Supported transfers should only be carried out with the full knowledge and co-operation of all parties, including the parents, the LA and any other relevant professionals, and when all available strategies have been explored.

The Supported Transfer process for Coventry secondary schools is designed to ensure that pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion are offered a transfer to a new school. It is not an alternative to permanent exclusion. It is hoped the outcome of a Supported Transfer results in the pupil successfully transferring permanently to a new school OR successfully returning to their home school.

The process includes temporarily directing a pupil off site which may then become a permanent managed move if the intervention is successful for all parties.

Supported Transfers are a school-initiated process for a pupil operating in line with the CAP graduated model as part of a planned intervention to improve a pupil’s behaviour.

Please complete supported transfer referrals via the below link -

Submit a CAP multi-agency application

Further information can be found on the CAP website.



Attendance & Children Missing Education team - Please choose Option 2 if you are calling us.

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7697 5434