Recruitment and retention - benefits for your business

  • Attract and retain staff, increasing productivity.
  • Grow a workforce that has the relevant skills and abilities.
  • Can showcase the benefits of working for your organisation.
  • Good recruitment practices can save costs.
  • Employing local staff grows the local economy.
  • Attract a wider diverse candidate base.
  • Retain employees with good and fair employment and paying the real living wage.
  • Promoting a safe and healthy workplace

Did you know?

What is the health of the working-age population?

  • 1 in 3 working age people in the UK have a health condition
  • 1 in 6 adults will have experienced a common mental health disorder in the past week
  • 1 in 10 employees in the UK reported having a musculoskeletal condition

Health of working age population

Job Shop support with recruitment

The Job Shop [] offers free support for businesses with recruitment. 

Supports all-size businesses (large and SME) with around 200 each year using the Job Shop for their recruitment.

  • Can support your business to reach a wider range of candidates, and recruit employees with the skills and experience that your organisation requires, saving spend on employment agencies.
  • Have over 30,000 registered customers who have a wide range of skills and backgrounds and have also supported more than 15,000 Coventry residents to find good quality employment over the last 10 years.
  • Can support with all types of recruitment processes. Candidates can be pre-screened and supported to apply online, through CVs or booked directly for face-to-face one-to-one or group interviews.
  • Have space for employers to use a wide range of selection activities i.e., pre-employment assessments, face-to-face interviews, and group workshops. Bespoke pre-employment training can also be arranged to prepare candidates to work for your business.


Thrive at Work

There is FREE support available from - Thrive at Work []

Thrive At Work Awards [] – Thrive at Work is an award around health and wellbeing in the workplace.

This free accredited programme is suitable for organisations with 5+ employees within the Coventry Area, to enable them to become an employer of choice.

  • Foundation level begins with a diagnostic, from this we create a bespoke action plan to accommodate your organisation’s needs.
  • You will receive 1:1 support from our team.
  • Access to our comprehensive toolkit - This contains a whole host of resources around health and wellbeing.
  • Access to free Webinars , LinkedIn Group [] and YouTube []
  • Through our network within Coventry City Council, we can assist you with any vacancies you may have and business grant support.

With over 600 organisations currently working on this programme, to join please register .

You may already have incentives in place, doing fantastic things, or just starting to look at what may be needed. With our awards framework, you can showcase this.

Business case studies

Information on supporting good recruitment and retainment

Places of support for your business