Skills and training - benefits for your business

Upskilling your workforce helps your business:


  1. Mckinsey and Company []
  2. LinkedIn's 2018 Workplace Learning Report

Did you know?

Coventry has a diverse and highly skilled talent pool.  Invest Coventry [] has further information on our skills and talent innovative collaborations between industry and colleges, higher education institutions and local training providers.

Information on skills and training

Places of support for your business

Employer Engagement Team

Job Rotation Pilot Programme

Job Rotation allows your employees to participate in upskilling activities such as further training or job shadowing leading them to career progression, while their roles are backfilled by individuals currently on Universal Credit. Businesses participating in the pilot are eligible for a grant to cover the wages for the new member of your staff backfilling your roles. This arrangement would not only enhance the skills of your workforce but also provide valuable paid work experience for up to 6 months to those on Universal Credit, facilitating their entry into the job market and at no cost to you. If your business would like to make a difference, contact [] for more information.

Job Rotation Scheme

Struggling to find the skills set for your vacancy? Our job rotation scheme can help.

What is it?

This scheme aims to support employers to upskill their current staff to meet the requirements of higher skill level roles. We then support to fill the role your existing employee leaves, helping you to develop and regenerate your workforce.

What we offer

  • 1 - 3 months specialist training to upskill your employee to meet requirements for higher skill level roles.
  • Recruitment support from our dedicated team to fill the vacancy gap they leave, ensuring you get the right employee for your business.
  • £3,600 Funding to support each employee you take on in their place.

Download and print our job rotation scheme flyer. []

Business Case Studies

The Job Shop can offer 1-1 support for employers and customers to support them in their recruitment process and help them to hire a diverse workforce full of different skill sets to benefit their business.

Case Study 1 - CV Life

In 2021, The Job Shop engaged in a support programme where 6 individuals with disabilities and long-term health conditions were given a 6-week work programme, where they conducted work placement in a variety of different premises across CV Life.

With the support of Disability Employment Advisers and coaches, CV life employers were provided with disability confidence training and on-the-job training for our customers.

The joint support from the specialist team and a supportive working environment allowed these customers to flourish and, 5 out of 6 people were offered paid positions. Since then, 3 out 6 are still employed within the company and are receiving a great deal of support.

Supporting CV Life has continued to promote a diverse workforce within the company, and they have continued to actively support the Job Shop customers, hiring multiple individuals with a wide range of skill sets from diverse backgrounds.

If your business would like to make a difference, contact []

Our customer experiences

Josh came into the Job Shop looking for support gaining employment and developing his skills. He was struggling with his job searching and didn't know where to turn. Josh met with Beth and began working 1-1 getting help with job searching, CV and application forms. With the help of the Employment Team, Josh gained an interview with Home Bargains through a recruitment event. He gained interview preparation with Beth and was successful in gaining a position starting 16 hours a week.

Josh said,

With the support and guidance of Beth and the team at the Job Shop, I was able to find work that was best suited for me.

Russell engaged with the Job Shop in person after being made redundant in 2019 when his company, Office Outlet went into administration. He had worked for this company for over 15 years as a sales/retail assistant and thought he would be there for life so was devastated when the company collapsed.

The customer upon registering with the |Job Shop was referred to a disability employment specialist as Russell has a physical disability called spondylosis which is a type of arthritis brought on by wear and tear to the spine. Russell's confidence was knocked because of this and we identified that he would need assistance with confidence building, interview support and preparation.

During Russell's journey he had many interviews but was unsuccessful at first so we continued to learn from each one. Russell worked with our Employer Engagement Team within the wider Job Shop team to see if they could assist him by discussing his CV/skills with local employers looking for staff, which was very successful.

Russell said,

It feels great to be back into the workforce and furthering my skills. It has brought structure back to my days. I am thankful to the Job Shop for their hard work in finding suitable employment as well as help and advice.

Case Study 2 – Chesford Grange Hotel

Chesford Grange Hotel, a local employer supported one of the City Colleges Travel and Tourism students by offering a work experience opportunity at the hotel.

I am currently the acting Front of House Manager, and this is the first time I have dealt with Coventry College Placements and found the overall experience a pleasure.

The communication was strong, the plan of action and the correspondence from both the college and the student were spot on, which makes my job a lot easier - and how I personally like to run things. ..I could tell the student will be a credit to any employer.

Gavin Cairns, Front of House Manager, Chesford Grange Hotel; August 2024

For more information and help for employers on how a work experience placement can help your business spot new talent contact the College Employer team. []

Two teachers using whiteboard

Case Study 3 - Coventry Rocks

Coventry Rocks, a local employer supported one of the City Colleges students by offering a work experience opportunity.

‘Please pass on to Luke's tutors how great his work experience has been. After an initial briefing meeting over Teams and a shared spreadsheet, Luke really just got in with it! He visited various parks in Coventry, and took some great quality photos, retouched them where required, and compressed them for uploading to the Coventry Rocks website. Luke then proceeded to create pages on the Coventry Rocks website using our Content Management System. He uploaded his own photos and completed a lot of other information about the parks.’

Examples of webpages Luke completed himself from scratch.

I am very glad that Luke found me and was so proactive in finding some work experience to fill his summer. He’s clearly a very hard working, ambitious young man and I wish him every success in the future.

Jess MclIsh, Owner Coventry Rocks

For more information and help for employers on how a work experience placement can help your business spot new talent contact the College Employer team. []