Skills and training - benefits for your business

Upskilling your workforce helps your business:

  • Be competitive. Analysis by the OECD suggests that average labour productivity could be increased by as much as 5% if the level of skills mismatch in the UK was brought into line with OECD best practice levels.
  • Uplift productivity of 6 to 12 percent - making financial sense for more than 75% of businesses. Analysis by Mckinsey and Company 1
  • Boost productivity and efficiency bringing in of new ideas and ways of working.
  • Benefit from new technologies for example AI or 3D printing.
  • 94% of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development. LinkedIn's 2018 Workplace Learning Report 2
  • Be competitive and support with controlling salary costs. Companies competing for employees with scarce skills with external hires typically paid about 20 percent more than reskilled workers.
