Coventry Business Improvement District (BID)

Coventry Business Improvement District (BID) is an elected body who work alongside our businesses and other city centre stakeholders to drive change, and strive to make the BID area a pleasant, vibrant and safe place to visit.
A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographically defined area in which rate paying businesses vote to pay a levy to generate funds to enhance the area with agreed aims and initiatives, above and beyond that of the Councils baseline agreements, for a fixed period of time.
The relationship we have with our BID levy payers enables us to understand their individual and collective needs. In addition to working to reduce business costs, facilitating networking opportunities and staying ahead of the curve regarding city centre initiatives, we also represent our businesses, giving them a voice to both encourage and challenge conditions that affect their trading area.
Our businesses have identified the following areas as their key priorities:
- Business Voice and Support
- Enhancing and Promoting
- Security and Environment
To find out more information, or if you are a new business owner within the BID area and would like to know what benefits the BID provides, please contact us.
Connect with us
Telephone: 02477 103 305