Join the network

Join our network of businesses who are committed to embedding fair and inclusive working practices contributing to making Coventry a great place to work and live. Read more information on the role of businesses in reducing health inequalities.

How do I get involved?

To join the network, businesses would need demonstrate at least one thing which shows a commitment to embedding fair and inclusive working practices.

These include:

  • Offering apprenticeships
  • Support all employees learning and development ensuring your workforce has the skills to meet its future needs.
  • Becoming a Real Living Wage Employer
  • Becoming a Living Hours Employer
  • Using the social model of disability in your organisation, embedding inclusive recruitment and reasonable adjustments for employees
  • Becoming part of the network of Coventry Migrant Friendly Employers
  • Supporting your workforce’s engagement by creating inclusive employee networks.
  • Offering an Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to employees in recovery.
  • Opening your businesses rest rooms and toilets to customers
  • Promoting opportunities for green travel and green exercise
  • Embedding social value, supporting local communities
  • Becoming a breast-feeding place

Realise the benefits other businesses are seeing.

We would like to see real life stories. Show you are a business who is taking steps to better practice and display the logo for potential employees and the community to see.

Contact us if your business can demonstrate this commitment and join the network of businesses committed to a fairer Coventry.