In line with The Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2014, we use the defined eligibility criteria for carers to support us in making any eligibility determinations. The eligibility criteria helps us explore the impact caring may have on you. This will be explored within the assessment. We will look at the following:
- Your Needs - Does the need arise from your caring role?
- Your Wellbeing - Your physical or mental health is, or is at risk of deteriorating. Or as a result you are unable to meet any of the following outcomes:
- Carrying out any caring responsibilities you may have for a child
- Providing care to other people
- Maintaining a habitable home environment
- Managing and maintaining nutrition
- Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
- Engaging in work, training , education or volunteering
- Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community, including recreational facilities or services
- Engaging in recreational activities
And as a result - there is a significant impact on your wellbeing.
Adult Social Care Direct
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Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097