What can I use a Carers' Direct Payment for?

A Carers’ Direct Payment can be used to purchase something or buy in services that support your wellbeing as a carer and meet any unmet needs. It may be paid as a one-off or it may be an on-going payment. It might be a one-off purchase such as appliance needed at home, such as a washing machine or dishwasher or it might be something that will help you regain or develop skills such a course, it might be something that would enhance your wellbeing such as a gym membership or something therapeutic such as counselling.

A Carers’ Direct Payment can’t be used to purchase care for the person you are caring for. This is because the direct payment is specific to your needs as a carer and the person you are caring for would require their own needs assessing.

When you have a Carers’ Direct Payment provided a support plan will be completed which will specify how the Direct Payment will meet your agreed outcomes.

Adult Social Care Direct

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Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 3003

Carers Trust Heart of England

Telephone: 024 7663 2972