Adaption and resilience

Objective: To create a more climate resilient city

Ref Workstream/activity Project stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
AR1 Adaptation & Resilience Strategy & Plan Creation of a Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Strategy for the city, including geospatial mapping of risks and a detailed risk assessment and action plan which assesses how prepared the city is to deal with the impacts of climate change and puts in place a plan in order to create a more climate resilient city.

This will give us detailed actions that will be reflected in this Action Plan to set out what activity will need to happen on the ground.
Already underway 1. Implementation of Action Plan in response to key recommendations within the Adaptation & Resilience Plan;
2. A geospatial map of climatic risk factors including a meteorological profile of the City from the Met Office;
3. Funding secured for adaptation and resilience projects
Coventry City Council (Climate Change & Sustainability Team) with consultant support from CAG  Sustainability West Midlands and Slingslot Solutions & Met Office Climate Change Board Adaptation & Resilience Pathway Group, Stakeholders across the city Plan to be published 2024/25 Recommendations and key actions to be incorporated in Action Plan with a view to developing specific projects to provide mitigation and increase resilience which will be ongoing 2024-2030+
AR2 Data analysis & reporting Establish links with other local authorities and government to gain a better understanding of local, regional and national climate change adaptation and resilience challenges and responses, benchmarking Coventry, learning from best practice.
This includes participation in Defra's national Resilience and Climate Adaptation Reporting Power (ARP4) pilot authority to establish Coventry's  baseline and planned activity with regards to climate change adaptation and resilience in comparison to other towns and cities across the UK, and learn best practice from other areas
We will also participate in WMCA's Climate Change and Adaptation Working Group
Already underway 1. Through gathering information, data and tools that will help to inform our local Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan
2. Development of Using Defra's ARP4 reporting to benchmark Coventry's preparedness and exposure to climate risks
Coventry City Council (Climate Change & Sustainability Team)  Defra, WMCA, other local authorities ARP 4 Report to be concluded and submitted to DEFRA By End of December 2024
AR3 Flood Prevention Measures Seek ways to secure investment in flood prevention measures to reduce vulnerability of city's homes to flooding.
This includes bidding for funding and working with partners to help access investment for the city.
Already underway 1. Flood prevention investment delivered
2. Reduction in number of properties at risk of flooding, and flooding incidents of properties
3. Establish approaches which promote biodiversity using SUDs, natural vegetation, rain gardens and avoid the use of hard engineering approaches.
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage Team) Environment Agency, Severn Trent 2024-2030+
AR4 Improvements to water courses River and canal improvement projects building on the success of the River Sherbourne project, which could include the River Sowe, wetland creation and restoration of other parts of the Sherbourne, including daylighting culverted parts of the river Palmer Lane deculverting in delivery - with further schemes in early development stage 1. Number of completed schemes;
2. Investment attracted in improvement projects;
3. Number of metres of watercourse restored/improved
4. Uplift in water quality
5. Reduction in flooding events
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage Team) Environment Agency, Canal & Rivers Trust, Severn Trent, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust 2024-2030+
AR5 SUDs Implementation of the Council's Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS) Policy across Coventry to help manage surface water run off and reduce flood risk, which includes incorporation of SUDS in new developments. Already underway 1. Number of Sustainable Urban Drainage schemes implemented
2. Investment secured for Sustainable Urban Drainage systems
3. Reduction in flood incidents
4. Reduction in nutrient levels in rivers and watercourses
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage & Planning Teams) Severn Trent, Environment Agency, Developers 2024-2030+
AR6 Greenspaces for cooling down the City Development of a network of Green space & nature-based interventions to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events including heatwaves and heavy rainfall. Early stage development 1. Number of trees planted; 2. Number of rain gardens/bio-swales or detention basins delivered; 3. Increase in area of green space; 4. Investment attracted to support nature-based solutions
5. Green Roofs
6. Living walls
Coventry City Council (Climate Change, Ecology, Highways Drainage and Environmental Services Teams) Climate Change Board Adaptation & Resilience Pathway Group inc Severn Trent, Environment Agency, Nature Based Pathway Group inc Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and Canal and Rivers Trust. Developers 2024-2030+
AR7 Flood Management Strategy - further develop the city's Flood Management Strategy with Partner organisations contributing commitments with identified roles and responsibilities where appropriate. Early stage development A clear Strategy with an Action Plan identified resources for specific geographical location known to be at risk. Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage & Planning Teams) Severn Trent, Environment Agency 2024-2025
AR8 Integrating our plans with the NHS Plan The Warwickshire Healthcare Partners are working on an adaptation and resilience plan to:
a) address the needs of the most vulnerable including the elderly, young infants and people with long term health conditions when extreme weather events place particular strains on the healthcare system and
b) to ensure Hospital Trusts and primary care facilities and the services provided are protected from extreme weather events, notably heat waves, cold snaps or when gaseous pollution levels are high.
In development expected to complete Plan by December 2024 Better integration between the various agencies in reducing the exposure of people with specific health needs and enhancing their preparedness and  resilience to the impact of extreme weather events particularly those with the most vulnerable health conditions.
Reductions in the number of admissions to hospital of people with particularly vulnerable health conditions during extreme weather events 
Warwickshire Healthcare Partners (NHS Hospital Trusts and NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board) & Emergency Response agencies NHS, Coventry City Council (Public Health). Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Police 2024-2025
AR9 Explore development of smart sensors and alert systems to help communicate extreme weather and pollution risks - link to LED lighting project. Not yet commenced Roll out of alert system; number of people signed up to system; monitoring how system works during events and a reduction in the number of admissions to hospital during extreme weather events Coventry City Council Coventry University, University of Warwick, NHS, ambulance service, fire service, police 2025-2027

Route to Net Zero

Objective: To reduce the city's emissions to net zero by 2050 (working towards interim target of 68% 2030)

Energy Generation and Decarbonisation Projects

Reference Workstream/Activity Project stage How success will be measured Who Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ1 Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP) - as a delivery mechanism for other actions within Route to Net Zero pathway of the Climate Change Strategy and other pathways and workstreams as appropriate. Project activity to be prioritised through the SEP energy masterplan and SEP annual business plan.
Social value will be delivered against all SEP projects (links to Fairer Green Pathway)
Already underway Number of projects delivered
Carbon savings
Scale of projects and programmes
Innovation, including pilot projects in Coventry
Local jobs and skills directly attributed to SEP projects
Level of social value achieved measured by TOMs framework
Strategic Energy Partnership Housing Associations, Electric Vehicle Charging Providers, Universities, other utility providers 2024-2038+
RNZ2 Energy security - Increase citywide renewable energy generation and resilience of supply - this will require development of projects including ground-mounted solar farms,  solar panels on rooftops and battery storage  Early development % of city's energy that comes from renewable sources, MW of renewable energy generated from new infrastructure Coventry City Council Climate Change Team Strategic Energy Partnership, public and private sectors, developers, businesses, residents 2024-2030+
RNZ3 Heat Networks - Identify opportunities to extend the development of heat networks across the City, in line with heat network zones that have been identified across the city Early development MW of Available Heat Capacity
MW of Connected Heat Capacity
Coventry City Council - Climate Change Team and
Energy Management Services
Strategic Energy Partnership, CDEC, private and public sectors, developers 2024-2030+
RNZ4 Improve grid infrastructure - To support the deployment of electrical infrastructure projects to meet the future demands for power in the City. Not yet commenced Available Power Capacity meets Development Demands. National Grid, Energy Management Services Strategic Energy Partnership, Developers 2024-2030+

Energy data

Reference Workstream/Activity Project stage How success will be measured Who Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ1 Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP) - as a delivery mechanism for other actions within Route to Net Zero pathway of the Climate Change Strategy and other pathways and workstreams as appropriate. Project activity to be prioritised through the SEP energy masterplan and SEP annual business plan.
Social value will be delivered against all SEP projects (links to Fairer Green Pathway)
Already underway Number of projects delivered
Carbon savings
Scale of projects and programmes
Innovation, including pilot projects in Coventry
Local jobs and skills directly attributed to SEP projects
Level of social value achieved measured by TOMs framework
Strategic Energy Partnership Housing Associations, Electric Vehicle Charging Providers, Universities, other utility providers 2024-2038+
RNZ2 Energy security - Increase citywide renewable energy generation and resilience of supply - this will require development of projects including ground-mounted solar farms,  solar panels on rooftops and battery storage  Early development % of city's energy that comes from renewable sources, MW of renewable energy generated from new infrastructure Coventry City Council Climate Change Team Strategic Energy Partnership, public and private sectors, developers, businesses, residents 2024-2030+
RNZ3 Heat Networks - Identify opportunities to extend the development of heat networks across the City, in line with heat network zones that have been identified across the city Early development MW of Available Heat Capacity
MW of Connected Heat Capacity
Coventry City Council - Climate Change Team and
Energy Management Services
Strategic Energy Partnership, CDEC, private and public sectors, developers 2024-2030+
RNZ4 Improve grid infrastructure - To support the deployment of electrical infrastructure projects to meet the future demands for power in the City. Not yet commenced Available Power Capacity meets Development Demands. National Grid, Energy Management Services Strategic Energy Partnership, Developers 2024-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ7 Development of Green Skills Hub - work with key partners to promote the development of skills and training in the construction sector including the building related trades e.g. heating engineers for the advancement in the use of the latest renewable zero carbon and more energy efficient technologies in the retrofitting of existing properties and new build developments of zero carbon homes. Ensure link in with the Green Skills sub group.  Already underway Number of training courses available, number of apprenticeships/students that benefit from training, number of students that go on to get jobs in the sector. Coventry City Council - Skills and Adult Education teams, Economic Development, Climate Change Team Strategic Energy Partnership, Coventry College, Dyson, Westdale, WMCA, schools, other training providers and employers


Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ8 Improve energy efficiency of social housing stock Work with key partners such as Citizen Housing to improve the energy efficiency of the city's social housing stock. This includes the continued delivery of Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 2, which is to support over 2,000 properties by September 2025.  Plan to build on this via Wave 3 and beyond. Already underway Number of homes improved with energy efficiency measures & Increase in homes to an EPC C or above. All social housing stock to be EPC Band C by 2035 and all fuel poor social housing stock to be EPC Band C by 2030  Coventry City Council Climate Change Team & Citizen Citizen Housing, Orbit, Midland Heart, Strategic Energy Partnership Aim for all social housing stock to be EPC C by 2035 and all 'fuel poor' social housing stock to be EPC C by 2030. 
RNZ9 Deliver citywide retrofit programmes Deliver existing government funded grant programmes which support retrofit measures for privately owned properties, including both owner-occupied and private rented (e.g Home Upgrade Grant 2).  Already underway Funding secured and homes improved. Properties increased to EPC band C.  Coventry City Council Climate Change Team & Strategic Energy Partnership Housing Associations 2022-2038+
RNZ10 ECO4 and GBIS Programme Work with companies and contractors to maximise uptake of ECO4 and GBIS across the city. Ensure supporting of marketing for ECO4 and signing off ECO Flex declarations to increase amount of people able to access the schemes.  Already underway Homes supported via ECO4 / GBIS. And ECO Flex declaration signed off by the Council.  Coventry City Council Climate Change Team E.ON, Agility Eco, other energy providers, contractors 2024-2025
RNZ11 Develop long term funding and investment and delivery models to support citywide retrofit programme Work with local government partners across the region to identify solutions to domestic retrofit and access additional funding. This includes working with West Midlands Combined Authority and Midlands Net Zero Hub, as well as working in collaboration with other local authorities across the region. Already underway Funding secured through WMCA devolution deal and through MNZH
Other public/private investment secured
Coventry City Council Climate Change Team West Midlands Combined Authority, Midlands Net Zero Hub, other local authorities 2024-2030+
RNZ12 Develop the city's first net zero neighbourhood which would also include wider net zero benefits (Inc. economies of scale with retrofit)  Early development Residents engaged and homes retrofitted as part of the net zero neighbourhood.  Coventry City Council Climate Change Team West Midlands Combined Authority, Strategic Energy Partnership, local community 2024-2027
RNZ13 Develop green finance initiatives for retrofit Development of programmes that are able to support those 'willing to pay' who are not eligible for the government funded fuel poverty programmes, which could include innovative finance products to enable households to install retrofit measures Early development Homes supported (who are not eligible for fuel poverty programmes)  Coventry City Council Climate Change Team Strategic Energy Partnership, Banks and building societies 2024-2030+
RNZ14 Retrofit of private rented homes Working with housing enforcement, letting agents, and the private sector landlords forum to promote retrofit improvements into tenanted housing stock. Not yet commenced Numbers of private rented sector properties where retrofit improvements are made Coventry City Council Climate Change Team, Housing enforcement, Private Sector Landlords, Letting Agents 2025-2030+
RNZ15 Affordable Warmth Programme Provide an affordable warmth/energy advice service to promote domestic retrofit and direct residents to the most appropriate retrofit grants for their homes as to complement Fairer Green Futures actions. Already underway Number of residents accessing service and number of homes treated with retrofit measures.  Coventry City Council Climate Change team Act On Energy, Fair Green Futures Pathway Group, Ongoing
RNZ16 Energy Saving Campaigns Raise awareness of how residents can use less energy, and what programmes could support them. We will do this by keeping an up-to-date website, and promote through a full range of marketing and promotional activity and seek innovative ways to raise awareness.   Already underway Number of residents receiving advice Coventry City Council Climate Change team Strategic Energy Partnership, Act on Energy, Low Emissions Pathway Group 2024-2030+
RNZ17 Retrofit Market Segmentation Research Work with universities and organisations across the city to raise awareness of retrofit and insulation, and to ensure residents are aware how they can use less energy. Continuation of the St Augustine's School Pilot to develop a teaching pack for schools across Coventry and to establish two further school pilots with market segmentation analysis of two identified schools Early development 1. Numbers of people engaged in campaigns and programmes.
2. Increase in uptake of households in targeted retrofit programmes
Coventry City Council Climate Change team Low Emissions Pathway Group, Strategic Energy Partner, Coventry University, University of Warwick, Act on Energy, community groups, housing providers 2024-2026
RNZ18 Develop an exemplar new low carbon housing development in the city, which achieves EPC A or ideally passivhaus, with provision for low carbon transport and active travel, to be complemented by high quality green and blue space creation to increase biodiversity and be climate resilient. Not yet commenced Delivery of low carbon housing development, number of dwellings delivered with EPC A or passivhaus, active travel measures and green and blue space delivered Private Sector Coventry City Council, Strategic Energy Partnership 2026-2030+
Business and third sector
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ19 Business Support Energy Business Advisors continue to work with businesses through the Council's Business Support Team to provide free sustainability consultancy & delivery energy efficiency audits, providing recommendations to small and medium  businesses in Coventry to implement energy efficiency measures within their businesses. Already underway Energy audits delivered
Carbon abated
Economic Development Service  Pro-Enviro, Aston University, WMG, The Chamber, Destination Coventry By end March 2025 with plan to extend
RNZ20 Business Grants Programmes team within EDS continue delivery of funded programmes to support businesses with grants towards energy efficiency improvements. There are energy efficiency grants available from £1,000-£100,000 up to 50% intervention rate. There are two grant programmes ; UKSPF - Net Zero Grants & BEAS Energy Efficiency Grants (Both Capital grants, which can be applied for following the completion of a energy efficiency audit.  Already underway Number of businesses supported and amount of grant provided
Carbon abated
Economic Development Service Pro-Enviro, Aston University, WMG, Birmingham City Council By end March 2025 with plan to extend
RNZ21 The Green Business Network continues to build on success of current membership of 3500 local businesses through running seminars, training events, podcasts, webinars to further expand network and participation Already underway Number of Green Business Network  Economic Development Service Pro-Enviro, Aston University, WMG, other West Midlands Local Authorities By end March 2025 with plan to extend
RNZ22 Business Sustain Continue work of trading arm Business Sustain to provide environmental services and support to large businesses all over the UK and beyond Already underway Number of businesses supported Economic Development Service (Business Sustain)  Other Local Authorities nationally Ongoing
RNZ23 Supporting non-domestic properties To establish ways of securing finance for Non-Domestic Owner/Occupiers and Long Lease Holders to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings they occupy or meet the requirements of Heat Network Zoning. Not yet commenced Number of properties supported
Investment secured
Carbon abated
Climate Change Team, Strategic Energy Partnership, Facilities Management  Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2030+
RNZ24 MEES To establish ways of securing finance for Commercial Property Landlords to deliver on the requirements of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards and Heat Network Zoning. Not yet commenced Investment secured
Investment secured
Carbon abated
Climate Change Team, Strategic Energy Partnership, Facilities Management  Strategic Energy Partnership  2024-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ25 Active Travel continue to deliver significant infrastructure improvements to promote walking and cycling across the city. This will be supported by development of a local walking and cycling improvement plan to help deliver better connectivity, accessibility and to provide a focus on behavioural change promoting the benefits of cycling as a mode of transport including public health.  Already underway % of trips made by walking and cycling;
Area of infrastructure upgrades delivered (including kms cycle routes, new crossings)
Coventry City Council Transport Team Transport for West Midlands, Active Travel England, Sustrans Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) to be published by 2025, with timelines for individual schemes also set out in the Coventry Transport Strategy
RNZ26 All Electric Bus City Complete delivery of the All Electric Bus City project Already underway 100% of buses operating in the city to be electric Coventry City Council Transport Team Transport for West Midlands, National Express, Stagecoach By end of 2025
RNZ27 Public Transport Improvements Continue to deliver significant improvements to the city's public transport system - including bus and rail and more on demand services. Explore how opportunities of West Midlands bus franchising strategy can support delivering improvements in Coventry. Already underway % of trips made by bus, rail and on-demand Coventry City Council Transport Team Transport for West Midlands, bus and rail operators  Timelines for individual schemes as set out in the Coventry Transport Strategy
RNZ28 Coventry Very Light Rail Delivery of the first Very Light Rail route in Coventry. This includes delivery of the initial city-centre based demonstrator route which will serve as a pilot, and if successful development of the first passenger route Early development Successful pilot of CVLR demonstrator, delivery of first route, CLVR patronage Coventry City Council Transport Team DfT, Transport for West Midlands, WMG and CVLR consortium Demonstrator project by 2026
Full first route to follow post 2027
RNZ29 EV Charging Network Expansion Continue to expand the city's network of publicly available electric vehicle charge points, to accelerate the transition from petrol and diesel powered vehicles Already underway 1. Number of electric vehicles registered in Coventry
2. kWH of charge dispensed via rapid and residential charge points
Coventry City Council Transport Team Strategic Energy Partnership, other chargepoint providers, car dealerships, businesses Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy to be published by end of 2024, with timelines for individual schemes also set out in the Coventry Transport Strategy
RNZ30 EV Charging Infrastructure at Home Deliver innovative solutions to support electric vehicle charging at home, such as using kerbside cable gullies to support on-street charging Early development Number of households supported on installs of electric charging infrastructure Coventry City Council Transport Team Strategic Energy Partnership, other chargepoint providers Pilot project by 2025
RNZ31 Campaigns involving communities and businesses to encourage behaviour change Take steps to encourage and incentivise residents to change their travel behaviour, including through the use of 'Mobility Credits' Already underway % of trips made by sustainable modes
Take up of Mobility Credits
Coventry City Council Transport Team Transport for West Midlands Ongoing activity
RNZ32 EV Mobility Hubs - Local electric vehicle infrastructure programme Development of mobility hubs across the city, providing secure electric charging for cars and e-bikes, with potential to power via renewable energy where appropriate to install a solar canopy  Early development Number of hubs delivered, usage of hubs by the public Coventry City Council Transport Team Charge point providers Transport for West Midlands Initial pilots to be delivered 2025-26
RNZ33 Improve accessibility to charging infrastructure Increase opportunities for more accessible charging infrastructure for disabled car users, which includes piloting new solutions such as wireless technology and working with Motability to support drivers in the city  Early development Number of accessible electric charging points installed, use of accessible charging points Coventry City Council Transport Team Strategic Energy Partnership, other chargepoint providers, Transport for West Midlands, Motability Initial pilots to be delivered by 2025
RNZ34 Undertake the decarbonisation of the Council Operational Fleet  Already underway % fleet which is net zero Coventry City Council Environmental Services Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2027
RNZ35 To promote the use of electric vehicles by the provision of rental electric vehicles for trial periods and to promote the development of EV Charging points on business premises. Not yet commenced Number of trials of rental electric vehicles & Number of EV charging points on business premises Coventry City Council Transport Team Strategic Energy Partnership, other chargepoint providers, car dealerships, businesses 2025-2027
RNZ36 Travel Planning To support initiatives which advise and assist employers to promote commuter plans and car sharing schemes for commuting to work to reduce carbon emissions Already underway Number of businesses/organisations with Travel Plans Coventry City Council - Climate Change Team, Transport Team , HR Transport for West Midlands, Growth Hub, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, Strategic Energy Partnership Ongoing
RNZ37 Support measures to grow and promote local second hand electric vehicle market  Not yet commenced Number of second hand electric vehicle dealerships in the city, number of secondhand electric vehicles purchased, number of households with an electric car, number of businesses using electric vans Coventry City Council - Climate Change, Transport, Communications Car dealerships, businesses


Public sector estate
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
RNZ38 Develop strategy and action plan for decarbonisation of the Council Operational Estate toward Net Zero by 2050. To meet or exceed the interim targets of 50% reduction by 2032 and 75% reduction by 2037 from a 2017 baseline. Already underway Council Operational Estate Decarbonisation Action Plan Developed and delivering on target requirements Coventry City Council Facilities Management Strategic Energy Partnership 50% by 2032
RNZ39 LED Upgrade – PFI Street Lighting. investing in energy efficient Street lighting LED technology, whilst giving a better quality of light and achieving a significant saving on energy consumption and carbon reduction (1200 tonnes per year).  Early development Number of street columns replaced, carbon and energy savings, number of street lamps re-used Coventry City Council  Balfour Beatty 2025-2027
RNZ40 Commercial property energy efficiency improvements (MEES) - To find a means to enable us to make energy efficiency improvements to property that we own but do not pay the bills for electricity and gas and to find way to stimulate investment in other private sector property owners including examining the potential of using blockchain technology.  Already underway % of Commercial Properties EPC B or better Coventry City Council -
Commercial Property (CPM)
Energy Management Services and Climate Change team
Strategic Energy Partnership 2028 (provisional)
RNZ41 Develop strategy and action plan for decarbonisation of the Coventry Education Estate toward Net Zero by 2050. To meet or exceed the interim targets of 50% reduction by 2032 and 75% reduction by 2037 from a 2017 baseline. Already underway Education Estate Decarbonisation Action Plan Developed and delivering on target requirements Coventry City Council - Education, Facilities Management Strategic Energy Partnership 50% by 2032
RNZ42 Support the development of decarbonisation strategies of the wider Public Sector Estate towards Net Zero by 2050. To meet or exceed the interim targets of 50% reduction by 2032 and 75% reduction by 2037 from a 2017 baseline Already underway Public Sector Stakeholders have decarbonisation plans in place and are delivering on target requirements Coventry City Council Climate Change and Energy Management Teams Climate Change Board, Strategic Energy Partnership, CDEC 50% by 2032
RNZ43 Continue to source at least 15% of Council Energy Use from locally sourced renewables Already underway % of Energy Demand sourced from Local Renewables meets or exceeds target Coventry City Council Energy Management Strategic Energy Partnership, other energy providers Ongoing
RNZ44 Aim to include Water Related Emissions to CCC Operational Estate Scope 3 Reporting Not yet commenced Water Related Emissions added to Operational Estate Annual Reporting Coventry City Council Energy Management n/a 2024
RNZ45 Scope 2 reporting To identify opportunities and methods to broaden the range of Scope 3 emissions to be reported for CCC Operational Estate and other Public Sector Estate Reporting. Not yet commenced Development of more robust Scope 3 reporting, which will help to inform future decarbonisation plans Coventry City Council Energy Management   2026-2028

Circular Economy

Objective: To minimise waste and increase re-use and recycling of materials to create a successful local circular economy.

Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE1 New Waste Strategy Production of new Waste Strategy for Coventry, setting out more detail of how the city will support development of a circular economy and tackle challenges to minimise waste and boost repair, re-use and recycling including promoting behavioural change to promote recycling and re-use. Not yet commenced 1. Formal adoption of new Waste Strategy with clear commitments to follow the waste hierarchy promoting re-use etc. Coventry City Council WMG, Tom White Waste,  Circular Economy Pathway Group 2025-2026
CE2 Waste campaigns To carry out a number of campaigns and behavioural change projects and initiatives at the Citywide and neighbourhood level to encourage an increase in recycling participation rates and greater support for re-use and repair. Not yet commenced 1. Number of campaigns/behavioural change projects;
2. Socio demographic market segmentation Analysis of the levels of participation across the city Increase in recycling participation in target areas
Coventry City Council Sherbourne Resource Park, WMCA, neighbouring authorities 2025-2030+
CE3 Improve data collection and reporting, including working with the private sector to collect commercial waste data which is essential to support business case development for local circular economy projects Not yet commenced 1. Establishing a reporting mechanism for collecting citywide commercial waste data Coventry City Council Private sector, Defra, West Midlands Combined Authority, Local Universities 2026
Repair and re-use
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE4 #Coventry Connects - electronic device bank to support communities and individuals who are digitally excluded. This involves donation of unwanted devices from local organisations, refurbishment of equipment and distribution of equipment and digital training. Programme has been running successfully over a year, there are plans to build on this through increasing donations and the amount of participants in the programme. Already underway 1. Number of devices donated by organisations;
2. Number of devices refurbished;
3. Number of refurbished devices donated;
4. Number of people undertaking digital training;
5. Environmental benefits of diverting electronic waste from landfill (CO2 and water)
Coventry City Council WMG, local businesses and organisations, charities, communities and individuals 2023-2025 (with plans to extend)
CE5 Development of a citywide construction waste re-use hub Not yet commenced 1. Creation of re-use hub;
2 .Amount of materials donated;
3. Amount of materials purchased;
4. Amount of waste diverted from landfill;
5. Environmental benefits of diverting construction waste from landfill 
Coventry City Council WMCA Develop a viable Business Plan for securing investment for a construction waste re-use hub 2025 - delivery 2026-2029
CE6 Commercial waste To develop links and new products and services with the Council's commercial waste arms length company Tom White Waste, Business Support Team and Business Sustain services, engaging new partners and building industry support. Not yet commenced 1. Number of businesses engaged;
2. Number of new products and services delivered
Coventry City Council Tom Whites, wide business community 2026
CE7 Develop research-led circular economy pilot/showcase initiatives with businesses to develop new markets and opportunities for management of commercial waste, Not yet commenced 1. Number of projects piloted;
2. Reduction in commercial waste of businesses involved
3. Amount of commercial waste diverted from landfill/incineration for those businesses involved
Coventry City Council Universities, Local businesses 2025-2030+
CE8 Develop circular economy resources To develop an online resource promoting re-use and repair with advice on how to extend the life of products combined with a media and comms strategy Not yet commenced 1. Publication of online resource;
2. Funding secured to develop resources and tools;
3. Number of people accessing resource
Coventry City Council WMCA 2026
CE9 Promoting reuse of community resources to reduce financial pressures on families (eg furniture EMAUS) Not yet commenced 1. Number of campaigns/behavioural change projects;
2. Number of social enterprises supported;
3. Number of new social enterprises in Coventry;
2. Increase in reuse/repair of community resources
Coventry City Council Charities and social enterprises, voluntary sector, local businesses 2025-2030+
CE10 Increase citywide re-use and repair To develop and further enhance existing neighbourhood based and citywide re-use, hire and repair services across the city, including social enterprises. Not yet commenced 1. Increase in uptake in people accessing services in city
2. Number of new services offering hire and repair
Coventry City Council Communities, WMCA, other local authorities, C&W Chamber of Commerce 2026
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE11 Increase the range of materials that can be recycled through household waste to boost citywide recycling rates and increase supply of materials to the Materials Recycling Facility, which will contribute to increasing the number of markets that recycled materials supply Already underway 1. Increase in range of materials recycled
2. Increase in citywide household recycling rates
3. Increase in recycled materials processed by the MRF
4. Increase in amount of recycled materials the MRF supplies to new markets
Coventry City Council Sherbourne Resource Park, WMCA, neighbouring authorities, all households 2025
CE12 Roll out of citywide household food waste collection service Not yet commenced Increase in household food waste collected Coventry City Council   2026
CE13 Develop the infrastructure for Coventry to be the nations leading city for WEEE waste recycling. Greenpower Park is an important part of this solution for battery recycling which is a long term strategy. In the Quick Win there is an opportunity for business growth in WEEE waste recycling which can build on success of the digital recycling project to support further development of a circular economy for electronic waste that can benefit local people and generate wider environmental and social benefits. Not yet commenced 1. Tonnage of WEEE waste kept out of landfill;
2. Amount of CO2 savings from WEEE waste being diverted from landfill;
3. Number of devices donated to support digital recycling project;
4. Number of people/community groups that benefit from donations of digital devices.
Coventry City Council WMG, local businesses and organisations, community organisations, voluntary organisations, charities 2025-2030+
CE14 Development Council procurement policy to include circularity criteria in contracts for future projects, alongside embodied carbon to encourage more suppliers to adopt a more circular approach to waste and energy. This is something that could be adopted by other organisations across the city.
Criteria could include traceable recycled material content, use of low emission suppliers, evidence of design for circularity, disassembly or sustainable disposal and evidence of material minimisation and not overdesign. Embodied emissions can be calculated to demonstrate the environmental benefits of future projects that adopt a more circular approach to waste.  
Not yet commenced 1. Production of new circular economy policy adopted as part of Council's procurement framework;
2. Impacts will be monitored for each contract
3. Adoption of this approach by other Coventry organisations
Coventry City Council (Climate Change and Procurement) WMG, local  organisations End of 2025

Nature Based

Objective: Support nature recovery and create more accessible green and blue space for wildlife to thrive and communities to enjoy.

Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
NB1 Development of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Coventry in line with the Environment Act 2021. This is a spatial strategy which must agree priorities for nature's recovery, will map the most valuable existing areas for nature alongside specific proposals for creating or improving habitat for nature and wider environmental goals. which will which will inform priority areas of focus and opportunities for nature recovery Already underway 1) Completion of Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Coventry West Midlands Combined Authority CCC and key partners such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Environment Agency, Natural England, Canal and Rivers Trust, Severn Trent and neighbouring authorities, alongside landowners and community groups. End of 2025
NB2 Development of a Green and Blue Plan for Coventry, based on data and supported by overarching principles for delivery which will provide a more strategic approach to land planning and unlock sites for nature, alongside improving access to green space. This will be informed by the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and include a database of the City's land assets and their potential nature conservation value. This should begin with a city-wide, in-depth species and habitat survey, which uses up-to-date information to assess the existing state of our land and the opportunities for enhancements. This will inform decisions on land use targets, such as managing 30% of our land for nature and should prioritise addressing inequalities in green space and ecosystem service distribution. Early development 1) Political approval of a Green and Blue Plan for Coventry;
2) Development of green and blue data base, which will be presented as an interactive map on the Council website
3) Detailed baseline habitat survey for Coventry
Coventry City Council working with Nature-Based Pathway Group, support from WMCA as part of Local Nature Recover Strategy and wider work with 3rd sector organisations such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Butterfly Conservation (Warwickshire) etc. and the voluntary sector End of 2025 (in line with Local Nature Recovery Strategy)
NB3 To develop an approach for monitoring biodiversity and habitat quality changes over time to enforce biodiversity net gain and ensure we progress in our aims to enhance green infrastructure and address inequalities in access to high-quality natural green spaces.

Need to also relate to private gardens and community allotments to residents can support.
Early development 1) The production of a biodiversity progress report Coventry City Council working with Nature-Based Pathway Group, support from WMCA as part of Local Nature Recover Strategy and wider work with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and University of Warwick/Coventry University End of 2025 (in line with statutory reporting duty)
NB4 Produce a natural capital prospectus for Coventry, to include development of natural capital pipeline, financial models and obtain partner support, as part of WMCA's Local Investment in Natural Capital Programme Early development 1. Development of natural capital pipeline;
2. Launch of a natural capital prospectus;
3. Investment in natural capital schemes from both public and private sectors
West Midlands Combined Authority Coventry City Council, with support from Nature Based Pathway Group and key partners inc Natural England Prospectus by end of 2025; Invesment up to 2030
NB5 Continue development of partnership projects to improve biodiversity and create habitat across the City, building on success of Sherbourne Valley project. This could include developing a similar programme for the River Sowe Corridor, where there are aspirations to create an urban country park and better connect communities along the corridor, including UHCW and community hubs. Already underway 1. Investment secured for new projects; 2. Number of projects delivered;
3. Increase in biodiversity
Coventry City Council Support from Nature Based Pathway Group, Climate Change Board, key partners such as UHCW and community and voluntary groups 2024-2030+
NB6 Delivery of the city's Urban Forestry Strategy, planting 360,000 trees across the city. This should particularly target areas where there is less green space and tree coverage, and will be delivered by a mix of tree planting in green spaces and through street-trees in more urban built up areas. As part of this, the Council needs to continually review maintenance to promote retention of healthy trees and use planning policy to ensure trees aren't lost to development. Already underway 1. Number of trees planted;
2. Increase in total number of city's trees (through planting and retention);
3. Increase of tree canopy cover from 11% towards 20%
4. Provide equity in the delivery and distribution of tree canopy cover
Coventry City Council Investors, land owners, local businesses, communities and individuals 2032
NB7 Nature Based Research To continue to work closely with local academic experts at Coventry University and the University of Warwick to integrate best practice approaches to green infrastructure enhancements, develop funding bids and research projects Already underway 1. Investment secured for new projects; 2. Number of projects delivered;
3. Increase in biodiversity
Coventry City Council Coventry University, University of Warwick and other partners as appropriate 2024-2030+
NB8 To encourage opportunities to improve water quality in Coventry in line with the requirements of The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017 through methods such as deculverting, renaturalising where possible in existing water bodies and through robust influence over new development. Already underway 1.Improvement of the quality of watercourses in the city;
2. Amount of investment in river restoration and enhancement schemes;
Coventry City Council Support from external partners such as Severn Trent, Environment Agency, Canal and River Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust 2024-2030+
NB9 To implement conservation management techniques in parks and open spaces where opportunities exist to improve biodiversity and encourage community engagement in wildlife conservation activities. Already underway 1. Number of parks and green spaces where conservation measures are implemented;
2. Number of volunteers involved in supporting conservation activities
Coventry City Council Volunteers including community groups friends of park groups, residents and business community 2024-2026+
NB10 To create green corridors across the city to support nature, through a mix of features including street trees, green walls and roofs, bee-friendly bus stops, wildflower meadow areas within the adopted highway , rain gardens and sustainable urban drainage systems aiming to address inequalities in access to greenspace and achieve Natural England ANGST targets. Early development 1. Number of schemes delivered across the city
2. Extent of new green space created
3. Number of schemes delivered in areas with poor access to green space
4.Uplift in areas where ANGST targets are achieved
Coventry City Council Businesses, developers, households, Transport for West Midlands, bus operators, community groups 2024-2030+
NB11 Landscape-scale natural restoration project - To seek out landscape-scale restoration through the creation and long-term enhancement of woodlands, grasslands and river corridors, creating new nature reserves and improving existing to support the aims of managing 30% of our land for nature by 2030 in conjunction with the Local Nature Recovery Strategy. Larger projects are likely to involve collaboration with neighbouring local authorities and partners. Early development 1. The implementation of a landscape scale project
2. Biodiversity Net Gain units created
Coventry City Council Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Nature Based Pathway Group, investors, neighbouring local authorities 2024-2026+
NB12 Training and Skills across CCC To engage a variety of departments across the local authority in how their actions and means of delivering services can impact biodiversity to identify opportunities for nature-based integration. This will be done through training and developing new policy guidance, alongside more sustainable procurement. Not yet commenced Use of TOMs framework to demonstrate value added Coventry City Council Nature Based Pathway Group 2025-2026+
NB13 Community involvement To encourage and stimulate opportunities for communities to engage with ecosystem restoration and conservation activities, such as tree or bulb planting, and citizen science events like the City Nature Challenge. Biodiversity enhancement events should be highlighted through onsite interpretation, the Council website, and social media. Already underway 1. Number of engagement and awareness campaigns;
2. Number of sign ups to campaigns;
3. Number of participants at events
Coventry City Council Nature Based Pathway Group, Community and voluntary groups, residents and businesses Ongoing
NB14 Training and skills - citywide To upskill existing staff and volunteers in the management of green spaces for nature, including developing training in conservation management skills, which can be implemented in parks and areas of open space in Coventry. Includes Friends of Groups in parks and other community voluntary groups. Not yet commenced 1. Launch of training programme; 2. Number of staff and volunteers that have undertaken training;
3. Qualifications gained by participants
Coventry City Council Support from partners such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and Garden Organic 2025-2026
NB15 To promote positive and sustainable individual action, such as attracting wildlife to private gardens, growing food at home and composting. This will be done through educational materials and training opportunities. Not yet commenced 1. Nature campaigns for targeted action;
2. Number of sign ups to campaigns;
Nature Based Pathway Group to coordinate campaigns, with organisations contributing including CCC and our Outdoor Education team, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Severn Trent, Garden Organic, Canal and Rivers Trust Led by residents and community groups, RSPB 2025-2027
NB16 Schools National Park Support schools with DfE scheme to create a national park across the country's schools estate. Project will require us to continue to work with schools on developing wildlife areas, as well as cross-curricular teaching and promoting the appreciation and understanding of biodiversity and nature-based issues. Already underway 1. The development of a nature-based education programme;
2. Number of schools participating in programme;
3. Uplift in biodiversity achieved across the city's schools
Coventry City Council Outdoor Education team Department for Education Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Severn Trent, Garden Organic and Canal and Rivers Trust 2025-2027
NB17 Tiny Forests Delivery of a network of 'tiny forests' across Coventry, which are small but dense areas of woodland which support biodiversity Funding preliminarily secured Number of tiny forests delivered, number of trees planted Coventry City Council and Earthwatch Community and volunteer groups 2025-2028
NB18 Ensure that new development supports nature through strengthening local planning policy via the Local Plan Review. This will build on the existing biodiversity net gain supplementary planning guidance and ensure new developments incorporate measures to support local nature recovery e.g. inclusion of swift bricks,controlling nature of LED lighting, bat boxes, alongside wider green and blue infrastructure measures through biodiversity net gain. Already underway 1. Adoption of revised Local Plan Coventry City Council Developers, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, RSPB 2025-2030+

Fairer Green Future

Objective: To deliver a just transition to a net zero city, ensuring that the impacts of climate change and interventions don't disproportionally impact on our most vulnerable communities

Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
FG1 Development of a Just Transition Plan for Coventry - setting out key objectives and a framework for how a just transition in the city will be delivered Early development Development of Framework;
Appointment of Just Transition Lead for city and Steering Group to support activity
setting an example to influence others in City & beyond
Coventry City Council Fairer Green Future Pathway Group, local businesses and communities 2025
FG2 Develop a Green Skills Roadmap for Coventry, to understand green skills gaps and training requirements, alongside sectors that will need to transition to support move to net zero Early Development Development of road map and a Green Skills Strategy Coventry City Council (Climate Change and Sustainability team, Skills Team and Green Skills Sub Group) Partners from public and private sectors, alongside education and training providers, WMCA 2025
FGF4 Provide an affordable warmth/energy advice service targetting low income and vulnerable households in Coventry Already underway Number of residents accessing service. Number of residents with a vulnerability accessing service. Number of energy efficiency measures installed. Coventry City Council (Public Health team in partnership with Climate Change and Sustainability team) NEA Ongoing
FG5 Raise awareness of fuel poverty; its causes and how to support residents living with its effects. Already underway Number of professionals trained on affordable warmth and fuel poverty issues. Coventry City Council (Public Health team, supported by Climate Change and Sustainability team) NEA Ongoing
FG6 To monitor indoor air quality in properties pre and post retrofit including temperature, relative humidity and pm2.5 and pm10 to inform priority measures for addressing condensation and damp in order to enable energy efficiency improvements to be made in properties previously Not yet commenced Increased number of properties benefitting from retrofit activities that previously could not and improvements in health as a result of reductions in condensation damp and mould Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team, Housing Enforcement, Public Health) Act on Energy, University of Birmingham, Citizen Housing, Bimingham City Council 2026-2028
FG7 To undertake a market segmentation analysis of the city of Coventry with detailed focus groups and surveys of each market segment in order to understand perceptions and barriers to the take up of retrofit grants or commitment to secure funding for improvements by Private Sector landlords to enable retrofitting properties for households suffering from fuel poverty - overlaps with Fairer Green and Route to Net Zero Pathways - with the former focusing on community involvement and the latter on the nature of the questions asked in Focus Groups and surveys etc. Not yet commenced Increased uptake of grants for the benefit of tenants living in private rented and social landlord properties. Improvements in health as a consequence of affordable warmth and improved living conditions. Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team, Public Health Team, Housing Enforcement Team) Act on Energy, University of Warwick, Citizen Housing, Royal College of Physicians, NHS National Data Team Dependent upon Grant application from Partnership for £2.5m over 3 years
FG8 Net-Zero Neighbourhood - develop the city's first net-zero neighbourhood - looking at access to green space, energy efficiency, CVLR etc and to establish positive relationships with community representatives and organisations to raise awareness and obtain commitment and support from local people to make the Net Zero Neighbourhood a reality. NB: The implementation of the Net Zero Programme is covered by the Route to Net Zero Pathway Group the role of this group is to support community engagement and ensure a Just Transition is implemented. Early development An Established Net Zero Neighbourhood with evidence of community involvement in the design and delivery of the Project Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team with support from other Depts notably Transport and community resilience). The Strategic Energy Partnership, the Climate Change Board's Fairer Green Pathway Group and Low Emissions Group, Act on Energy, (Hillfields NEA Group?) 2024-2027
FG9 School Climate Change Support - Development of an integrated curriculum to support secondary schools, and to look at how schools are run to link the learning to making schools an exemplar Not yet commenced Number of schools signing up to the Council's Sustainable Schools Programme Coventry City Council Education, Outdoor Education, Climate Change Team Third sector organisations with interests in environmental education etc. 2026
FG10 Schools Campaigns Work with schools to create an educational resource for schools raise awareness of children about the science of energy insulation and its importance to combating climate change, reducing fuel bills and affordable warmth with home surveys where children can act as catalysts for change development and refinement of educational materials and resources for use by Primary Schools across the City. Initial pilot at St Augustines School. Already underway Number of schools making use of resources and number of requests for advice and support from households as a result of the Projects Warwick University with Coventry City Council Act On Energy, National Energy Action (NEA), Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2026+
FG11 Partnering with C&W Integrated Care Board - promotion of eco-flex for clinically vulnerable people with pharmacy practices building upon the University of Warwick's outline plan to develop automated referrals associated with repeat prescriptions for identified clinical conditions which are automatically eligible for ECOFlex Not yet commenced The number of residents with the identified eligible clinical conditions who receive practical advice and support and the improvements in home energy ratings as a result. NHS Integrated Care Board with Coventry City Council Agility Eco, Eon, ICB NHS 2025-2026
FG12 Delivery of Coventry's Air Quality Action Plan - measures include infrastructure improvements, greening and active travel measures, alongside targeted campaigns to encourage behaviour change Already underway Improvements in Air Quality across the city, particularly in hot spots which the Air Quality Action Plan seeks to address Coventry City Council (Sustainability, public health, transport and environmental health) WMCA, Defra Ongoing
FG14 Coventry Grows Programme - pilot to create a network of community growing sites across the city to support food growing and wildlife. Includes training for groups to learn new skills around food growing, harvesting and cooking. Opportunity for social prescribing to improve the physical health and mental well-being of participants. Establishment of a local steering group to support citywide activity, showcase best practice and provide guidance and case studies. Toolkit to be produced to support community groups interested in creating a community growing site. Citywide map of potential growing sites to be developed and legal framework to be simplified to grant access to sites for community cultivation. Early development 1. Number of community gardening sites established;
2. Amount of investment in community gardening sites;
3. Number of participants in community gardening schemes;
4. Number of volunteers attending training courses;
5. Positive social prescribing outcomes
Coventry City Council E.ON, local businesses, landowners 2025-2026+
FG15 Making better use of our allotment network - Increase in participation in local allotments across the city - includes community plots, smaller plots which are more manageable for individuals and families, opportunities for shared plots as well as working with allotment plot holders to provide surplus local seasonal produce to food banks and the Food Network. To support this there are aspirations to create a new digital platform to increase engagement, involvement and provide support and resource library. Not yet commenced 1. Increased participation from volunteers in city's allotment network
2. Donations of surplus produce to local networks
3. Creation of digital platform
Coventry City Council partnered with the Coventry Allotment Association. Charities including Food Network and local food banks, community groups, individuals 2026
FG16 Support development of community woodlands Early development 1. Number of community woodlands created
2. Participation in community woodland sites, captured through events, footfall
Coventry City Council supporting community organisations/CICs Grapevine, voluntary groups, Outdoor Education 2025-2026
FG17 Outdoor Education space in nature- development of hub and spoke model, creating outdoor spaces and facilities which schools can use as an educational resource with associated educational materials Already underway Identified locations for schools to use with accessible associated teaching resources Coventry City Council Outdoor Education team Schools, other organisations delivering education training such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust 2026-2028
FG18 Food Network - To make further progress towards 'Sustainable Food Places' Bronze Award by strengthening the connectivity between food banks and food growing initiatives across the City and the supporting the development of community food growing initiatives across the city. To explore the opportunities for social subscribing to support community food growing and gardening projects with horticultural therapy and other benefits. Early development The numbers of people growing food for local consumption and the Area of land devoted to community food growing. Coventry City Council Climate Change and Sustainability, Parks, Community Resilience and adult social care Integrated Care Board, GP's, Canals & Rivers Trust, Housing Associations, 2025-2026
FG19 To support the development of Community Supermarkets and to use them as information points to raise awareness of sustainability and opportunities to access grants and advice relating to food growing, energy efficiency, active travel, public transport etc. Already underway No's of people engaged in community food growing projects Coventry City Council, Coventry Food Network. Food Network, BiTC, Groundwork 2025-2030+
FG20 Supporting development of social enterprises as vehicles for the delivery of environmental projects, social care and support which help people on low incomes which help local communities to share and repair goods and services by identifying and nurturing potential social-entrepreneurs with interests including Skills and employment training Not yet commenced The number of viable community based projects and initiatives which provide services to the public Coventry City Council CDA 2027
FG21 City of Culture Green Legacy Projects - building on green futures theme during City of Culture, using arts and culture to engage communities on environmental issues and develop projects Not yet commenced Number of people engaged through culture and arts-based initiatives; number of arts-based projects with environmental theme delivered in Coventry Coventry City Council Culture Coventry, local creative groups and artists 2025-2030+
FG22 Air Alert and Breathe Easy App for use by residents across the City who have received diagnosis of pulmonary and respiratory health conditions which inform residents of air quality conditions with warnings on days where the pollution levels are high and present a risk and to encourage activity on the majority of days when there is not a significant risk. Not yet commenced Number of vulnerable residents satisfaction levels in the use of the app Integrated Care Board with Coventry City Council GP's, community nurses care workers etc. 2027
FG23 Air quality monitoring(real time) and linking to street activity, beginning with nine air quality monitors which will join a regional air quality sensor network Already underway PM2.5, PM10 and NOx pollutant levels measured and tracked to demonstrate stabilisation and improvements in air quality on a local and regional footprint WMCA, Coventry City Council (Public Health, Environmetal Protection) NHS ICB 2024-2030+
FG24 Improve local air quality (indoor and outdoor) through a reduction in from domestic woodburning stoves, delivered via a behavioural change campaign. Early stage development Improvements in air quality at neighbourhood levels, reduction in PM2.5 levels. Residents engaged to in using alternative modes of heating or fuels (including retrofit measures) to create a warmer home. Coventry City Council (Public Health, Environmental Protection), WMCA, WSP, Behaviouralist. NHS ICB 2024-2025
FG25 Staff Training To develop a training programme for staff to develop their community participatory and engagement skills with the use of established effective methods for identifying needs and seeking a consensus on ways forward in addressing issues etc e.g. Future Search, guided visualisation, Planning for Real, Participatory Budgeting, citizens juries, participatory appraisal etc. Not yet commenced Percentage public satisfaction with CCC consultation and engagement exercises Coventry City Council and partners linked to the Climate Change Board Climate Change Board and its members End of 2025
FG26 To learn from Warwickshire County Councils successful 'Food for Life' Programme in schools, early years settings, care homes and hospitals etc and seek ways of applying an equivalent for Coventry integrating dietary awareness, food growing and cookery skills etc. Not yet commenced Schools, Early Years and Care settings joining the Food for Life awards programme, Development of local projects to raise awareness and improve standards and skills associated with food provided within these institutions and the development of key skills relating to healthy eating cooking and food growing. Coventry City Council (Climate Change and sustainability, education, adult social care) Food for Life (national charity), Soil association End of 2026
FG27 Library Service campaign The Library Service will organise special awareness raising events and activities as part of its community programme with the setting up of book sections and public information directories devoted to sustainability and climate change and promoting the services use of environmental technologies to reduce its carbon footprint. Not yet commenced Increase in take up and reading of books relating to sustainability and climate change across libraries. This should help lead towards behavioural change and cultural shifts e.g. increased participation rates in recycling, cycling, use of public transport etc. Coventry City Council Library Service NGO's and community organisations End of 2025
FG28 Academic Research To work with the Universities in the development of the D School Concept bringing together academics and practitioners from a broad range of faculties and disciplines to look at real life problems and with blue sky creative design thinking problem solve and come up with potential solutions to wicked issues which impact upon sustainability and climate change (Design Thinking solutions to complex sustainability issues) Already underway The initiation of innovative projects which come up with creative solutions to difficult to address issues including all areas across the Strategy from Net Zero to Fairer Greener, Circular Economy etc. Coventry City Council and Climate Change Board members Universities, University of Warwick already engaging with putting concept into practice End of 2027

Council actions

Training and development
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC1 Mandatory staff training programme for climate change and sustainability Not yet commenced Launch of training modules / course for staff / Pilot training pack with the Disabled Employee Network to ensure accessibility for all employees with disabilities.
% of staff that have completed training
Also engage with staff who do not have the use of English as their first language to ensure communication is accessible.
Climate Change Team to lead whole Council to participate potentially in partnership with other local authorities or professional bodies Fast Followers Fund
By December 2025
CCC2 Bespoke Member and Leadership training for climate change and sustainability Not yet commenced % of Leadership team that have completed training
% of Members that have completed training
Climate Change Team to lead, all Members and Leadership Board to participate Neighbouring authorities By December 2025
CCC3 Create a Green Employee Network, to encourage sustainability champions, share knowledge and offer guidance and support Early development Launch of Green Employee Network & CC Strategy
Number of staff participating in Network
Number of Sustainability Champions
Participation in Green Employee Network events New Climate Change Related projects implemented across departments
Climate Change Team to lead with involvement from service areas across the Council Climate Change Board Member organisations By March 2025
CCC4 Make taking action on Sustainability a mandatory part of the Council's performance framework, to be embedded in annual appraisal process to consider what are the core competencies and how they can best be measured across the range of activities and disciplines. Not yet commenced Number of staff with sustainability objectives captured in annual appraisals Climate Change Team and Human Resources to implement, every staff member in the organisation to have a sustainability objective   By March 2026
CCC5 Developing the Climate Change Team and wider Environmental and Energy Services to ensure there is appropriate resource, expertise and capacity and co-ordination within the organisation and build external support with partners to address any gaps Already underway Internal review of Council teams' structure and identify resource requirements;
Implementation of any structure changes identified as required
Council Leadership Board Climate Change Board potential for secondments between partner organisations? By December 2025
CCC6 Increase opportunities for Equality, diversity and inclusion within the Climate Change team and wider corporate action on this agenda Already underway Number of apprenticeships/placements / secondments and jobs created in the Climate Change team and across organisations and supporting activities for people with EDI characteristics Climate Change Team and other Council Environmental and Energy Service areas Climate Change Board potential for secondments between partner organisations? 2024-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC7 Report the progress taken on the Action Plan through the Council's One Coventry Performance Framework, ensuring transparent reporting on progress of the plan Not yet commenced Positive progress being made against indicators as reported in the One Coventry Performance Framework Climate Change Team and Insight Team & Climate Change Board Climate Change Board 2025-2030
CCC8 Ensure that all Council reporting through the constitution considers environmental and climate impacts, with teams to seek guidance from the Climate Change team as required to ensure this is robust. Already underway Number of reports approved by constitution which have considered the environmental and climate impacts of the contents of the report Governance Services and Climate Change Team WMCA, Energy Capital By March 2026
CCC9 Carbon Disclosure Project annual reporting to compare annual progress and how Coventry compares against other cities to help us learn best practice Already underway To continually improve our CPD reporting data year by year (2023 score was A-) with a particular focus on establishing ways of improving the accuracy of assessing Scope ! & 2 emissions and attempting to capture Scope 3 emissions wherever possible including the use of invoice carbon footprint analysis by product type as used by private sector corporations. Climate Change Team SEP, Climate Change Board, University of Birmingham, University of Warwick, Coventry University, WMCA, Energy Capital 2022-2030+
CCC10 Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS)
To continually improve our GDS Score and to enable Coventry as a City to benchmark its sustainability performance as a visitor and tourism destination against other Cities in the UK and across the world using an internationally recognised standard adopted by major cities worldwide. This is an independently verified internationally recognised rating system adopted by Cities across the world.
Already underway To build upon Coventry's initial good score and to demonstrate continually improvement in creating a sustainable destination of global note by achieving increases in our GDS Score. Coventry City Council & Destination Coventry Businesses, The Chamber, Climate Change Board 2023-2030+
Policy and planning
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC11 Strengthen Local Planning Policy to place greater requirements and expectations upon developers for sustainable development in Coventry to support delivery of the Climate Change Strategy, that needs to go beyond building regulations. This ranges from
a) further promote energy conservation in buildings and the development and use of renewables for energy generation.
b) further protect and enhance biodiversity.
c) promote high quality design that promotes active travel.
d) ensure accessibility to public transport and active travel and minimise the need for the use of private motor vehicle.
e) further reduce the risk of flooding and minimise the opportunities for heat gain
Already underway Uplift in environmental standards and sustainability requirements in the Local Plan following review process - Energy policies currently concerning building fabric, affiliation to heat networks and use of renewables being viability tested ahead of upcoming regulation 19 consultation, following on to submission to secretary of state (subject to council authority). Policies to also align with the City's Adaptation and Resilience Strategy & Action Plan covering mitigation of extreme weather events and measures to ensure an effective response should extreme weather events arise. Climate Change Team and Planning Team
  Local Plan Review is due by 2026
Developments ongoing
CCC12 Develop a city design code to help deliver the aspirations of the Local Plan Review and Climate Change Strategy, which will ensure consistent design standards applied to support more sustainable development. NPPF consultation suggests initial development of more localised design coding targeting areas of upcoming change in the City Early development Development of localised design codes for areas of anticipated change, expect public consultation on initial codes in 2025 Coventry City Council - Climate Change Team and Planning Team Severn Trent, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Canals & Rivers trust, Environment Agency 2024-2027
CCC13 Development of Place-Based Strategy for Coventry, taking a city-wide approach to identifying key interventions and investment required over the next 5+ years Already underway Levels of public and private funds secured to realise priority investment projects to deliver inclusive and sustainable growth - advancing Coventry as a green future city. Coventry City Council - Economic Development Service co-ordinating, with input from multiple Service areas, including Employment, Skills & Adult Education; Transport; Property & Development; Climate Change & Sustainability; Housing; Transformation; Public Health; and Digital Services. Universities, Business Bodies, Colleges, Independent Training Providers, Housing Associations, E.ON (SEP), Developers, WMCA, Other West Midlands Local Authorities, Third sector bodies. 2024-2025
CCC14 Develop a pre-application service to provide expertise and advice to developers on consideration of climate change for new developments, which would fund in-house resource Not yet commenced 1. Number of resources secured;
2. Number of developers accessing service;
3. Positive changes made to proposed development plans to include for more sustainable development features
Coventry City Council Climate Change and Planning Developers Jul-05
Community involvement and support
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC15 Development and implementation of a Climate Change Communications and Involvement Strategy to support delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan and ensure a consistent approach to how we engage with communities and help empower them to take action Early development Production of Strategy
Number of residents, businesses and communities involved and engaged with The Strategy and associated Action plans
Climate Change Team and Communications and Engagement Team, with support from Climate Change Board Pathway Groups, particularly 'Fair Green Futures' Institute for Public Engagement, BiTC, Climate Change Board. 2025
CCC16 Continue to deliver regular Climate Change Newsletters which people can subscribe to, for regular news and updates from the Council and our Partners Already underway Numbers of people accessing E.Newsletter, Levels of awareness of opportunities and initiatives, Levels of engagement in activities and events Climate Change Team, Climate Change Board Institute for Public Engagement, BiTC, The Chamber, Climate Change Board. Ongoing
CCC17 Support community groups with bidding for environmental funding opportunities through creation of a web page with up to date opportunities on funding calls, promotion through the newsletter and targeted communications to relevant groups to help ensure we maximise funding opportunities coming into the city to support communities to deliver positive action on climate change Already underway Amount of funding secured by community groups for climate projects Climate Change Team
Community Resilience Team
Community Groups
WMCA, National Lottery, Heart of England Community Foundation Ongoing
CCC18 Lobbying Working with partners which could range from community groups, the voluntary, public and private sectors to collectively lobby on particular issues to regional and national government Not yet commenced Number of policies changed as a result of lobbying Coventry City Council plus partners as appropriate Climate Change Board Ongoing
Finance and investment
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC19 Green Finance Work with Finance to develop an innovative approach to green investment, which includes looking at opportunities through the UK Infrastructure Bank and Green Finance Institute, crowdfunding models, a natural capital portfolio, opportunities to lever more private investment and reviewing salary sacrifice benefits for staff for green technologies from active travel to retrofit Not yet commenced Development of green investment plan for the city and green investment levered from private individuals, businesses, community organisations and charities Coventry City Council Climate Change Team and Finance Team Climate Change Board, Spacehive, BWB, WMCA, SEP Green Investment Plan - by Dec 25, with activity ongoing
CCC20 Continue to explore grant funding opportunities for climate change projects, which includes public and private sector and working with partners as appropriate to develop successful funding bids. This includes reviewing capacity and resource to support this activity to maximise opportunities for securing investment. Already underway Amount of green investment levered into the city
Number of projects and beneficiaries on the ground
Coventry City Council Climate Change Team and wider Environmental Services and Transport Teams, Finance plus external partners as appropriate Climate Change Board, Spacehive, BWB, WMCA, SEP Ongoing
CCC21 Pension Fund To initiate discussion with other local authorities in the WMCA area to introduce a set of sustainability criteria for the West Midlands Pension fund to ensure it supports environmentally sustainable projects and activities. Not yet commenced although some work underway within the Fund Amount of investment from West Midlands Pension Fund to support environmentally sustainable projects and activities Coventry City Council Climate Change Team and Finance Team, WMCA and constituent members WMCA, West Mids LA's 2026
CCC22 Whole-life accounting of investment To learn from other organisations which are looking at accounting methodologies which take account of the full-life environmental and sustainability costs of investments and costing the long-term consequences of the environmental impacts upon the economy, environment and society. Seek to implement recommendations into Council processes for cost benefit analysis to inform financial decision making. Already underway Service proposals reflect true costs including all full life costs of investment other measures of success developed which reflect the broader definition of sustainability. Coventry City Council Finance and Climate Change teams WMCA, Energy Capital Dec-25
CCC23 Sustainability in Treasury Management Strategy Corporate Finance Team to consider reflecting sustainability and climate change into the existing treasury management strategy which sets the framework for borrowing and investment decisions by the Council. Not yet commenced Updated guidance embedded sustainability Coventry City Council Finance and Climate Change teams UK100, PCAN Dec-25
CCC24 Support development of private-public partnerships and ventures that support the Strategy To support the development of appropriate commercial ventures and arms-length companies which are capable of securing investments to address sustainability & climate change issues. Already underway Projects and initiative proposals brought forward for consideration Coventry City Council Tom White Waste, Business Sustain, SEP Ongoing
CCC25 Crowdfunding and municipal bonds To consider suitable projects and initiatives (and when to apply them) which may under the right fiscal conditions have the potential to secure public support through the use of Municipal Bonds and crowdfunding. Not yet commenced Projects and initiative proposals brought forward for consideration Coventry City Council Climate Change Board member organisations 2026+
CCC26 WMCA Devo Deal and Single Settlement Continue to work closely with WMCA to ensure Coventry gets the maximum benefits from the Trailblazer Devolution Deal Settlement for Net Zero and the Environment, alongside decarbonisation of transport and green skills Already underway Amount of funding received from WMCA and outcomes from associated projects investment secured against Coventry City Council WMCA 2024-2027+
Ref Workstream/activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC27 Scope 1 and 2 Emissions Reporting Require supply chain to disclose annual Scope 1 & 2 emissions. Potentially do in partnership at a regional level to ensure compliance and help set standards Not yet commenced Receipt of annual scope 1 & 2 reports (if possible using CDP verification) Organisations whose goods and services are procured by CCC WMCA 2026
CCC28 Sustainability in Corporate Procurement Policy Update the Council's Central Management Framework, review Procurement Strategy and Social Value policy, and produce clear guidance on things to consider when drafting future contract specifications which addresses sustainability and climate change considerations. Not yet commenced Updated guidance embedded sustainability Coventry City Council WMCA 2026
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CCC29 Data and reporting Continue to improve the reliability and availability of energy, water and other emissions related data for use in strategic energy planning and progress reporting. Early Development Improvements in data quality and availability including use of LAEP as a tool Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, Severn Trent, National Grid, Cadent, CDEC, Corella, WMCA, Energy Capital Ongoing
CCC30 Developing service to support new heat network and energy regulations and standards Update Facility Management processes to meet new requirements of Heat Network Regulations, Heat Network Zoning and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Not yet commenced Compliance with energy legislation, Clear pricing control mechanism in place and clear plans for future development of heat networks Coventry City Council Facilities Management SEP, Universities, developers, Severn Trent 2025
CCC31 Explore new Energy Market opportunities To identify and develop ways for CCC to use its assets to benefit from new Energy Market opportunities such as Flexibility Services and Renewable Energy production, battery storage and innovative solutions Not yet commenced Income received and Savings Delivered Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, NPower, EON Next, OEMs Ongoing
CCC32 To continue to support key Council stakeholders with utility management services includes advice and support on energy efficiency Already underway Number of organisations supported Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, CDEC, Npower, Total Energies, Wave Ongoing
CCC33 Continue to offer at least 2 apprenticeship or training opportunities per year in Energy, Climate Change or Sustainability related fields Already underway Number of Apprentices/Employees Supported Coventry City Council Energy Management
Climate Change Team
Coventry College, WMCA, Westdale, Dyson Energy & others Ongoing
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CCC34 Increase Council recycling and composting Investigate opportunities to increase recycling facilities across all Council buildings and introduce food composting facilities Not yet commenced % of sites with segregated waste facilities
% of sites with Food Waste facilities
Coventry City Council Facilities Management and Waste Services WRAP, Tom White Waste, Systemslink 2026
CCC35 Green Technology Investigate potential opportunities to support end of life processing for green technology that is going to be deployed at scale across public estate (eg. ASHPs, Solar PV, EV charger, EVs) Not yet commenced Adopting and applying full Life Cycle Analysis for all goods and services used by the City Council Coventry City Council Facilities Management WMG 2026-2030+
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CCC36 Climate Resilient Materials - Investigate materials used in highway maintenance, with a view to ensuring they are climate resilient against periods of extreme heat and rainfall Not yet commenced Having established a detailed definition for a new standard of materials and method of construction for use with each category of road and path type including detailing criteria that need to be met. Coventry City Council Highways Team TfWM  
CCC37 Use of recycled materials Increase the amount of recycled materials used on roads and pavements across the city. Already underway % of recycled materials used in highway schemes Coventry City Council Highways Team TfWM  
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CCC38 Nature-friendly planting and maintenance Work with ecology and parks teams to develop more wildlife-friendly planting and maintenance regimes, seeking to rewild areas where appropriate and ensure the highest standards of conservation management are applied with a workforce that has the necessary conservation & countryside management skills. Includes phasing out of pesticides and herbicides alongside greater use of native perennials to provide continual ground cover Already underway Training undertaken by maintenance teams
Increases in biodiversity across the city and the increasing use of land to support nature conservation
Decreasing use of pesticides and herbicides and increase in use of native perennials
Coventry City Council Parks and Open Spaces, and Ecology teams, Estates and Highway Teams Natural England, Defra Environment Agency, Canals and Rivers Trust, Severn Trent, National Grid, Network Rail, TCV, Wildlife Trust, Pershore College  
Transport and logistics
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CCC39 Staff Sustainable Travel To promote and encourage further uptake of sustainable travel for Council staff for business purposes and commuting, with promotion of active travel and cycle hire, car sharing, a number of electric pool cars for staff to hire, and incentivising public transport use, including through initiatives such as salary sacrifice for travel passes and electric cars. Already underway Increase of staff commuting to work travelling to work by means other than single occupied private (non EV) car;
Increase of staff travelling for work by sustainable modes.
Coventry City Council Transport Team TfWM Ongoing
CCC40 Community Care Sustainable Transport To identify transport solutions for reducing the emissions from thousands of daily/weekly trips using private motor cars of domiciliary care and visiting community care health workers Not yet commenced A clear plan in place for the reduction in emissions from the usage of private fossil fuelled motor vehicles, increasing percentage of staff using modes of transport with lower carbon emissions.
Total No of trips and % of trips using zero or low carbon modes of transport
Coventry City Council Adult Social Care & Public Health NHS, TfWM  
Jobs, skills and education
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CCC41 Promotion of environmental jobs to diverse ethnic jobseekers To work with HR, the Skills Team and Job Shop, schools, colleges and universities on the promotion of the environmental professions as a career to diverse ethnic jobseekers through positive action with the provision of work experience placements and internships where possible for environmental and sustainability-related posts. Already underway Number of sustainability internships and apprenticeships created across the City Council Coventry City Council, Coventry College, Coventry University, University of Warwick, University of Birmingham etc. Universities, Coventry College, WMG Sep-26 for finalisation of approach following pilots.
CCC42 Develop a Schools Sustainability Partnership to ensure there is a more consistent and coordinated approach to supporting schools with environmental awareness, energy efficiency throughout Coventry schools, led by the Council working closely with partner organisations Early development Launch of partnership;
Number of schools participating in programme;
Number of training/events held in schools
Coventry City Council Climate Change, Education, Outdoor Education, Sports teams Coventry College, WMCA, Universities, SEP, Wildlife Trust, Severn Trent, E.ON, Act On Energy, Environment Agency, Living Streets, National Energy Association etc and schools across the city. Sep-25
CCC43 Support to Schools Linked to the Sustainable Schools Partnership, to support schools where possible with educational programmes to promote awareness and understanding of all environmental and climate change issues and to encourage positive action and behaviour change with increases in the numbers of schools participating in positive initiatives such as Eco-Schools, Food for Life Schools, and Forest Schools. Not yet commenced Number of schools participating in environmental initiatives and programmes Climate Change Team, Education and schools across the city. Universities, Coventry College, WMG, & third sector organisations e.g. Eco Schools, NAEE, Food for Life etc. Sep-25
CCC44 Launch of a Green Awards Scheme for Schools to encourage young people to participate in initiatives to increase environmental awareness and make help make positive changes in their school environment, as well at home and in their communities. Early development Number of awards given to children in the city Outdoor Education Team, with support from Climate Change Team and Education Team working with schools across the city Universities, Coventry College, WMG, & third sector organisations e.g. Eco Schools, NAEE, Food for Life etc. Sep-25
CCC45 To add "sustainability / Energy / Biodiversity" related rotation to all CCC Graduate Scheme participants - providing all participants training and skills in these key areas Not yet commenced although developed and successfully implemented as a pilot for graduate student intake No of students going through programme and reported satisfaction levels and numbers going on to full time employment City Council in partnership with the Colleges (Coventry & Fircroft) and Universities Universities and Colleges, SEP and local major employers Sep-26 for finalisation of approach following pilots.
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CCC46 Greener Events To deliver more sustainable events across the city, striving to reduce the impact on the environment of events in terms of travel, consumption, power, waste and biodiversity. This includes striving to achieve accreditations where appropriate, such as 'A Green Festival' which Godiva Festival has achieved a bronze status and is now working towards silver. Already underway Accreditation status e.g. A Greener Festival which captures carbon footprint, waste and environmental impacts;
Development of sustainability framework for smaller events; number of events that are delivered using framework
Coventry City Council Any event organisers 2024-2030+
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CCC47 Sustainable sports facilities Reduce the environmental impact of the city's sports centres, in line with Sport England's environmental sustainability strategy, Your Move (2024) Already underway Energy consumption, bills reduction, carbon reduction, waste reduction Coventry City Council and CV Life Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2026+
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CCC48 Greener Futures Cultural Legacy work closely with the arts and culture sector to promote and support behavioural and environmental changes to address the climate crisis and encourage green activism. Arts and culture model circular economy practices and principles in production and programming that bring fun, interactive and entertaining activities to celebrate and sustain the city’s green and other heritage sites. Not yet commenced Number of projects co-created, number of community members involved in projects; investment secured against cultural projects Coventry City Council Coventry Culture Strategy Partnership, Coventry Culture Works 2025-2027+