Adaption and resilience

Objective: To create a more climate resilient city

Ref Workstream/activity Project stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
AR1 Adaptation & Resilience Strategy & Plan Creation of a Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Strategy for the city, including geospatial mapping of risks and a detailed risk assessment and action plan which assesses how prepared the city is to deal with the impacts of climate change and puts in place a plan in order to create a more climate resilient city.

This will give us detailed actions that will be reflected in this Action Plan to set out what activity will need to happen on the ground.
Already underway 1. Implementation of Action Plan in response to key recommendations within the Adaptation & Resilience Plan;
2. A geospatial map of climatic risk factors including a meteorological profile of the City from the Met Office;
3. Funding secured for adaptation and resilience projects
Coventry City Council (Climate Change & Sustainability Team) with consultant support from CAG  Sustainability West Midlands and Slingslot Solutions & Met Office Climate Change Board Adaptation & Resilience Pathway Group, Stakeholders across the city Plan to be published 2024/25 Recommendations and key actions to be incorporated in Action Plan with a view to developing specific projects to provide mitigation and increase resilience which will be ongoing 2024-2030+
AR2 Data analysis & reporting Establish links with other local authorities and government to gain a better understanding of local, regional and national climate change adaptation and resilience challenges and responses, benchmarking Coventry, learning from best practice.
This includes participation in Defra's national Resilience and Climate Adaptation Reporting Power (ARP4) pilot authority to establish Coventry's  baseline and planned activity with regards to climate change adaptation and resilience in comparison to other towns and cities across the UK, and learn best practice from other areas
We will also participate in WMCA's Climate Change and Adaptation Working Group
Already underway 1. Through gathering information, data and tools that will help to inform our local Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan
2. Development of Using Defra's ARP4 reporting to benchmark Coventry's preparedness and exposure to climate risks
Coventry City Council (Climate Change & Sustainability Team)  Defra, WMCA, other local authorities ARP 4 Report to be concluded and submitted to DEFRA By End of December 2024
AR3 Flood Prevention Measures Seek ways to secure investment in flood prevention measures to reduce vulnerability of city's homes to flooding.
This includes bidding for funding and working with partners to help access investment for the city.
Already underway 1. Flood prevention investment delivered
2. Reduction in number of properties at risk of flooding, and flooding incidents of properties
3. Establish approaches which promote biodiversity using SUDs, natural vegetation, rain gardens and avoid the use of hard engineering approaches.
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage Team) Environment Agency, Severn Trent 2024-2030+
AR4 Improvements to water courses River and canal improvement projects building on the success of the River Sherbourne project, which could include the River Sowe, wetland creation and restoration of other parts of the Sherbourne, including daylighting culverted parts of the river Palmer Lane deculverting in delivery - with further schemes in early development stage 1. Number of completed schemes;
2. Investment attracted in improvement projects;
3. Number of metres of watercourse restored/improved
4. Uplift in water quality
5. Reduction in flooding events
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage Team) Environment Agency, Canal & Rivers Trust, Severn Trent, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust 2024-2030+
AR5 SUDs Implementation of the Council's Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS) Policy across Coventry to help manage surface water run off and reduce flood risk, which includes incorporation of SUDS in new developments. Already underway 1. Number of Sustainable Urban Drainage schemes implemented
2. Investment secured for Sustainable Urban Drainage systems
3. Reduction in flood incidents
4. Reduction in nutrient levels in rivers and watercourses
Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage & Planning Teams) Severn Trent, Environment Agency, Developers 2024-2030+
AR6 Greenspaces for cooling down the City Development of a network of Green space & nature-based interventions to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events including heatwaves and heavy rainfall. Early stage development 1. Number of trees planted; 2. Number of rain gardens/bio-swales or detention basins delivered; 3. Increase in area of green space; 4. Investment attracted to support nature-based solutions
5. Green Roofs
6. Living walls
Coventry City Council (Climate Change, Ecology, Highways Drainage and Environmental Services Teams) Climate Change Board Adaptation & Resilience Pathway Group inc Severn Trent, Environment Agency, Nature Based Pathway Group inc Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and Canal and Rivers Trust. Developers 2024-2030+
AR7 Flood Management Strategy - further develop the city's Flood Management Strategy with Partner organisations contributing commitments with identified roles and responsibilities where appropriate. Early stage development A clear Strategy with an Action Plan identified resources for specific geographical location known to be at risk. Coventry City Council (Highways Drainage & Planning Teams) Severn Trent, Environment Agency 2024-2025
AR8 Integrating our plans with the NHS Plan The Warwickshire Healthcare Partners are working on an adaptation and resilience plan to:
a) address the needs of the most vulnerable including the elderly, young infants and people with long term health conditions when extreme weather events place particular strains on the healthcare system and
b) to ensure Hospital Trusts and primary care facilities and the services provided are protected from extreme weather events, notably heat waves, cold snaps or when gaseous pollution levels are high.
In development expected to complete Plan by December 2024 Better integration between the various agencies in reducing the exposure of people with specific health needs and enhancing their preparedness and  resilience to the impact of extreme weather events particularly those with the most vulnerable health conditions.
Reductions in the number of admissions to hospital of people with particularly vulnerable health conditions during extreme weather events 
Warwickshire Healthcare Partners (NHS Hospital Trusts and NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board) & Emergency Response agencies NHS, Coventry City Council (Public Health). Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Police 2024-2025
AR9 Explore development of smart sensors and alert systems to help communicate extreme weather and pollution risks - link to LED lighting project. Not yet commenced Roll out of alert system; number of people signed up to system; monitoring how system works during events and a reduction in the number of admissions to hospital during extreme weather events Coventry City Council Coventry University, University of Warwick, NHS, ambulance service, fire service, police 2025-2027