Circular Economy

Objective: To minimise waste and increase re-use and recycling of materials to create a successful local circular economy.

Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE1 New Waste Strategy Production of new Waste Strategy for Coventry, setting out more detail of how the city will support development of a circular economy and tackle challenges to minimise waste and boost repair, re-use and recycling including promoting behavioural change to promote recycling and re-use. Not yet commenced 1. Formal adoption of new Waste Strategy with clear commitments to follow the waste hierarchy promoting re-use etc. Coventry City Council WMG, Tom White Waste,  Circular Economy Pathway Group 2025-2026
CE2 Waste campaigns To carry out a number of campaigns and behavioural change projects and initiatives at the Citywide and neighbourhood level to encourage an increase in recycling participation rates and greater support for re-use and repair. Not yet commenced 1. Number of campaigns/behavioural change projects;
2. Socio demographic market segmentation Analysis of the levels of participation across the city Increase in recycling participation in target areas
Coventry City Council Sherbourne Resource Park, WMCA, neighbouring authorities 2025-2030+
CE3 Improve data collection and reporting, including working with the private sector to collect commercial waste data which is essential to support business case development for local circular economy projects Not yet commenced 1. Establishing a reporting mechanism for collecting citywide commercial waste data Coventry City Council Private sector, Defra, West Midlands Combined Authority, Local Universities 2026
Repair and re-use
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE4 #Coventry Connects - electronic device bank to support communities and individuals who are digitally excluded. This involves donation of unwanted devices from local organisations, refurbishment of equipment and distribution of equipment and digital training. Programme has been running successfully over a year, there are plans to build on this through increasing donations and the amount of participants in the programme. Already underway 1. Number of devices donated by organisations;
2. Number of devices refurbished;
3. Number of refurbished devices donated;
4. Number of people undertaking digital training;
5. Environmental benefits of diverting electronic waste from landfill (CO2 and water)
Coventry City Council WMG, local businesses and organisations, charities, communities and individuals 2023-2025 (with plans to extend)
CE5 Development of a citywide construction waste re-use hub Not yet commenced 1. Creation of re-use hub;
2 .Amount of materials donated;
3. Amount of materials purchased;
4. Amount of waste diverted from landfill;
5. Environmental benefits of diverting construction waste from landfill 
Coventry City Council WMCA Develop a viable Business Plan for securing investment for a construction waste re-use hub 2025 - delivery 2026-2029
CE6 Commercial waste To develop links and new products and services with the Council's commercial waste arms length company Tom White Waste, Business Support Team and Business Sustain services, engaging new partners and building industry support. Not yet commenced 1. Number of businesses engaged;
2. Number of new products and services delivered
Coventry City Council Tom Whites, wide business community 2026
CE7 Develop research-led circular economy pilot/showcase initiatives with businesses to develop new markets and opportunities for management of commercial waste, Not yet commenced 1. Number of projects piloted;
2. Reduction in commercial waste of businesses involved
3. Amount of commercial waste diverted from landfill/incineration for those businesses involved
Coventry City Council Universities, Local businesses 2025-2030+
CE8 Develop circular economy resources To develop an online resource promoting re-use and repair with advice on how to extend the life of products combined with a media and comms strategy Not yet commenced 1. Publication of online resource;
2. Funding secured to develop resources and tools;
3. Number of people accessing resource
Coventry City Council WMCA 2026
CE9 Promoting reuse of community resources to reduce financial pressures on families (eg furniture EMAUS) Not yet commenced 1. Number of campaigns/behavioural change projects;
2. Number of social enterprises supported;
3. Number of new social enterprises in Coventry;
2. Increase in reuse/repair of community resources
Coventry City Council Charities and social enterprises, voluntary sector, local businesses 2025-2030+
CE10 Increase citywide re-use and repair To develop and further enhance existing neighbourhood based and citywide re-use, hire and repair services across the city, including social enterprises. Not yet commenced 1. Increase in uptake in people accessing services in city
2. Number of new services offering hire and repair
Coventry City Council Communities, WMCA, other local authorities, C&W Chamber of Commerce 2026
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CE11 Increase the range of materials that can be recycled through household waste to boost citywide recycling rates and increase supply of materials to the Materials Recycling Facility, which will contribute to increasing the number of markets that recycled materials supply Already underway 1. Increase in range of materials recycled
2. Increase in citywide household recycling rates
3. Increase in recycled materials processed by the MRF
4. Increase in amount of recycled materials the MRF supplies to new markets
Coventry City Council Sherbourne Resource Park, WMCA, neighbouring authorities, all households 2025
CE12 Roll out of citywide household food waste collection service Not yet commenced Increase in household food waste collected Coventry City Council   2026
CE13 Develop the infrastructure for Coventry to be the nations leading city for WEEE waste recycling. Greenpower Park is an important part of this solution for battery recycling which is a long term strategy. In the Quick Win there is an opportunity for business growth in WEEE waste recycling which can build on success of the digital recycling project to support further development of a circular economy for electronic waste that can benefit local people and generate wider environmental and social benefits. Not yet commenced 1. Tonnage of WEEE waste kept out of landfill;
2. Amount of CO2 savings from WEEE waste being diverted from landfill;
3. Number of devices donated to support digital recycling project;
4. Number of people/community groups that benefit from donations of digital devices.
Coventry City Council WMG, local businesses and organisations, community organisations, voluntary organisations, charities 2025-2030+
CE14 Development Council procurement policy to include circularity criteria in contracts for future projects, alongside embodied carbon to encourage more suppliers to adopt a more circular approach to waste and energy. This is something that could be adopted by other organisations across the city.
Criteria could include traceable recycled material content, use of low emission suppliers, evidence of design for circularity, disassembly or sustainable disposal and evidence of material minimisation and not overdesign. Embodied emissions can be calculated to demonstrate the environmental benefits of future projects that adopt a more circular approach to waste.  
Not yet commenced 1. Production of new circular economy policy adopted as part of Council's procurement framework;
2. Impacts will be monitored for each contract
3. Adoption of this approach by other Coventry organisations
Coventry City Council (Climate Change and Procurement) WMG, local  organisations End of 2025