Council actions

Training and development
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC1 Mandatory staff training programme for climate change and sustainability Not yet commenced Launch of training modules / course for staff / Pilot training pack with the Disabled Employee Network to ensure accessibility for all employees with disabilities.
% of staff that have completed training
Also engage with staff who do not have the use of English as their first language to ensure communication is accessible.
Climate Change Team to lead whole Council to participate potentially in partnership with other local authorities or professional bodies Fast Followers Fund
By December 2025
CCC2 Bespoke Member and Leadership training for climate change and sustainability Not yet commenced % of Leadership team that have completed training
% of Members that have completed training
Climate Change Team to lead, all Members and Leadership Board to participate Neighbouring authorities By December 2025
CCC3 Create a Green Employee Network, to encourage sustainbility champions, share knowledge and offer guidance and support Early development Launch of Green Employee Network & CC Strategy
Number of staff participating in Network
Number of Sustainability Champions
Participation in Green Employee Network events New Climate Change Related projects implemented across departments
Climate Change Team to lead with involvement from service areas across the Council Climate Change Board Member organisations By March 2025
CCC4 Make taking action on Sustainability a mandatory part of the Council's performance framework, to be embedded in annual appraisal process to consider what are the core competencies and how they can best be measured across the range of activities and dsiciplines. Not yet commenced Number of staff with sustainability objectives captured in annual appraisals Climate Change Team and Human Resources to implement, every staff member in the organisation to have a sustainability objective   By March 2026
CCC5 Developing the Climate Change Team and wider Environmental and Energy Services to ensure there is appropriate resource, expertise and capacity and co-ordination within the organisation and build external support with partners to address any gaps Already underway Internal review of Council teams' structure and identify resource requirements;
Implementation of any structure changes identified as required
Council Leadership Board Climate Change Board potential for secondments between partner organisations? By December 2025
CCC6 Increase opportunities for Equality, diversity and inclusion within the Climate Change team and wider corporate action on this agenda Already underway Number of apprenticeships / placements / secondments and jobs created in the Climate Change team and across organisations and supporting activities for people with EDI characteristics Climate Change Team and other Council Environmental and Energy Service areas Climate Change Board potential for secondments between partner organisations? 2024-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC7 Report the progress taken on the Action Plan through the Council's One Coventry Performance Framework, ensuring transparent reporting on progress of the plan Not yet commenced Positive progress being made against indicators as reported in the One Coventry Performance Framework Climate Change Team and Insight Team & Climate Chnage Board Climate Change Board 2025-2030
CCC8 Ensure that all Council reporting through the constitution considers environmental and climate impacts, with teams to seek guidance from the Climate Change team as required to ensure this is robust. Already underway Number of reports approved by constitution which have considered the environmental and climate impacts of the contents of the report Governance Services and Climate Change Team WMCA, Energy Capital By March 2026
CCC9 Carbon Disclosure Project annual reporting to compare annual progress and how Coventry compares against other cities to help us learn best practice Already underway To continually improve our CPD reporting data year by year (2023 score was A-) with a particular focus on establishing ways of improving the accuracy of assessing Scope ! & 2 emissions and attempting to capture Scope 3 emissions wherever possible including the use of invoice carbon footprint analysis by product type as used by private sector corporations. Climate Change Team SEP, Climate Change Board, University of Birmingham, University of Warwick, Coventry University, WMCA, Energy Capital 2022-2030+
CCC10 Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS)
To continually improve our GDS Score and to enable Coventry as a City to benchmark its sustainability performance as a visitor and tourism destination against other Cities in the UK and across the world using an internationally recognised standard adopted by major cities worldwide. This is an independently verified internationally recognised rating system adopted by Cities across the world.
Already underway To build upon Coventry's initial good score and to demonstrate continually improvement in creating a sustainable destination of global note by achieving increases in our GDS Score. Coventry City Council & Destination Coventry Businesses, The Chamber, Climate Change Board 2023-2030+
Policy and planning
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC11 Strengthen Local Planning Policy to place greater requirements and expectations upon developers for sustainable development in Coventry to support delivery of the Climate Change Strategy, that needs to go beyond building regulations. This ranges from
a) further promote energy conservation in buildings and the development and use of renewables for energy generation.
b) further protect and enhance biodiversity.
c) promote high quality design that promote active travel.
d) ensure accessibility to public transport and active travel and minimise the need for the use of the private motor vehicle.
e) further reduce the risk of flooding and minimise the opportunities for heat gain
Already underway Uplift in environmental standards and sustainability requirements in the Local Plan following review process - Energy policies currently concerning building fabric, affiliation to heat networks and use of renewables being viability tested ahead of upcoming regulation 19 consultation, following on to submission to secretary of state (subject to council authority). Policies to also align with the City's Adaptation and Resilience Strategy & Action Plan covering mitigation of extreme weather eventsand measures to ensure an effective response should extreme weather events arise. Climate Change Team and Planning Team
  Local Plan Review is due by 2026
Developments ongoing
CCC12 Develop a city design code to help deliver the aspirations of the Local Plan Review and Climate Change Strategy, which will ensure consistent design standards applied to support more sustainable development. NPPF consultation suggests initial development of more localised design coding targetting areas of upcoming change in the City Early development Development of localised design codes for areas of anticipated change, expect public consultation on intial codes in 2025 Coventry City Council - Climate Change Team and Planning Team Severn Trent, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Canals & Rivers trust, Environment Agency 2024-2027
CCC13 Development of Place Based Strategy for Coventry, taking a city wide approach to identifying key interventions and investment required over the next 5+ years Already underway Levels of public and private funds secured to realise priority investment projects to deliver inclusive and sustainable growth - advancing Coventry as a green future city. Coventry City Council - Economic Development Service co-ordinating, with input from multiple Service areas, including Employment, Skills & Adult Education; Transport; Property & Development; Climate Change & Sustainability; Housing; Transformation; Public Health; and Digital Services. Universities, Business Bodies, Colleges, Independent Training Providers, Housing Associations, E.ON (SEP), Developers, WMCA, Other West Midlands Local Authorities, Third sector bodies. 2024-2025
CCC14 Develop a pre-application service to provide expertise and advice to developers on consideration of climate change for new developments, which would fund in-house resource Not yet commenced 1. Number of resources secured;
2. Number of developers accessing service;
3. Positive changes made to proposed development plans to include for more sustainable development features
Coventry City Council Climate Change and Planning Developers Jul-05
Community involvement and support
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC15 Development and implementation of a Climate Change Communications and Involvement Strategy to support delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan and ensure a consistent approach to how we engage with communities and help empower them to take action Early development Production of Strategy
Number of residents, businesses and communities involved and engaged with The Strategy and associated Action plans
Climate Change Team and Communications and Engagement Team, with support from Climate Change Board Pathway Groups, particularly 'Fair Green Futures' Institute for Public Engagement, BiTC, Climate Change Board. 2025
CCC16 Continue to deliver regular Climate Change Newsletters which people can subscribe to, for regular news and updates from the Council and our Partners Already underway Numbers of people accessing E.Newsletter, Levels of awareness of opportunities and initiatives, Levels of engagement in activities and events Climate Change Team, Climate Change Board Institute for Public Engagement, BiTC, The Chamber, Climate Change Board. Ongoing
CCC17 Support community groups with bidding for environmental funding opportunities through creation of a web page with up to date opportunities on funding calls, promotion through the newsletter and targetted communications to relevant groups to help ensure we maximise funding opportunities coming into the city to support communities to deliver positive action on climate change Already underway Amount of funding secured by community groups for climate projects Climate Change Team
Community Resilience Team
Community Groups
WMCA, National Lottery, Heart of Engalnd Community Foundation Ongoing
CCC18 Lobbying Working with partners which could range from community groups, the voluntary, public and private sectors to collectively lobby on particular issues to regional and national government Not yet commenced Number of policies changed as a result of lobbying Coventry City Council plus partners as appropriate Climate Change Board Ongoing
Finance and investment
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC19 Green Finance Work with Finance to develop an innovative approach to green investment, which includes looking at opportunities through the UK Infrastructure Bank and Green Finance Institute, crowdfunding models, a natural capital portfolio, opportunities to lever more private investment and reviewing salary sacrifice benefits for staff for green technologies from active travel to retrofit Not yet commenced Development of green investment plan for the city and green investment levered from private individuals, businesses, community organisations and charities Coventry City Coucnil Climate Change Team and Finance Team Climate Change Board, Spacehive, BWB, WMCA, SEP Green Investment Plan - by Dec 25, with activity ongoing
CCC20 Continue to explore grant funding opportunities for climate change projects, which includes public and private sector and working with partners as appropriate to develop successful funding bids. This includes reviewing capacity and resource to support this activity to maximise opportunities for securing investment. Already underway Amount of green investment levered into the city
Number of projects and beneficiaries on the ground
Coventry City Council Climate Change Team and wider Environmental Services and Transport Teams, Finance plus external partners as appropriate Climate Change Board, Spacehive, BWB, WMCA, SEP Ongoing
CCC21 Pension Fund To initiate discussion with other local authorities in the WMCA area to introduce a set of sustainability criteria for the West Midlands Pension fund to ensure it supports environmentally sustainable projects and activities. Not yet commenced although some work underway within the Fund Amount of investment from West Midlands Pension Fund to support environmentally sustainable projects and activities Coventry City Council Climate Change Team and Finance Team, WMCA and constituent members WMCA, West Mids LA's 2026
CCC22 Whole life accounting of investment To learn from other organisations which are looking at accounting methodologies which take account of the full life environmental and sustainability costs of investments and costing the long-term consequences of the environmental impacts upon the economy, environment and society. Seek to implement recommendations into Council processes for cost benefit analysis to inform financial decision making. Already underway Service proposals reflect true costs including all full life costs of investment other measures of success developed which reflect the broader definition of sustainability. Coventry City Council Finance and Climate Change teams WMCA, Energy Capital Dec-25
CCC23 Sustainability in Treasury Management Strategy Corporate Finance Team to consider reflecting sustainability and climate change into the existing treasury management strategy which sets the framework for borrowing and investment decisions by the Council. Not yet commenced Updated guidance embedded sustainability Coventry City Council Finance and Climate Change teams UK100, PCAN Dec-25
CCC24 Support development of private-public partnerships and ventures that support the Strategy To support the development of appropriate commercial ventures and arms-length companies which are capable of securing investments to address sustainability & climate change issues. Already underway Projects and initiative proposals brought forward for consideration Coventry City Council Tom White Waste, Business Sustain, SEP Ongoing
CCC25 Crowdfunding and municipal bonds To consider suitable projects and initiatives (and when to apply them) which may under the right fiscal conditions have the potential to secure public support through the use of Municipal Bonds and crowdfunding. Not yet commenced Projects and initiative proposals brought forward for consideration Coventry City Council Climate Change Board member organisations 2026+
CCC26 WMCA Devo Deal and Single Settlement Continue to work closely with WMCA to ensure Coventry gets the maximum benefits from the Trailblazer Devolution Deal Settlement for Net Zero and the Environment, alongside decarbonisation of transport and green skills Already underway Amount of funding received from WMCA and outcomes from associated projects investment secured against Coventry City Council WMCA 2024-2027+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC27 Scope 1 and 2 Emissions Reporting Require supply chain to disclose annual Scope 1 & 2 emissions. Potentially do in partnership at a regional level to ensure compliance and help set standards Not yet commenced Receipt of annual scope 1 & 2 reports (if possible using CDP verification) Organisations whose goods and services are procured by CCC WMCA 2026
CCC28 Sustainablility in Corporate Procurement Policy Update the Council's Central Management Framework, review Procurement Strategy and Social Value policy, and produce clear guidance on things to consider when drafting future contract specifications which addresses sustainability and climate change considerations. Not yet commenced Updated guidance embedded sustainability Coventry City Council WMCA 2026
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC29 Data and reporting Continue to improve the reliability and availability of energy, water and other emisisons related data for use in strategic energy planning and progress reporting. Early Development Improvements in data quality and availability including use of LAEP as a tool Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, Severn Trent, National Grid, Cadent, CDEC, Corella, WMCA, Energy Capital Ongoing
CCC30 Developing service to support new heat network and energy regulations and standards Update Facility Management processes to meet new requirements of Heat Network Regulations, Heat Network Zoning and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards Not yet commenced Compliance with energy legislation, Clear pricing control mechanism in place and clear plans for future development of heat networks Coventry City Council Facilities Management SEP, Universities, developers, Severn Trent 2025
CCC31 Explore new Energy Market opportunities To identify and develop ways for CCC to use its assets to benefit from new Energy Market opportunities such as Flexibility Services and Renewable Energy production, battery storage and innovative solutions Not yet commenced Income received and Savings Delivered Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, NPower, EON Next, OEMs Ongoing
CCC32 To continue to support key Council stakeholders with utility management services includes advice and support on energy efficiency Already underway Number of organisations supported Coventry City Council Energy Management SEP, CDEC, Npower, Total Energies, Wave Ongoing
CCC33 Continue to offer at least 2 apprenticeship or training opportunities per year in Energy, Climate Change or Sustainability related fields Already underway Number of Apprentices/Employees Supported Coventry City Council Energy Management
Climate Change Team
Coventry College, WMCA, Westdale, Dyson Energy & others Ongoing
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC34 Increase Council recycling and composting Investigate opportunities to increase recycling facilities across all Council buildings and introduce food composting facilities Not yet commenced % of sites with segregated waste facilities
% of sites with Food Waste facilities
Coventry City Council Facilities Management and Waste Services WRAP, Tom White Waste, Systemslink 2026
CCC35 Green Technology Investigate potential opportunities to support end of life processing for green technology that is going to be deployed at scale across public estate (eg. ASHPs, Solar PV, EV charger, EVs) Not yet commenced Adopting and applying full Life Cycle Analysis for all goods and services used by the City Council Coventry City Council Facilities Management WMG 2026-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC36 Climate Resilient Materials - Investigate materials used in highway maintenance, with a view to ensuring they are climate resilient against periods of extreme heat and rainfall Not yet commenced Having established a detailed definition for a new standard of materials and method of construction for use with each category of road and path type including detailing criteria that need to be met. Coventry City Council Highways Team TfWM  
CCC37 Use of recycled materials Increase the amount of recycled materials used on roads and pavements across the city. Already underway % of recycled materials used in highway schemes Coventry City Council Highways Team TfWM  
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC38 Nature-friendly planting and maintenance Work with ecology and parks teams to develop more wildlife-friendly planting and maintenance regimes, seeking to rewild areas where appropriate and ensure the highest standards of conservation management are applied with a workforce that have the necessary conservation & countryside management skills. Includes phasing out of pesticides and herbicides alongside greater use of native perrennials to provide continual ground cover Already underway Training undertaken by maintenance teams
Increases in biodiversity across the city and the increasing use of land to to support nature conservation
Decreasing use of pesticides and herbicides and increase in use of native perrennials
Coventry City Council Parks and Open Spaces, and Ecology teams, Estates and Highway Teams Natural England, Defra Environment Agency, Canals and Rivers Trust, Severn trent, National Grid, Network Rail, TCV, Wildlife Trust, Pershore College  
Transport and logistics
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC39 Staff Sustainable Travel To promote and encourage further uptake of sustainable travel for Council staff for business purposes and commuting, with promotion of active travel and cycle hire, car sharing, a number of electric pool cars for staff to hire, and incentivising public transport use, including thorugh initiatives such as salary sacrifice for travel passes and electric cars. Already underway Increase of staff commuting to work traveling to work by means other than single occupied private (non EV) car;
Increase of staff travelling for work by sustainable modes .
Coventry City Council Transport Team TfWM Ongoing
CCC40 Community Care Sustainable Transport To identify transport solutions for reducing the emissions from thousands of daily/weekly trips using private motor cars of domiciliary care and visiting community care health workers Not yet commenced A clear plan in place for the reduction in emissions from the usage of private fossil fueled motor vehciles, increasing percentage of staff using modes of transport with lower carbon emissions.
Total No of trips and % of trips using zero or low carbon modes of transport
Coventry City Council Adult Social Care & Public Health NHS, TfWM  
Jobs, skills and education
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC41 Promotion of environmental jobs to diverse ethinic jobseekers To work with HR, the Skills Team and Job Shop, schools, colleges and universities on the promotion of the environmental professions as a career to diverse ethinic jobseekers through positive action with the provision of work experience placements and internships where possible for environmental and sustainability related posts. Already underway Number of sustainability internships and apprenticeships created across the City Council Coventry City Council, Coventry College, Coventry University, University of Warwick, University of Birmingham etc. Universities, Coventry College, WMG Sep-26 for finalisation of approach following pilots.
CCC42 Develop a Schools Sustainability Partnership to ensure there is a more consistent and coordinated approach to supporting schools with environmental awareness, energy efficiency throughout Coventry schools, led by the Council working closely with partner organisations Early development Launch of parnership;
Number of schools participating in programme;
Number of training/events held in schools
Coventry City Counicl Climate Change, Education, Outdoor Education, Sports teams Coventry College, WMCA, Universities, SEP, Wildlife Trust, Severn Trent, E.ON, Act On Energy, Environment Agency, Living Streets, National Energy Association etc and schools across the city. Sep-25
CCC43 Support to Schools Linked to the Sustainable Schools Partnership, to support schools where possible with educational programmes to promote awareness and understanding of all environmental and climate change issues and to encourage positive action and behaviour change with increases in the numbers of schools participating in positive initiatives such as Eco-Schools, Food for Life Schools, and Forest Schools. Not yet commenced Number of schools participating in environmental initiatives and programmes Climate Change Team, Education and schools across the city. Universities, Coventry College, WMG, & third sector organisations e.g. Eco Schools, NAEE, Food for Life etc. Sep-25
CCC44 Launch of a Green Awards Scheme for Schools to encourage young people to participate in initiatives to increase environmental awareness and make help make positive changes in their school environment, as well at at home and in their communities. Early development Number of awards given to children in the city Outdoor Education Team, with support from Climate Change Team and Education Team working with schools across the city Universities, Coventry College, WMG, & third sector organisations e.g. Eco Schools, NAEE, Food for Life etc. Sep-25
CCC45 To add "sustainability / Energy / Biodiversity" related rotation to all CCC Graduate Scheme participants - providing all participants training and skills in these key areas Not yet commenced although developed and successfully implemented as a pilot for graduate student intake No of students going through programme and reported satisfaction levels and numbers going on to full time employment City Council in partnership with the Colleges (Coventry & Fircroft) and Universities Universities and Colleges, SEP and local major employers Sep-26 for finalisation of approach following pilots.
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC46 Greener Events To deliver more sustainable events across the city, striving to reduce the impact on the environment of events in terms of travel, consumption, power, waste and biodiversity. This includes striving to achieve accreditations where appropriate, such as 'A Green Festival' which Godiva Festival has achived a bronze status and is now working towards silver. Already underway Accreditation status e.g. A Greener Festival which captures carbon footprint, waste and environmental impacts;
Development of sustainability framework for smaller events; number of events that are delivered using framework
Coventry City Council Any event organisers 2024-2030+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC47 Sustainable sports facilities Reduce the environmental impact of the city's sports centres, in line with Sport England's environmental sustainability strategy, Your Move (2024) Already underway Energy consumption, bills reduction, carbon reduction, waste reduction Coventry City Council and CV Life Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2026+
Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
CCC48 Greener Futures Cultural Legacy work closely with the arts and culture sector to promote and support behavioural and environmental changes to address the climate crisis and encourage green activism. Arts and culture model circular economy practices and principles in production and programming that bring fun, interactive and entertaining activities to celebrate and sustain the city’s green and other heritage sites. Not yet commenced Number of projects co-created, number of community members involved in projects; investment secured against cultural projects Coventry City Council Coventry Culture Strategy Partnership, Coventry Culture Works 2025-2027+