Fairer Green Future

Objective: To deliver a just transition to a net zero city, ensuring that the impacts of climate change and interventions don't disproportionally impact on our most vulnerable communities

Ref Workstream / activity Project Stage How success will be measured Delivery organisation Possible partners Delivery timescales
FG1 Development of a Just Transition Plan for Coventry - setting out key objectives and a framework for how a just transition in the city will be delivered Early development Development of Framework;
Appointment of Just Transition Lead for city and Steering Group to support activity
setting an example to influence others in City & beyond
Coventry City Council Fairer Green Future Pathway Group, local businesses and communities 2025
FG2 Develop a Green Skills Roadmap for Coventry, to understand green skills gaps and training requirements, alongside sectors that will need to transition to support move to net zero Early Development Development of road map and a Green Skills Strategy Coventry City Council (Climate Change and Sustainability team, Skills Team and Green Skills Sub Group) Partners from public and private sectors, alongside education and training providers, WMCA 2025
FGF4 Provide an affordable warmth/energy advice service targetting low income and vulnerable households in Coventry Already underway Number of residents accessing service. Number of residents with a vulnerability accessing service. Number of energy efficiency measures installed. Coventry City Council (Public Health team in partnership with Climate Change and Sustainability team) NEA Ongoing
FG5 Raise awareness of fuel poverty; its causes and how to support residents living with its effects. Already underway Number of professionals trained on affordable warmth and fuel poverty issues. Coventry City Council (Public Health team, supported by Climate Change and Sustainability team) NEA Ongoing
FG6 To monitor indoor air quality in properties pre and post retrofit including temperature, relative humidity and pm2.5 and pm10 to inform priority measures for addressing condensation and damp in order to enable energy efficiency improvements to be made in properties previously Not yet commenced Increased number of properties benefitting from retrofit activities that previously could not and improvements in health as a result of reductions in condensation damp and mould Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team, Housing Enforcement, Public Health) Act on Energy, University of Birmingham, Citizen Housing, Bimingham City Council 2026-2028
FG7 To undertake a market segmentation analysis of the city of Coventry with detailed focus groups and surveys of each market segment in order to understand perceptions and barriers to the take up of retrofit grants or commitment to secure funding for improvements by Private Sector landlords to enable retrofitting properties for households suffering from fuel poverty - overlaps with Fairer Green and Route to Net Zero Pathways - with the former focusing on community involvement and the latter on the nature of the questions asked in Focus Groups and surveys etc. Not yet commenced Increased uptake of grants for the benefit of tenants living in private rented and social landlord properties. Improvements in health as a consequence of affordable warmth and improved living conditions. Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team, Public Health Team, Housing Enforcement Team) Act on Energy, University of Warwick, Citizen Housing, Royal College of Physicians, NHS National Data Team Dependent upon Grant application from Partnership for £2.5m over 3 years
FG8 Net-Zero Neighbourhood - develop the city's first net-zero neighbourhood - looking at access to green space, energy efficiency, CVLR etc and to establish positive relationships with community representatives and organisations to raise awareness and obtain commitment and support from local people to make the Net Zero Neighbourhood a reality. NB: The implementation of the Net Zero Programme is covered by the Route to Net Zero Pathway Group the role of this group is to support community engagement and ensure a Just Transition is implemented. Early development An Established Net Zero Neighbourhood with evidence of community involvement in the design and delivery of the Project Coventry City Council (Sustainability Team with support from other Depts notably Transport and community resilience). The Strategic Energy Partnership, the Climate Change Board's Fairer Green Pathway Group and Low Emissions Group, Act on Energy, (Hillfields NEA Group?) 2024-2027
FG9 School Climate Change Support - Development of an integrated curriculum to support secondary schools, and to look at how schools are run to link the learning to making schools an exemplar Not yet commenced Number of schools signing up to the Council's Sustainable Schools Programme Coventry City Council Education, Outdoor Education, Climate Change Team Third sector organisations with interests in environmental education etc. 2026
FG10 Schools Campaigns Work with schools to create an educational resource for schools raise awareness of children about the science of energy insulation and its importance to combating climate change, reducing fuel bills and affordable warmth with home surveys where children can act as catalysts for change development and refinement of educational materials and resources for use by Primary Schools across the City. Initial pilot at St Augustines School. Already underway Number of schools making use of resources and number of requests for advice and support from households as a result of the Projects Warwick University with Coventry City Council Act On Energy, National Energy Action (NEA), Strategic Energy Partnership 2024-2026+
FG11 Partnering with C&W Integrated Care Board - promotion of eco-flex for clinically vulnerable people with pharmacy practices building upon the University of Warwick's outline plan to develop automated referrals associated with repeat prescriptions for identified clinical conditions which are automatically eligible for ECOFlex Not yet commenced The number of residents with the identified eligible clinical conditions who receive practical advice and support and the improvements in home energy ratings as a result. NHS Integrated Care Board with Coventry City Council Agility Eco, Eon, ICB NHS 2025-2026
FG12 Delivery of Coventry's Air Quality Action Plan - measures include infrastructure improvements, greening and active travel measures, alongside targeted campaigns to encourage behaviour change Already underway Improvements in Air Quality across the city, particularly in hot spots which the Air Quality Action Plan seeks to address Coventry City Council (Sustainability, public health, transport and environmental health) WMCA, Defra Ongoing
FG14 Coventry Grows Programme - pilot to create a network of community growing sites across the city to support food growing and wildlife. Includes training for groups to learn new skills around food growing, harvesting and cooking. Opportunity for social prescribing to improve the physical health and mental well-being of participants. Establishment of a local steering group to support citywide activity, showcase best practice and provide guidance and case studies. Toolkit to be produced to support community groups interested in creating a community growing site. Citywide map of potential growing sites to be developed and legal framework to be simplified to grant access to sites for community cultivation. Early development 1. Number of community gardening sites established;
2. Amount of investment in community gardening sites;
3. Number of participants in community gardening schemes;
4. Number of volunteers attending training courses;
5. Positive social prescribing outcomes
Coventry City Council E.ON, local businesses, landowners 2025-2026+
FG15 Making better use of our allotment network - Increase in participation in local allotments across the city - includes community plots, smaller plots which are more manageable for individuals and families, opportunities for shared plots as well as working with allotment plot holders to provide surplus local seasonal produce to food banks and the Food Network. To support this there are aspirations to create a new digital platform to increase engagement, involvement and provide support and resource library. Not yet commenced 1. Increased participation from volunteers in city's allotment network
2. Donations of surplus produce to local networks
3. Creation of digital platform
Coventry City Council partnered with the Coventry Allotment Association. Charities including Food Network and local food banks, community groups, individuals 2026
FG16 Support development of community woodlands Early development 1. Number of community woodlands created
2. Participation in community woodland sites, captured through events, footfall
Coventry City Council supporting community organisations/CICs Grapevine, voluntary groups, Outdoor Education 2025-2026
FG17 Outdoor Education space in nature- development of hub and spoke model, creating outdoor spaces and facilities which schools can use as an educational resource with associated educational materials Already underway Identified locations for schools to use with accessible associated teaching resources Coventry City Council Outdoor Education team Schools, other organisations delivering education training such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust 2026-2028
FG18 Food Network - To make further progress towards 'Sustainable Food Places' Bronze Award by strengthening the connectivity between food banks and food growing initiatives across the City and the supporting the development of community food growing initiatives across the city. To explore the opportunities for social subscribing to support community food growing and gardening projects with horticultural therapy and other benefits. Early development The numbers of people growing food for local consumption and the Area of land devoted to community food growing. Coventry City Council Climate Change and Sustainability, Parks, Community Resilience and adult social care Integrated Care Board, GP's, Canals & Rivers Trust, Housing Associations, 2025-2026
FG19 To support the development of Community Supermarkets and to use them as information points to raise awareness of sustainability and opportunities to access grants and advice relating to food growing, energy efficiency, active travel, public transport etc. Already underway No's of people engaged in community food growing projects Coventry City Council, Coventry Food Network. Food Network, BiTC, Groundwork 2025-2030+
FG20 Supporting development of social enterprises as vehicles for the delivery of environmental projects, social care and support which help people on low incomes which help local communities to share and repair goods and services by identifying and nurturing potential social-entrepreneurs with interests including Skills and employment training Not yet commenced The number of viable community based projects and initiatives which provide services to the public Coventry City Council CDA 2027
FG21 City of Culture Green Legacy Projects - building on green futures theme during City of Culture, using arts and culture to engage communities on environmental issues and develop projects Not yet commenced Number of people engaged through culture and arts-based initiatives; number of arts-based projects with environmental theme delivered in Coventry Coventry City Council Culture Coventry, local creative groups and artists 2025-2030+
FG22 Air Alert and Breathe Easy App for use by residents across the City who have received diagnosis of pulmonary and respiratory health conditions which inform residents of air quality conditions with warnings on days where the pollution levels are high and present a risk and to encourage activity on the majority of days when there is not a significant risk. Not yet commenced Number of vulnerable residents satisfaction levels in the use of the app Integrated Care Board with Coventry City Council GP's, community nurses care workers etc. 2027
FG23 Air quality monitoring(real time) and linking to street activity, beginning with nine air quality monitors which will join a regional air quality sensor network Already underway PM2.5, PM10 and NOx pollutant levels measured and tracked to demonstrate stabilisation and improvements in air quality on a local and regional footprint WMCA, Coventry City Council (Public Health, Environmetal Protection) NHS ICB 2024-2030+
FG24 Improve local air quality (indoor and outdoor) through a reduction in from domestic woodburning stoves, delivered via a behavioural change campaign. Early stage development Improvements in air quality at neighbourhood levels, reduction in PM2.5 levels. Residents engaged to in using alternative modes of heating or fuels (including retrofit measures) to create a warmer home. Coventry City Council (Public Health, Environmental Protection), WMCA, WSP, Behaviouralist. NHS ICB 2024-2025
FG25 Staff Training To develop a training programme for staff to develop their community participatory and engagement skills with the use of established effective methods for identifying needs and seeking a consensus on ways forward in addressing issues etc e.g. Future Search, guided visualisation, Planning for Real, Participatory Budgeting, citizens juries, participatory appraisal etc. Not yet commenced Percentage public satisfaction with CCC consultation and engagement exercises Coventry City Council and partners linked to the Climate Change Board Climate Change Board and its members End of 2025
FG26 To learn from Warwickshire County Councils successful 'Food for Life' Programme in schools, early years settings, care homes and hospitals etc and seek ways of applying an equivalent for Coventry integrating dietary awareness, food growing and cookery skills etc. Not yet commenced Schools, Early Years and Care settings joining the Food for Life awards programme, Development of local projects to raise awareness and improve standards and skills associated with food provided within these institutions and the development of key skills relating to healthy eating cooking and food growing. Coventry City Council (Climate Change and sustainability, education, adult social care) Food for Life (national charity), Soil association End of 2026
FG27 Library Service campaign The Library Service will organise special awareness raising events and activities as part of its community programme with the setting up of book sections and public information directories devoted to sustainability and climate change and promoting the services use of environmental technologies to reduce its carbon footprint. Not yet commenced Increase in take up and reading of books relating to sustainability and climate change across libraries. This should help lead towards behavioural change and cultural shifts e.g. increased participation rates in recycling, cycling, use of public transport etc. Coventry City Council Library Service NGO's and community organisations End of 2025
FG28 Academic Research To work with the Universities in the development of the D School Concept bringing together academics and practitioners from a broad range of faculties and disciplines to look at real life problems and with blue sky creative design thinking problem solve and come up with potential solutions to wicked issues which impact upon sustainability and climate change (Design Thinking solutions to complex sustainability issues) Already underway The initiation of innovative projects which come up with creative solutions to difficult to address issues including all areas across the Strategy from Net Zero to Fairer Greener, Circular Economy etc. Coventry City Council and Climate Change Board members Universities, University of Warwick already engaging with putting concept into practice End of 2027