We are a team of experienced teachers who specialise in supporting primary and secondary age children and young people who are diagnosed with autism, or who present with social communication difficulties. We consider the child or young person’s needs and provide supportive and enabling strategies for the individual, their school and their parents/carers.
How do we work?
We are a traded service, bought in by schools. We work closely with schools to provide support for individuals, groups and school staff, and we also deliver staff training on a bespoke basis.
Schools request work at termly planning meetings. Parents must give their consent and their views are requested before work begins.
When we meet pupils, we talk to them about the things they are good at, the areas they find tricky and how they would like things to improve.
Information from parents, pupil and school is used alongside our own professional judgement to determine priorities and next steps. Recommendations for supportive strategies and interventions which will have a positive impact on pupil progress are provided to school. Progress can be reviewed by us or by school.
How can we help you?
The Complex Communication Team can offer a range of services including:
- Observation in class (advice, strategies, resources)
- One to one interventions with CYP (including ‘Pupil Voice’)
- Group interventions
- Meetings with parents (both individual and groups)
- Caseload surgeries
- Peer awareness sessions
- Assemblies around Autism Awareness
- Learning walks/Environmental audits
- Informal assessments of individual children
- Attendance at My Support Plan meetings and Annual Reviews
- Formal reports
- Training packages
Specific one to one interventions that we offer include:
- Emotional regulation
- Managing anxiety
- Self-awareness
- Diagnosis awareness
- Friendship skills
- Self-esteem/self-confidence
- Inappropriate sexualised behaviour
- Intensive interaction
- Understanding puberty
Specific group interventions that we offer include:
- Social skills
- Transition groups
- Lego Therapy
- Relaxation groups
- Yoga for children
- Others at the request of the school
How to contact us
Support can be accessed through your child’s school.