
All meetings will be chaired by April Ross, Coventry City Council, Debbie Farrell, Coventry City Council will be vice chair.

A meeting quorum will be 7 members of the steering group

Decisions made by consensus (i.e. members are satisfied with the decision even though it may not be their first choice). If not possible, steering group chair makes final decision. This does not apply to decisions that affect individual organisation's budgets.

Meeting agendas minutes will be provided by Venetia Fox and April Ross, Coventry City Council, this includes:

  • preparing agendas and supporting papers.
  • preparing meeting notes and information.
  • all papers will be written in font size 14.
  • Meetings will be held every 3 weeks until October 2023 either at The Hub or via teams.
  • If required subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to subgroup members.
Text that says Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub with a forget me not flower

Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub

Address: Everdon Road,

Telephone: 07957 429324