HAF Provider Nutritional Education Toolkit
We’ve collated a set of Nutritional Education resources for HAF club and activity leaders which we hope will inspire your planning and support you as you continually seek to refresh your resources and find new ways to help children and young people to grow in their understanding of nutrition and eating well for life.
Food a Fact of Life resource bank
A bank of resources to support the delivery of nutritional education based on up-to-date evidence-based, consistent and accurate messages managed by the British Nutritional Foundation (BNF) in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). The link will take to you a range of resources, organised by age groups (key stages) and learning objectives with associated Activity Packs all of which can be edited and tailored to share with your group.
Learning with the NHS food scanner app
This Children’s healthier eating toolkit includes 10 different activities using the NHS Food Scanner app to support families to make positive changes to their diet with a particular focus on making healthier swaps, ideal for primary-aged children.
The Scan, Swipe Swap Activities toolkit introduces children to the Food Scanner app, giving them an awareness of how to find out which foods are healthier than others, and why it is important to know what is in our food.
Public Health England healthy eating resources
A bank of resources for all ages, including activity sheets, lesson plans, videos and printable parent packs and leaflets.
Healthy Eating Toolkit
FoodWise Leeds has co-produced a Healthy Eating Toolkit to support HAF providers embed healthy eating messages and activities throughout their provision. Collaborators include local third sector organisations, schools, community hubs, key food providers, Leeds City Council and Leeds Community Foundation.
Get Set to Eat Fresh
A collaboration with Aldi, Team GB and Paralympics GB to deliver free, curriculum-linked resources to inspire students aged 5–14 to cook and eat healthy, fresh food. Resources are packed with a wide variety of flexible, curriculum-linked content, including films, downloadable student sheets and lesson plans alongside online content for students, teachers and families to allow you to pick and choose activities to suit your setting.
Find primary and secondary Get Set to Eat Fresh resources specially selected for HAF clubs.
Cookery Sessions
We have also developed a series of template cookery sessions for children, both primary and secondary age, and families to support you with your nutritional education offer to children and family food education offer. We hope that they will help give children the skills that they need to buy, cook and enjoy eating and sharing healthy meals in the future and support families to eat healthily on a budget.
Session ideas
Please take advantage of the resources below for session ideas for your club.
Learn why water is good for us, where water comes from and the role it plays in the body. How much we need to drink and tips for making sure you get enough water
- Hydration and Activity Powerpoint
- Drain your Drinks - Delivery Booklet
- Drain your Drinks Activity Booklet
- Are-you-drinking-plenty
- Experiment - Make instant ice cream!
Sugar Savvy
Learn why it is important not to eat too much sugar. Learn about the types of food that can affect the health of our teeth
- PowerPoints that explore how much sugar is in our everyday food and drink.
- Lesson plan and experiment to teach about dental health
- Food detectives
- Eggs in Coke Experiment
- Sugar Smart World take-home pack
How much salt?
Learn why it is important to limit salt and the effects it can have on our body
- Salt Awareness Activities
- KS2 Salt Discussion Session and KS2 Salt Discussion Session Answers
- Salty Potato Experiment
Where food comes from
Learn about plants and animals, how food is grown, reared, or caught and farming and processing
- where food comes from - lesson plans, activities & resources ages 5-7
- where food comes from - lesson plans, activities & resources ages 7-11
- where food comes from - lesson plans, activities & resources 11-14
- Fruit and Veg Bingo!
- Fruit 3-Part Cards
- Food miles powerpoint
From seed to feed
Learn how the fruit and vegetables we eat grow from seeds
- Fruit and vegetable lesson plan
- RHS - Find-a-resource
- Edible parts of a plant
- Food Detectives
- Fruit and Veg Bingo!
- Fruit 3-Part Cards
Balanced diet
Learn the importance of variety across different food groups and limiting junk food
- The Eatwell Guide
- Ideas & resources for healthy eating 5-7yrs
- Ideas & resources for healthy eating 7-11yrs
- Ideas & resources for healthy eating 11-14yrs
- Healthy recipe print outs
- Family snack challenge leaflet
- Go, Slow, and Woah – learn to recognise which foods are ‘all the time foods’ vs. ‘sometimes foods’
From grass to glass
Learn how milk gets from cows to our tables, where cows live and what happens at a dairy farm
- Activities and resources for 5-7 year olds around dairy (milk)
- Activities and resources for 7-11 year olds about dairy (milk)
- Resources for teaching children aged 11-14 years about dairy foods - from farm to fork
- Fruit Smoothie Recipe
Food labelling
Learn about food labels and how to identify foods that are healthy and unhealthy
Processing food
Learn about how and why food is processed
Sustainable diets
Learn about how we all can eat a diet that has a lower impact on the environment - eat a wider variety of protein foods and choose plant protein sources more often – consider food miles and the impact our food has on the environment
Love your gut!
Explore the topic of digestion, friendly gut bacteria, what it does, how to protect it and the fascinating link between gut and brain
- https://guardiansofthegut.org - register for free!
- healthy-eating/digestion 7-11-years
- healthy-eating/digestion 11-14yrs
- Gut friendly banana smoothie recipe
What is energy?
Learn why our bodies and brains need energy from food to function
- Energy - 7-11-years
- Energy - 11-14 years
- Chocolate-marbled-energy-bars recipe
- Berry-and-banana-overnight-oats recipe
Fun food science experiments
- Egg vs Coke - Science Experiment
- Bouncy egg experiment
- Liquid Lava Layers
- Instant Ice Cream
- Milk Magic!
- Edible Science Experiments
Please do let us know how you rate the resources or if you have any that you would like to share with us.