Support for children moving between phases of education
From Early Years settings into school, from one school to another, and from one year group to the next.
Schools support all children through periods of transition so as to minimise the anxiety about moving into a new situation. This support for transition is especially important for children with SEND and schools offer a range of additional support for these children and their families. This support might include additional visits to the new school or class, a pupil passport to help the new teacher/s to understand the child’s needs, a ‘buddy group’ of other children to support the child with SEND through the transition, a map and photographs or a video of the new school, etc.
Preparation for adulthood
A major focus for schools is to prepare all children with SEND for adulthood by helping them to develop the independence skills they will need to join in and access all the future opportunities of work, independent living and social life. The SEND Code of Practice (2014) expects this preparation to begin from the earliest years. This preparation will include developing the skills of reading and writing in addition to social and communication skills and practical skills, such as crossing the road safely and using IT.
SEN team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097