Chair's foreword

I am delighted to present the Coventry Health and Wellbeing strategy.  Our strategy has been refreshed up to 2026 to reflect the changes to our short-term priorities, the learning from the pandemic, and alignment to plans and strategies across the health and care system. It highlights the improvements in health and wellbeing that have been achieved in the city since 2019 but also recognises the challenges and that more needs to be done to prevent ill-health and reduce inequalities, build resilience in communities and integrate services.

Since we published our previous strategy, for 2019 to 2023, there have been significant changes to the way health services are planned and commissioned and the refreshed strategy reflects this.  Our Strategy has an increased focus on working together with communities which will be crucial to our success. Making the most of our strengthened system partnerships that have worked together so effectively during the pandemic will help work towards our high-level ambitions.

Councillor Kamran Caan

Councillor Kamran Asif Caan
Chair of Coventry Health & Wellbeing Board


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097