Taking action: An update on wider determinants of health

2023 marks a decade since Coventry became a Marmot City and the population health approach is very much embedded into ways of working throughout Coventry.  The city is now embedding the One Coventry Plan, which rather than being a programme or project is a different approach to working with and for our communities. The One Coventry plan highlights a continued commitment to strengthen the Marmot City approach through encouraging healthy lifestyle & providing quality healthcare[1].  Since the publication of the strategy, the following developments have been made:

  • Coventry City Council is amongst 10 local authorities that have been awarded funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to create a Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) within Coventry over the next 5 years[2].  This is an opportunity to build on the evidence base around the wider determinants of population health and health inequalities and develop a new research culture and capability in the authority.
  • The Marmot Partnership (previously Marmot Steering Group) continues to bring together key stakeholders from across the system to provide an ongoing strategic focus on health inequalities[3].   A new monitoring tool for 2023 onwards has been developed by the Marmot Partnership.  This strategic monitoring tool aims to support the work of the Partnership by understanding what local action is needed and where in the system, what has been effective and share good practice and influence partners strategic priorities to improve health equity.  The monitoring tool uses the eight Marmot policy objectives as the overarching themes to bring together activities, and a new set of indicators to measure the progress made in reducing health inequalities for those living in Coventry.  The Health and Wellbeing Board will be updated annually on Marmot activity and any progress made against the indicators and outcome measures in this monitoring tool. System partners will also be provided with evidence of progress made on the Marmot Priorities key priorities to influence the strategic prioritisation of resources.

Businesses Committed to Fairer Coventry

Developed between Public Health, Employment and Skills, and Business and Economic development colleagues the ‘Businesses committed to a fairer Coventry’ campaign aims to work with Coventry businesses to consider how they can implement fairer work practices for their employees.  This addresses the well understood link between poor quality work and inequalities.

The Marmot review for industry ‘The Business of Health Equity’ (2022) sets out the important role that businesses play in the health and wellbeing of their employees by providing good quality work and opportunities to develop skills and improving health equity. Legal and General in partnership with the Marmot team at the Institute of Health Equity chose Coventry to hold a round table event in March 2022 to launch the review and stimulate discussions. January 2023 saw a national network for businesses launched to share information and learning in the drive to tackle health inequalities.  ‘Businesses committed to a fairer Coventry’ is our local response to the review (see infographic below). The campaign pilot will commence June 2023.

Committed to a fairer Coventry


Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097