FOI and EIR requests about schools, libraries and learning.
- In-year changes of school
- Lead water pipes in schools
- LFT testing advice to schools
- Libraries opened and closed between 2017 and 2019
- Library purchases
- Library service points
- Library Usage
- Live Birth Data 2020-2022
- Local Authority funding online Schools
- Local authority-maintained school internal audits.
- Local Offer SEND funding
- Locations of school crossings
- Mental health absence in schools
- Mental health provision in schools
- Mental Health Specialists in Schools
- Nitrates in schools
- Non attendance of children at school
- Non-school alternative providers
- Number of libraries
- Number of weapons or bladed articles seized from pupils
- Overdue Library Books
- Payments for NHS Speech and Language Service
- Personal Budgets for Education
- Personal Budgets in Education Jan 2023
- Placements in independent special schools
- Preparations for Labour Private School VAT
- Primary school admissions 2021
- Primary School places for children with special needs
- Private Special Schools
- Private finance initiative (PFI) schools
- Private finance initiative (PFI) schools contract terminations
- Private school fees
- Providers of SEND education (4-19) and fostering, children's home
- Provision for children on the autistic spectrum
- PRU capacity
- PRU Deficits
- Public libraries
- Pupil Data - Children Not in Education
- Pupil fixed period exclusions
- Pupil managed moves and negotiated transfers
- Pupils absent from Secondary Schools
- Pupils found with offensive weapons
- Racist incidents in schools
- Radio aids for deaf children
- Recruitment agencies spend on teachers
- Referrals by school staff
- Rejected Education, Health and Care Plans
- Restraint at schools
- RSE resources in schools
- RSHE / PSHE support offer for schools