FOI and EIR requests about schools, libraries and learning.
- RSE resources in schools
- RSHE / PSHE support offer for schools
- S175 or S157 safeguarding audit
- School & Academy Spending
- School admissions
- School Admissions
- School Admissions
- School admissions and civil penalties
- School applications
- School attendance
- School attendance
- School attendance orders
- School attendance staff
- School Catering Service
- School census data
- School closures
- School cluster groups
- School clusters
- School condition collection program
- School Crossing Patrol Officers
- School deficit projections and licensed deficit arrangements 2024/2025
- School fines 2020/21
- School fires
- School Literacy Levels
- School local authority support units (SLSUs)
- School lockdown procedures
- School Meals for Primary Aged Children
- School non attendance
- School Numbers and Home Schooling
- School placements 2020-2021
- School repairs
- School software support
- School supplementary grant
- School unauthorised absences
- School uniform grant
- School Uniforms
- Schools - PFI or PF2 contracts
- Schools Agency Staff
- Schools applying for funding for construction work
- Schools closed for structural issues
- Schools closure for longer than 2 weeks
- Schools financial outturn 2022/23 and forecasts
- Schools model pay policy
- Schools safeguarding audit
- Schools Supplementary Grant
- Schools using temporary accommodation
- Secondary School Admissions 2020
- Secondary School Appeals
- Secondary school services
- Seizure of knives at schools