FOI and EIR requests about health and social care.
- Payments to care homes
- People removed due to poor housing conditions
- Placements Team
- Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Prescribed tranquiliser dependency
- Private care homes
- Ramp installations
- Ramps, DFG and adaptations contractors
- Rates for supported living
- Referrals regarding female genital mutilation
- Referrals to LADO
- Reports of abuse against disabled adults
- Reports of sexual abuse against disabled adults between 2022 and 2023
- Resident-to-resident harm in residential care settings
- Residential nursing home costs
- Safeguarding alerts in Adult Social Care
- School Age Immunisation Services
- Semi-Independent Accommodation
- Sexual health clinics
- Sexual health clinics closures
- Sexual Health postal testing kits
- Sexual Health Services
- Smith-Magenis Syndrome
- Social care case management and CHC Assessments
- Social Care charges and enforcement
- Social care financial assessments
- Social Care OT Waiting List
- Social Care providers reporting Brexit risk
- Social care staff sickness during the pandemic
- Social Care Supported Living
- Social Prescribing Link Workers
- Social Services data recording system
- Specialist Residential placements for Adults and Children
- Spend on domiciliary care and direct payments schemes
- Spend on Pathology or Laboratory testing
- Spend on Pathology or Laboratory testing 2022
- Standards for Employers of Social Workers
- Start for Life services
- Statutory advocacy
- Substance use contract
- Substance use disorder
- Suicide prevention for veterans
- Suicide prevention programme
- Support for the deaf community
- Supported Living Framework
- Supported living services
- Supported Living Services
- Supported living services
- Supported living services for adults
- Supported Living Services: hourly rates