FOI and EIR requests about health and social care.
- Supported Living within Coventry
- Taking care of the animals/pets under Care Act responsibilities
- Technology Enabled Care Service
- Telecare contracts
- Telecare monitoring
- Telecare switch to digital
- Telecare/Assistive Technology
- Tier 2 COVID-19 restrictions
- Tier 2 Weight Management
- Tier 2 weight management services
- Track and trace app
- Training for Children’s social workers
- Trinity Lodge costs
- UHCW complaints
- Unpaid carers
- Unvaccinated staff policy
- VAT on social care services
- VAT paid to suppliers of Adult or Children care
- Victims of modern slavery and human trafficking
- Visual Impairment
- Voids/empty beds in care homes
- Waiting times for care packages
- Waiting times for domestic abuse support
- Weight Management Services
- Women's Health Services
- Workloads in social care
- Young people's supported accommodation