Updates from the Hospital Education Service

Updates are for parents/carers of pupils attending Hospital Education Service only

Teacher Training Day

Dear Parent/Guardians,

On Wednesday 3 July, the Hospital Education Service will be closed to students due to Teacher Training Day.

This affects pupils on Home Tuition/Remote Learning/Small Group and anyone accessing Whitmore Park Annexe.

The Hospital School will also be closed. School will reopen as normal on Thursday 4 July.

Thank you

Coventry HAF Programme

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are contacting you to let you know that bookings go live today for the Coventry Holiday Activities & Food Programme (HAF Summer Fun). Pupils that are eligible will have access to range of opportunities over the Summer Holidays. We know from experience, HAF is making a difference to the quality of holiday experiences for children and young people.

There are approximately 100 different activities, experiences, and clubs available, delivered by over 50 providers and with over 20,000 sessions available to book.

Follow our HAF facebook page and to share the link to this.

Important Information:

  • If your child is eligible or you are unsure if they are, please contact your home school link to access your child’s individual code.
  • If you require support with booking activities for your child, please contact the main office to arrange a time.

If you have any questions, please contact HAFprogramme@coventry.gov.uk

Online learning research project

Dear Parent and Carers,

We are working with Charmaine Ricki-Lawrence from the University of Sheffield to support a research project on Children's views of their relationships with teachers and/or tutors they meet in online learning platforms (e.g., zoom). The research will also look at how the relational factors identified by children might impact teaching and learning.

There is additional information available in the documents posted below. Please share the flyer with your child so they can understand what the project is about.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Takolia.

Parent Information Sheet

Pupil Flyer – Secondary

Pupil Flyer – Primary

Research Flyer

Thank you.

Election for Parent Governor

Dear parents and carers,

We have received three nominations for the parent governor vacancies. A ballot is therefore necessary and votes will therefore be required.

Further information can be found in the information letter below.

Parent Governor Ballot Letter

Mrs Cutler

Parent Governor vacancy

Dear parents and carers,

The Governing Body has a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Governors play a key role in the school, working as a team to provide support and challenge, and influencing strategies. We are hoping that parents will nominate themselves or others and help us by contributing ideas and influencing decision-making.

Outlines of procedures for nominations are set out in the letter below, but please contact the school directly to talk informally about being a School Governor.

The Governing Body is made up of parents, teachers and other members of the community. The Governing Body meets to support the work of the school, and together with the Headteacher is responsible for making sure that the school provides a good standard of education for pupils. Appendix B outlines the eligibility criteria for Becoming a Governor.

If you would like to become a Governor, or to put forward the name of another parent who is willing to stand, please complete the nomination paper below, or call in at the school office for a paper copy.

The deadline for the vacancy is Friday 19 January 2024 at 3.30pm.

PD Calendar - Academic year 2023-24

Dear parent/carer(s)

We have launched our new Personal Development (PD)Calendar that provides you with an overview of activities we have planned for pupils throughout the academic year. It will also include any events relevant to parents and carers. The hangable A4 calendar is available as an electronic copy.

If you would like a printed copy please contact Mr Takolia (asif.takolia@coventry.gov.uk).

PD Calendar 2023-2024

Mr Takolia

Assistant Head Teacher