Updates from the Hospital Education Service

Updates are for parents/carers of pupils attending Hospital Education Service only.

Teacher Training Day

Dear Parent/Guardians, 

On Wednesday 3 July, the Hospital Education Service will be closed to students due to Teacher Training Day. 

This affects pupils on Home Tuition/Remote Learning/Small Group and anyone accessing Whitmore Park Annexe. 

The Hospital School will also be closed. School will reopen as normal on Thursday 4 July. 

Thank you 

Coventry HAF Programme

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are contacting you to let you know that bookings go live today for the Coventry Holiday Activities & Food Programme (HAF Summer Fun). Pupils that are eligible will have access to range of opportunities over the Summer Holidays. We know from experience, HAF is making a difference to the quality of holiday experiences for children and young people.

There are approximately 100 different activities, experiences, and clubs available, delivered by over 50 providers and with over 20,000 sessions available book.  

Some key information for you:

 Follow our HAF facebook page  and to share the link to this.

Important Information:

  • If your child is eligible or you are unsure if they are, please contact your home school link to access your child’s individual code.
  • If you require support with booking activities for your child, please contact the main office to arrange a time.

If you have any questions, please contact HAFprogramme@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:HAFprogramme@coventry.gov.uk]

Online learning research project

Dear Parent and Carers,

We are working with Charmaine Ricki-Lawrence from the University of Sheffield to support a research project on Children's views of their relationships with teachers and/or tutors they meet in online learning platforms (e.g., zoom). The research will also look at how the relational factors identified by children might impact teaching and learning.

There is additional information available in the documents posted below. Please share the flyer with your child so they can understand what the project is about.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Takolia.

Parent Information Sheet [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/42043/parent-information-sheet]

Pupil Flyer – Secondary [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/42042/participant-info-secondary]

Pupil Flyer – Primary [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/42041/participant-info-primary]

Research Flyer [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/42044/research-flyer]

Thank you.

Election for Parent Governor

Dear parents and carers,

We have received three nominations for the parent governor vacancies. A ballot is therefore necessary and votes will therefore be required. 

Further information can be found in the information letter below. 

Parent Governor Ballot Letter [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41569/parent-governor-ballot-letter]

Mrs Cutler

Parent Governor vacancy

Dear parents and carers, 

The Governing Body has a vacancy for a Parent Governor.  Governors play a key role in the school, working as a team to provide support and challenge, and influencing strategies. We are hoping that parents will nominate themselves or others and help us by contributing ideas and influencing decision-making.

Outlines of procedures for nominations are set out in the letter below, but please contact the school directly to talk informally about being a School Governor.

The Governing Body is made up of parents, teachers and other members of the community.  The Governing Body meets to support the work of the school, and together with the Headteacher is responsible for making sure that the school provides a good standard of education for pupils. Appendix B outlines the eligibility criteria for Becoming a Governor. 

If you would like to become a Governor, or to put forward the name of another parent who is willing to stand, please complete the nomination paper below, or call in at the school office for a paper copy.  

The deadline for the vacancy is Friday 19 January 2024 at 3.30pm. 

PD Calendar - Academic year 2023-24

Dear parent/carer(s) 

We have launched our new Personal Development (PD)Calendar that provides you with an overview of activities we have planned for pupils throughout the academic year. It will also include any events relevant to parents and carers. The hangable A4 calendar is available as an electronic copy. 

If you would like a printed copy please contact Mr Takolia (asif.takolia@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:asif.takolia@coventry.gov.uk]). 

PD Calendar 2023-2024  [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/40981/pd-calendar-2023-24]

Mr Takolia

Assistant Head Teacher

Safeguarding support

Safeguarding information and resources

The Hospital Education Service is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all students and staff members.  We recognise the vulnerability of the pupils that attend our service due to barriers to their physical and mental health. At our school we have an open door policy whereby there is always a trusted adult for your child to speak to. Pupils can also use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on both our Website and Pupil SharePoint homepage to trigger a response from the School Safeguarding Team. 

As a school we believe that safeguarding is not only about protecting children and young people from abuse and neglect but also their families too. It is our intention therefore to support families by signposting them to services that may assist families when they are facing difficulties themselves. 

You can find out more information about our school's response to child protection and safeguarding via our policy [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/40891/child-protection-and-safeguarding-policy-2023-2024]

Hospital Education Service contacts for safeguarding concerns 

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs S Cutler
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss Griffin
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr Takolia

Telephone: 024 7633 7734

Below you will find lots of resources and links to support positive mental health and wellbeing.  We will keep adding to these resources, so do check back regularly.

Operation Encompass 

In conjunction with Coventry Police, our school is involved in a national initiative called “Operation Encompass”.  The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident.

Following an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared.  Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff are made aware early enough to help and support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.

This is a valuable initiative that means we can help and support students and their families within our school when they need us most.

Prevent extremism 

At HES we are committed to preventing extremism and radicalisation to keep our pupils safe. Over the last few years, global events have led to a growth of extremist viewpoints, including advocacy of violent extremism. Schools have an important part to play in both educating children and young people about extremism and recognising when pupils start to become radicalised. Recently the Government launched an ‘Educate Against Hate’ website [http://educateagainsthate.com/] designed to provide practical advice for schools, parents and students about tackling extremism and radicalisation.

Below you will find a selection of resources which contain important guidance for parents designed to support you.

Parent links

Our school newsletters

Our half-term highlights are a collection of events and activities that pupils at the Hospital Education Service have been involved in. If there is something that needs correcting or you would like to make a suggestion about what you would like to see in our newsletter please contact Mr Takolia.

We hope you enjoy reading through the marvellous and wonderful work our pupils and staff are involved in. 

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Academic Year 2020 - 2021

View all our newsletters [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6557/school-newsletters].

Feedback surveys

As a service, we regularly take feedback from parent/carers and pupils on different aspects of their learning experience here at the Hospital Education Service. 

Please find below the surveys we currently have running.

Exit surveys - When your child is moving to a new education destination:

Comments, Compliments, Complaints - General feedback throughout the academic year 

Comments, Compliments, Complaint [https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Zfr8cUYHyE6bFq2S-y3hAhDlftIOHd1Bnfvj0DKmnORUM0ZKQ0IxVVlGSldCNFpUU1pRWTVKTEM4OS4u]

If you have an urgent worry please use the 'Report a Concern' facility on the homepage or contact a member of SLT via the main contact number. 


We are really pleased to share with you important and fantastic news that Kooth.com [https://www.kooth.com] has been commissioned by Coventry City Council and the Coventry Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group. The service is now live and the award-winning and innovative online counselling and support service is now available to all young people aged 11-25 across Coventry.

What is Kooth?

It is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for young people to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. Kooth is widely used across the country and is well rated by young people.
Kooth is linked into the wider mental health support available online in a safe and secure platform.
What can Kooth offer my child?

  • Online mental health counselling and chat services from midday to 10pm during the week, and 6pm to 10pm at weekends
  • Peer to peer support through moderated discussion forums
  • Self-care tools and resources to build resilience
  • Early response to and identification of emotional wellbeing and mental health problems
  • And there are no waiting lists, referrals or thresholds to access the service

What do I need to do as a parent to support my child with Kooth?

Take a look at the Kooth poster (PNG) [https://mcusercontent.com/87a4faa015f2aa152cf0dbb89/images/0e76c48f-53f8-4a93-9063-f6d540b20989.png] and Kooth Sign up information.

Where can I get more information from?

We are looking to put together a parent pack with information about Kooth and this will be sent out in due course.

If you have any further questions, Kooth have a dedicated Parent/Carer email - parent@kooth.com [mailto:parent@kooth.com]

Relationships and Sex Education

Parent/Carer Consultation regarding Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

In the Summer Term of the 2021-22 academic year, we consulted parents/carers on the programme of Relationships and Sex Education [https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/cheam/uploads/document/RSE-Curriculum-Map-CHS.pdf] that we deliver at the Hospital Education Service. We took feedback from parents and are grateful for the input as we continue to seek to develop a curriculum for pupils which proactively supports and protects them as they make their journey towards becoming young adults. At the Hospital Education Service we incorporate the RSE Statutory framework into our PSHE Curriculum.

We consulted parents/carers on our updated draft RSE Policy in March 2021. We greatly appreciated the response from all parents and carers who took the time to take part in our consultation and this has provided useful feedback for us. If you have any further questions about our RSE policy or any element of our RSE curriculum, please do not hesitate to email Mr Takolia (Assistant Head Teacher).

The Department for Education has made teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education compulsory in all secondary schools since September 2020. However, due to the pandemic the compulsory implementation of this curriculum was delayed to Summer 2021. Most of this programme is delivered through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and Wellbeing programme. We also use a range of external speakers to support the work we do in RSE. Last year we used CRASAC, NHS and CCSP (Coventry Children's Safeguarding Partnership) to deliver workshops for our pupils.

We have made updates to our curriculum for 2022-2023 to ensure that our curriculum explicitly educates our pupils about sexual abuse and sexual harassment following the Ofsted review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-sexual-abuse-in-schools-and-colleges/review-of-sexual-abuse-in-schools-and-colleges] in the wake of the Everyone's Invited website and the murder of Sarah Everard in 2021.

Part of our responsibility is to consult with you on our proposed sequence of delivery and take into account your feedback in our plans. Although we must teach all of the topics that are included in our RSE curriculum, the order in which we teach them is negotiable.

RSE curriculum information
Description Link

Requirements as set out by the government.

RSE Secondary Expectations [https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/oaksparkhigh/uploads/document/RSE-Expectations-for-Secondary-Schools.pdf]

HES Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2023-2024

RSE Policy [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/36975/relationship-and-sex-education-policy]

The curriculum plan indicating proposed order and the age of students for the content proposed.

HES Curriculum Map 2023-2024 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/40996/pshe-curriculum-overview-2023-2024]

Parent/Carer(s) RSE Consultation information webinar

Parent Information Session [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/40995/rse-parent-presentation-statutory-changes]

Parent/Carer Feedback Survey Link to form [https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Zfr8cUYHyE6bFq2S-y3hAhDlftIOHd1Bnfvj0DKmnORUQlZVN0tLWFdUV0JWWFpGWjcxMEtGUTdTTS4u]

To further inform the feedback you may wish to provide, you may find the following links useful: