What doesn't the Council have to release?
We do not have to release all the information we hold. There are good reasons for this.
For example, some information may be withheld for crime prosecution purposes, to protect vulnerable people and some for reasons of commercial confidentiality such as trade secrets.
FOI details the types of information that may be exempt from publishing and/or disclosing and calls them "exemptions".
There are 24 exemptions in FOI. 8 are absolute exemptions - there is no obligation on us to disclose the information; 16 non-absolute, that is they rely on a Public Interest Test ( "PIT") applied on a case by case basis to determine whether the information that is covered by them should be released or withheld.
Where a PIT is used the intention will be to release as much information as possible, not to withhold information.
FOI allows us to claim these exemptions for information in its Scheme's Classes of Information, "Classes". Information listed in the Scheme for example, is exempt from disclosure under FOI.
Some exemptions will apply to all the Classes, for example, information that we are not allowed to publish because of other legislation. Other exemptions will be specific to an individual class of information.
Where we do not release information that has been requested, we will issue a "refusal notice". This will detail what has been withheld, why and what exemption (s) applies. It will also detail how you can complain about our decision.
You have a right to make an appeal about the outcome of your request to our Information Governance Team.
If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of this appeal, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Information Governance
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097